Pistis Sophia – Chapter 32

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“And Pistis Sophia cried out most exceedingly, she cried to the Light of lights which she had seen from the beginning, in which she had had faith, and uttered this repentance, saying thus:

Pistis Sophia cries to the Light of lights and cries out with a great voice. Sophia converted into intellectualism is no longer Sophia. Thus, the evil thoughts emerge in sequence.

The first repentance of Sophia

1.O Light of lights, in whom I have had faith from the beginning, hearken now then O light, unto my repentance. Save me, O Light, for evil thoughts have entered into me.

2.I gazed, O Light, into the lower parts and saw there a light, thinking: I will go to that region, in order that I may take that light. And I went and found myself in the darkness which is in the chaos below and I could no more speed thence and go to my region, for I was sore pressed by all the emanations of Self- willed, and the lion-faced power took away my light in me.

3.And I cried for help, but my voice hath not reached out of the darkness. And I looked unto the height, that the Light, in which I had faith, might help me.

4.And when I looked unto the height, I saw all the rulers of the Aeons, how in their numbers they looked down on me and rejoiced over me, though I had done them no ill; but they hated me without a cause. And when the emanations of Self-willed saw the rulers of the Aeons rejoicing over me, they knew that the rulers of the Aeons would not come to my aid; and those emanations which sore pressed me with violence, took courage, and the light which I had not taken from them, they have taken from me.

5.Now, therefore, O Light of Truth, thou knowest that I have done this in my innocence, thinking that the lion-faced light-power belonged to thee; and the sin which I have done is open before thee.

6.Suffer me no more to lack, O Lord, for I have had faith in thy light from the beginning; O Lord, O Light of the powers, suffer me no more to lack my light.

7.For because of thy inducement and for the sake of thy light am I fallen into this oppression, and shame hath covered me.

8.And because of the illusion of thy light, I am become a stranger to my brethren, the invisibles, and to the great emanations of Barbelo.

9.This hath befallen me, O Light, because I have been zealous for thy abode; and the wrath of Self-willed is come upon me of him who had not hearkened unto thy command to emanate from the emanation of his power- because I was in his aeon without performing his mystery.

10.And all the rulers of the Aeons mocked me.

11.And I was in that region, mourning and seeking after the light, which I had seen in the height.

12.And the guards of the gates of the Aeons searched for me, and all who remain in their mystery mocked me.

13.But looked up unto the height towards thee and had faith in thee. Now, therefore, O Light of lights, I am sore pressed in the darkness of chaos. If now thou wilt come to save me,–great is thy mercy,–then hear me in truth and save me.

14.Save me out of the matter of this darkness, that I may not be submerged therein, that I may be saved from the emanations of god Self-willed which press me sore, and from their evil doings.

15.Let not this darkness submerge me, and let not this lion-faced power entirely devour the whole of my power, and let not this chaos shroud my power.

16.Hear me, O Light, for thy grace is precious, and look down upon me according to the great mercy of Light.

17.Turn not thy face from me, for I am exceedingly tormented

18.Haste thee; hearken unto me and save my power.

19.Save me because of the rulers who hate me, for thou knowest my sore oppression and my torment and the torment of my power, which they have taken from me. They who have set me in all this evil are before thee; deal with them according to thy good pleasure.

20.My power looked forth from the midst of the chaos and from the midst of the darkness, and I waited for my pair, that he should come and fight for me, and he came not, and I looked that he should come and lend me power, and I found him not.

21.And when I sought the light, they gave me darkness and when I saw my power, they gave me matter.

22.Now, therefore, O Light of lights may the darkness and the matter which the emanations of the Self-willed have brought upon me, be unto them for a snare, and may they be ensnared therein, and recompense them and may they be made to stumble and not come into the region of their Self-willed.

23.May they remain in the darkness and not behold the light; may they behold the chaos forever, and let them not look unto the height.

24.Bring upon them their revenge, and may thy judgment lay hold upon them.

25.Let them not henceforth come into their region to their god Self- willed, and let not his emanations henceforth come into their regions; for their god is impious and self- willed, and he thought that he had done this evil of himself not knowing that, had I not been brought low according to thy command, he would not have had any authority over me.

26.But when thou hadst by thy command brought me low, they pursued me the more, and their emanations added pain to my humiliation.

27.And they have taken light-power from me and fallen again to pressing me sore, in order to take away all the light in me.
28.Because of this in which they have set me, let them not ascend to the thirteenth aeon, the region of Justice.

29.But let them not be reckoned in the lot of those who purify themselves and the light, and let them not be reckoned with those who will quickly repent, that they may quickly receive mysteries in the Light.

30.For they have taken my light from me, and my power hath begun to cease in me and I am destitute of my light.

31.Now, therefore, O Light, which is in thee and is with me, I sing praises to thy name, O Light, in glory.

32.May my song of praise please thee, O Light as an excellent mystery, which leadeth to the gates of the Light, which they who shall repent will utter, and the light of which will purify them.

33.Now, therefore, let all matters rejoice; seek ye all the Light, that the power of the stars which is in you, may live.

34.For the Light hath heard the matters, nor will it leave any without having purified them.

35.Let the souls and the matters praise the Lord of all Aeons, and [let] the matters and all that is in them [praise him].

36.For God shall save their soul from all matters, and a city shall be prepared in the Light, and all the souls who are saved, will dwell in that city and will inherit it.

37.And the soul of them who shall receive mysteries will abide in that region, and they who have received mysteries in its name will abide therein.

The Self- willed and the lion-faced power absorbed the reflections of Sophia. Sophia has found herself within the obscurity.

Sophia asks for help from the Darkness. Sophia suffers inexpressibly in the Darkness.

The Rulers of the Aeons show resentment towards Sophia when she changes places. Sophia travels wherever she pleases. She can stay in the Thirteenth Aeon or in the Chaos. In essence, Sophia, the Wisdom, is a concrete result of a symbiosis of the mixture of Light with Darkness.

The descent of the Logos into matter is made dialectically comprehensible by means of the Cosmic Drama.

The immersion of the Spirit into matter is dialectically explainable with the life, passion, death and resurrection of Christ within ourselves.

Sophia is the result of the descent of the Logos into the Chaos.

The lion- faced light-power, which is the triple inferior power: mind, desire and sexual degeneration, have nothing to do with That which is beyond the body, affections and the mind; That is the Truth.

The great emanations of Barbelo, the abode of the Light, can never be comprehended by the intellectual light.

The Uncreated Light is distinct from the intellect, as water is from oil.

When the Initiate lets himself fall he then cannot enjoy the emanations of Barbelo.

There are those who being jealous of the abode of Barbelo fall into the Darkness, where the cries and gnashing of teeth are heard.

The self- willed ego never obeys, and it always emanates from itself that which should never be emanated.

The Rulers of the Aeons mock the intellectualism that is blindly confused with Sophia.

In the inferior regions, the Initiate is lamenting and is searching for the Light that he has seen in the heights.

The Guards of the gates of the Aeons want to grant the Initiate the right to pass, but when they see him very much alive, they realize that he is not yet prepared.

Sophia is found in the sexual Chaos, in the brute Azoth.

We must liberate Sophia from within the darkness of the Chaos.

This is possible by transmuting the sacred sperm into creative energy.

There exist two Chaos, the one from the Macrocosm and the one from the Microcosm. The Chaos of the Microcosm is found in our sexual organs.

In the Chaos of Creation, the elements and the principles, the Darkness and the Light, are found confused, intermixed, and without the possibility of one reacting over the other.

This is the reason why the Chaos in the figure of the world, which contains in itself the materials of our Hermetic Globe, has been painted by many artists. The Cosmos comes from the Chaos, and the Light from the Darkness.

In no way can the Cosmos and the Light emerge in the Macrocosm or in the Microcosm without the help of Pistis Sophia.

However, Sophia wants to ascend up to the Thirteenth Aeon.

The subjective reasoning within the intellectual animal is a type of chaos where disorder reigns.

Obviously, the chaotic disorder of the subjective reasoning also overtakes Sophia, and totally alters her.

However, it is not convenient to confuse the authentic, venerable Chaos of sex with these types of intellectual and emotional chaos of the tri-cerebral biped, mistakenly called human being.

Sophia aspires to reach the Thirteenth Aeon. Sophia does not want to be in the Darkness.

Sophia waits for the Grace of the Uncreated Light to come and give her help.

Sophia wishes the Light to turn its face towards her because she is suffering in the Chaos. Sophia wishes for the Light to save her luminous powers.

The Archons protest for Sophia, they long for her, and at times they see themselves without her.

Nevertheless, the Rulers know that Sophia must illuminate the Chaos. What would become of the Rulers, what would become of us if Pistis Sophia would not enter into the Chaos?

How could we perform the ‘Great Work’ without Pistis Sophia? The Chaos also needs Pistis Sophia.

The Rulers need Sophia to be in the Chaos, so that they can perform the Great Work within themselves.

We had said, and we repeat again, that the Archons are the diverse, autonomous and Self- conscious parts of our own Being.

By itself, the Essence within each one of us could never perform all of the ‘Great Work.’ It is necessary for the Rulers, which means the diverse, Self-conscious and independent parts of our own Being, to work intensely in the Great Work.

Only thus, when all the parts of the Being are working, can we reach the intimate Self- realization.

The superior part of the Being must intensely help man, because if He (the superior part of the Being) does not help him, man fails, and if man fails, the superior part or the superior parts also fail.

The Initiate illuminated by Sophia looks towards the Height. He observes from the Chaos, and from the midst of the obscurity he awaits with infinite longing for his pair, for his Walkiria, for his Spiritual Soul. However, he suffers because she has not yet arrived. The Walkiria, the beautiful Helen, the Buddhi, is like a fine and transparent glass of alabaster through which the Flame of Pragna burns.

To integrate oneself with the Walkiria, to be completely betrothed with the beautiful Helen, is only possible by means of Resurrection.

Unquestionably, all the Christic principles are found contained within Buddhi. When the Causal Man is integrated with Buddhi, he becomes resurrected. Man, in his totality, becomes illuminated with this whole integration. But, how difficult it is to obtain such an integration.

In no way is such integration possible without the previous elimination of the psychic aggregates that we carry within our interior.

The Causal Man is the true man, and the beautiful Helen is his real wife.

The mental and astral bodies, and the physical vehicle with its vital base are his only vestures.

Doctor John Faust, physician, enchanter and magician, was married with his pair, in other words, with the beautiful Helen of Troy.

One time, John Faust made the beautiful Helen visible and tangible before a group of young students that were left in astonishment before such beauty.

The Initiate, inebriated by Sophia, searches for Light, yet he receives Darkness. He wants power, yet he receives matter. The Rulers punish him for his own good.

Nevertheless, the Archons also suffer from the effects of Karma.

The Rulers working in the Chaos suffer inexpressibly. They want to ascend and cry.

It is obviously necessary to work in the Chaos in order to have the right to rise towards the Light.

Every ascent is preceded by a descent, and every exaltation is anteceded by a terrible and frightful humiliation.

The Self- willed god, the terrestrial man with the animal ego within, is always impious and perverse.

Sophia does not wish for the Self-willed god to receive the advent of the Rulers. Sophia does not wish for the radiation of the ego to affect the Archons.

Sophia knows very well what the ego is capable of. The Self- willed always feels that he, is a of all.

The ego feels as though he has authority over Pistis Sophia.

The Self- willed ego thinks that all that happens to Pistis Sophia is by its power, and by its authority.

The Self- willed is the triple inferior power dominated by the ego.

The ego in itself, is plural. It is a sum of multiple, psychic inhuman aggregates, which are living personifications of the psychological defects that we carry within our interior.

Pistis Sophia descends into the Chaos, by the command of the Father of all Lights, and by the command of the Self-willed.

Pistis Sophia, adulterated and absorbed by the scoundrels of the intellect, and converted into intellectualism, is the calamity of this epoch of Kali-Yuga.

Now, the Kalkian personalities of this Iron Age are abundant.

Nevertheless, the perverse ones believe that they have within their degenerated brains all the sapience of Pistis Sophia.

The perverse ones of intellectualism are precisely the ones who are against the ascension of Pistis Sophia.

The scoundrels of the intellect do not want anything to do with real Spirituality. The scoundrels of the mind do not want the ascension of Pistis Sophia to the Thirteenth Aeon. In no way can we forget that the Thirteenth Aeon is the Region of the Cosmic Justice.

Obviously, the mere intellective functionalism cannot purify anyone. Before anything, it is necessary to pass through great emotional crises.

If the water does not boil at one hundred degrees, that which must be disintegrated does not disintegrate, and that which must be crystallized does not crystallize. The disintegration of any psychic aggregate is possible only based on conscious works and voluntary sufferings.

The Mysteries of the Light are possible only for those who have disintegrated within themselves the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within our interior.

Sophia, deprived of her Light, is the intellectualism of the Self- willed ego, the antichrist. Sophia sings praises to the Verb of the Light.

The Light purifies those who truly are repented of their errors.

Each time that an undesirable psychic element is disintegrated within ourselves, a luminous power crystallizes in our personality.

This is how the luminous Soul is crystallizing within ourselves.

May the power of the Stars perpetuate in each Initiate. This is our greatest longing. The luminous Beings and the luminous Being within ourselves want to purify us. Purification is possible only by disintegrating the undesirable elements of our psyche.

The disintegration of the undesirable elements of the psyche is never possible without the direct help of Stella Mans.

Stella Mans is the Virgin of the Sea, the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers. Stella Mans is a variation of our own Being.

Stella Mans is our own Being, but a derivative.

The Light wants to purify all the Beings and persons. The Light hears the prayer of all the Beings and persons.

May the people and the Souls praise the Lord of all Aeons, the Cosmic Common Eternal Father. This is our longing.

God will liberate the soul of all matter, and the city of Heliopolis will open its gates, in order for the perfect ones to enter through them.

They will abide in that city, and they will inherit it.

That is the new Jerusalem from “The Apocalypse” of St. John.

The Initiates will abide in the city of Heliopolis, in the luminous regions of the Great Light.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to note that only those who have completed the Great Work can reside in the city of Heliopolis.

Samael Aun Weor

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