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The conquest of the Ultra Mare Vitae or Super-Himinal and Ultra Terrestrial World would be more than impossible if we commit the error of underestimating women.

The delightful Word of ISIS arises from the deep bosom of all ages awaiting the moment of its fulfillment.

The ineffable words of the Goddess NEITH have been carved with letters of Gold on the resplendent walls of the temple of wisdom.



The early religion of Jaina or Jainism, that is to say, the golden, solar quiritaria and superhuman doctrine of the Jinas is absolutely sexual. This you know.

It is written with burning coals in the Book of Life that during the Golden Age of Lacio and Liguria, the Divine King Janus or Saturn (I.A.O., BACCHUS, JEHOVAH IODHEVE) ruled wisely over those holy people, all the Aryan tribes, although they were of very diverse origins and eras.

And so, my God! How happily Jinas and men lived together in such periods of Ancient Arcadia.

From within the ineffable mystic idyll, commonly called “THE ENCHANTMENT OF GOOD FRIDAY”, we feel from the bottom of our hearts that in our sexual organs there exists a terribly Divine power which can either liberate or enslave man.

Sexual energy contains within itself the living archetype of authentic Solar Man, which must take shape within us.

Many suffering souls wish to enter transcendental Monsalvat but unfortunately this is more than impossible due to the Veil of ISIS or adamic sexual Veil.

In the ineffable bliss of the Jinas paradise, a divine humanity certainly exists which is invisible to mortals’ senses because of their sins and limitations, born of sexual abuse.

It is written with characters of fire in the great Book of Life that in the Jaina or Jina Cross is miraculously concealed the untold secret of the Great Arcane, the marvelous key of sexual transmutation.

It is not difficult to comprehend that such a Magic Cross is the same Swastika of the great mysteries.

Within the delightful ecstasy of the yearning Soul, we can and ought to come into mystic contact with Janus, the austere and sublime Hierophant of Jina who in the ancient continent of Mu taught the Science of Jinas.

In the hidden Tibet, two schools exist which mutually combat, I refer clearly to the Mahayana and Hinayana institutions.

In our next chapter we shall speak about the former of these two Institutions. For now we shall only concern ourselves with the School of Hinayana.

It is evident that the Hinayana Path is in profound depth, Buddhistic and Christic. 

On this mysterious Path we encounter with mystic amazement the faithful guardians of the Holy Grail or the Initiatory Stone, that is to say, the supreme Religion-Synthesis, which was the earliest in humanity: the doctrine of Sexual Magic.

Jana, Swana or Jainism is then the doctrine of that ancient God of war and action called Janus, the Divine Lord of two faces, androgynous transposition of the Egyptian Hermes and of many other Gods of the Mayan – Quechuan and Aztec Pantheons, whose imposing and majestically carved sculptures in the living rock can still be seen in Mexico.

The Greco-Roman myth still preserves the memory of the exile of Janus or Jainus in Italy, because Kronos or Saturn had cast him out of heaven, in other words, the legendary memory of his descent to Earth as an instructor and guide for humanity in order to give mankind the primary Natural Religion Jina or Jainism.

Jainism or Jaina is obviously also the marvelous Sino-Tibetan Doctrine of Dan, Ch’an Tsung, Shuan, Ioan, Huang-Ti or Dhyan-Choan, characteristics of all the esoteric schools of the Aryan world with its roots in submerged Atlantis.

The Secret Doctrine, the original Jainist Doctrine, is based on the Philosopher’s Stone, on sex, on the Sahaja Maithuna.

Gnostic Doctrine is infinitely superior, much older than Brahmanism itself, it is the original Hinayana school of the narrow path which leads to the Light.

The truly admirable Doctrine of Salvation, of which many memories remain in Central Asia and China as well as in Universal Masonry, where we still find surviving, for example, the symbolic Jain Cross or Swastika (from the Swan, the Hamsa, the Phoenix, the Dove of the Holy Spirit or Paracelsus, the Soul of the Temple of the Grail, Nous or Spirit, which is no other than the Being or Dhyani of man).

Even in these modern times we can still find traces in Ireland of those twenty three Prophets, Djinns or conquerors of Soul who were sent all over the world by the founder of Jainism, Rishabha-Deva.

Samael Aun Weor

At this moment whilst writing these lines, transcendental memories come to my mind… In one of many corridors in an ancient palace, neither the date nor hour matters, while drinking water with lemon in delightful glasses of fine bacara with a very select group of Elohim, I said: “I need to rest for a while within Happiness. I have been helping humanity for some Mahamvantaras and I am weary.”

“The greatest happiness is having God within,” answered my friend an Archangel… Those words left me perplexed, confused. I thought of Nirvana and Maha Paranirvana etc.

Living in regions of such intense Happiness, could by chance any creature not be happy?

How? Why? Because they did not have the Monad within?

Filled with so many doubts I decided to consult wise old Janus, the living God of the science of “Jinas”.

Before entering his abode, I greeted the Guardian with a secret password, I advanced greeting other guards in a different way and finally I had the pleasure of finding myself facing the God Janus.

“Another greeting is needed,” said the Venerable One. “There is no greater salute than that of a peaceful heart.” Thus, I replied whilst devoutly placing my hands on my heart.

“It is well”, said the Sage.

When I wanted to make some questions which would dispel my above-mentioned doubts, without saying a word the Ancient deposited the answer in the depth of my

Consciousness. That reply can be summarized as follows:

“Even though someone inhabits Nirvana or some other region of infinite happiness, if they have not God within, they will not be happy.”

“Yet if they live in the infernal-worlds or in the most foul prison on Earth, having God within, they will be happy.”

We can conclude this chapter by saying: “The Hinayana School, with its deep esotericism, leads us on the sexual road as far as the incarnation of the Word and final Liberation.


Samael Aun Weor

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