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Question:  Master, based on what you have explained to us before, should we understand that below the interior layers of the earth there only exist infradimensions, since the supradimensions corresponding to the heavens, are only found above the terrestrial layer?

Answer:  Distinguished gentleman, your question seems to me quite interesting and I hasten to answer.

It is good that all of you understand that this planetary organism on which we live has in its interior three clearly defined aspects:

First; the mineral region, merely physical.

 Second; the supradimensional zone. 

Third; the infradimensional zone.

Question:  Accepting that in the interior of the earth exist these three aspects which you talk to us about and in my case, I clarify that I accept it hypothetically, we would have to arrive at the conclusion that the nine celestial spheres co-exist with the hells that correspond to the infradimensions. Is it perhaps congruent that the heavens are found in he same location as are the hells?


Answer:  Esteemed gentleman, it is urgent to comprehend in an integral manner that everything in nature and in the cosmos is summarized in sums and subtractions of dimensions that penetrate and interpenetrate each other mutually without becoming entangled.

There exists a hermetic postulate that says: “As it is above, so is it below.” Apply this postulate to the matter at hand.

It is ostensible that the nine heavens have, within the interior of our planetary organism, their correlations according to the law of correspondences and analogies. These nine heavens within the interior of the planetary organisms in which we live, correlate intelligently with the nine profound zones of the planet earth.

However I still have not explained the matter in depth; what really happens is that these nine heavens have an atomic center of gravity located exactly in the center of the planet earth.

In other words, I want to tell you, and all of you, ladies and gentlemen, that the nine heavens gravitate in the central atom of the planet earth, extending far beyond the whole solar system

This same process repeats itself with each of the planets of the solar system of Ors.

Question:  This exposition Venerable Master, seems to me very beautiful and it fits perfectly into the gaps of my understanding, but I must manifest that according to the precepts of logic, one cannot demonstrate with clarity the explanation you have given us.

Therefore how can we verify your affirmation in this case?

Answer:  Esteemed gentleman your question is thought provoking. Unquestionably formal logic leads us to error; it is not through such logic that we can arrive at the experience of what is real. We need a superior logic that, fortunately, exists. Ouspensky has already written “Tertium Organum,” the third canon of thinking it is ostensible that there exists the sense of unity in the mystical experience of many transcended subjects.

Such men, through the development of certain cognitive faculties, have been able to verify for themselves and in a direct manner, the reality of the infernal worlds in the interior of the planet in which we live.

The interesting part of all of this is that the facts enunciated by one or the other adept are similar although such men dwell in distinct parts of the earth.

Question:  Do you mean to tell us, Master, that only a certain reduced number of adepts have had the fortune of having those cognitive powers, and it has been feasible for them to verify the infradimensions and the supradimensions of the planets and of the cosmos as well as those in man himself?

Answer:  In the field of direct experimentation, in the field of practical metaphysics, a diversity of individuals, with psychic faculties more or less developed, exist.

It is obvious that there are disciples and masters; the former can give us more or less incipient information; the latter, the adepts or masters, have immensely superior faculties at their disposal which make them capable of in-depth investigations, which then allows them to speak in a clearer, more precise and detailed manner.

Question:  If you Master, have taught us to verify, through our own experience, what the adepts or enlightened affirm, is there then the possibility that we, the profane, can verify through our own experience, the reality of the infernal words beyond the experiences of a simple nightmare caused by a stomach indigestion?

Answer:  My dear gentleman, it is obvious that direct experimentation in the field of metaphysics, is only attainable to individuals who have developed the latent faculties in man. However, I want to tell you with total clarity, that every person can superficially experience the crude realism of said atomic infernos when one has those disgusting nightmares.

Indubitably, I do not mean to say by this, that the aforementioned nightmares permit the complete verification of the crude realism of the infradimensions of nature.

Whoever would like to really experience that which is below Euclid’s three- dimensional world, should develop certain very special psychic faculties and powers.

Question:  Is it possible for all of us to develop those faculties?

Answer:  Distinguished gentleman, I want to inform you that the International Gnostic Movement possesses methods and systems by which every human being can develop his psychic powers in a conscious and positive manner


Question:  Master, can you tell us what we should understand about the demon who dwells in a hell full of flames and a tremendous odor of sulfur, where the beings who have behaved badly in this life are punished?

Answer:  I will answer the gentleman’s question. Unquestionably, in the submerged regions of the mineral kingdom, below the very epidermis of the planet earth, different zones exist: for an instant, let us remember the igneous zone; it is ostensible that it has been demonstrated by volcanic eruptions. Let us mention the aqueous zone; no one could deny that there is water in the interior of this planetary organism. For a moment, let us think of the aerial element: even Wit seems incredible, air currents, special zones also exist within our planet earth. It has even been said with total meridian clarity that a certain vast region, which is totally hollow, aerial, we would say, exists in the interior of this world. In no way could we deny the realism of stones, sand, rocks, metals, etc.

Upon thinking of the concept of the demon or demons, let us also reflect on lost souls; this is really interesting.

Many inhabitants of the infernal worlds dwell in the region of fire, but others live in the aerial regions, and finally they inhabit the aquatic regions and the mineral zones.

It is obvious that the inhabitants of the terrestrial interior are quite related with sulfur, since this is an integral part of volcanoes; however, it is evident that only those who dwell in the fire could be associated with sulfur in this manner. Therefore, distinguished gentleman, honorable public, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, I want you to comprehend the inferno or “infernus” in a crudely natural form, without artifices of any type.

Question:  Could you tell me Master, why is it that since the region of the lower abdomen is the one of the infernal worlds, it is located in the region of the silver cord?

Does this mean that said cord is constantly communicating with our infernal worlds?

Answer:  Honorable sir, I want to respond with perfect clarity. Much has been said about the silver cord; it is indubitable that every soul is connected to the physical body through this magnetic thread. We have been told that a branch of this cord or thread of life is found related to the heart and another related to the brain.

Diverse authors emphasize the idea that seven of these branches derived from the silver cord are found connected with seven specific centers of the human organism.

In any case, this thread of life, this cord which you talk to us about, the very basis of your question, is in no way connected to the seven chakras of the lower abdomen. It is interesting to know that during the hours of sleep, the essence, the soul escapes the physical body to travel to distinct places of the earth or of the cosmos; then the magnetic thread of our existence is loosened, it stretches infinitely, attracting us afterwards to the physical body so as to awaken in bed.

Question:  Master, can you expand on what you have just said with respect to the seven chakras that are found in the lower abdomen since we have been told in other lectures and in your own books, inclusive, that the seven chakras are found distributed in different parts of our organism?

Answer:  Honorable gentleman, I have listened to your question and I hasten to answer with great pleasure.

I see that you, sir, have confused the seven chakras of the lower abdomen with the seven Churches of the Apocalypse of St. John, which are located on the dorsal spine.

Indubitably, in no part of my talk tonight, which we have been unfolding here in Mexico City, have I alluded in any way to such magnetic centers or vortices of force located on the staff of Brahma or spinal canal.

We have only cited or mentioned the seven infernal doors, which the religion of Mohammed, talks about, seven specific centers or chakras located in the lower abdomen and related with the infernal worlds, that is all, understood?

Question:  Because of everything that has been explained before, can we infer Venerable Master, that the physical aspect of the center of the earth belongs to the three- dimensional world and that the supradimensional or infradimensional aspects are located in the subterranean regions of the planet where the intellectual and three dimensional, sensorial perception of the rational animal does not extend?

Answer:  Distinguished gentleman I want to inform you and, in general, everyone in the audience that listens, that our five senses only perceive the three-dimensional aspects of existence, however they are incapable of perceiving the supradimensional or infradimensional aspects of the earth and of the cosmos.

It is obvious that the subterranean regions of our world are comprised of three fundamental aspects. However, ordinary senses only perceive in a superficial manner what is physical, three-dimensional. If we want to know the superior or inferior dimensions of the interior of the earth, we should develop other faculties of perception, which are found latent in the human race.

Question:  Beloved Master, should we understand that living beings inhabit both the supradimensions as well as the infradimensions?

Answer:  My friends, unquestionably, the three zones of the interior of our world are inhabited… If the lost souls live in the infradimensions, many Devas, Elementals of a superior order, dwell in the supradimensions of the planetary interior, gods, Masters, etc. who work intensely with the intelligent forces of this great nature. We could talk very extensively about the populations of this central or supradimensional or infradimensional zone of the interior of our world, however, this we shall leave for future lectures; for now, I say farewell to you, wishing you good night.

Samael Aun Weor

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