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Without wishing to hurt any delicate sensibilities in any way, we must emphasise that venerable institutions exist within the cultural-spiritual environment of contemporary humanity that sincerely believe that they know the Secret Path, while nonetheless they do not.

Allow me the freedom of saying with great solemnity that we do not wish to make destructive criticisms; we emphasise, nothing more; and this is not a crime. Obviously, because of simple, deep respect for our fellow men, we would never say anything against any mystical institution.

Samael larga
Samael Aun Weor, author of the book “The Three Mountains”

No human element could be criticized for ignoring something that has never been taught. The secret path has never been publicly disclosed.

In terms which are rigorously Socratic, we would like to point out that many scholars who pretend to know thoroughly the Path of the Razor’s Edge, not only do not know it, but ignore the fact that they do not know it.

Not wanting to indicate or point out spiritual organizations of any kind and without the spirit of hurting anyone, we will simply say that the enlightened ignorant not only does not know, but also does not know that he does not know.

References to the Secret Path appear in many ancient sacred texts; there it is cited and mentioned in many verses. However, people do not really know it. The purpose of this Work that you have in your hands, dear reader, is to show and teach the esoteric path leading to the final Liberation. This is, then, one more book of the Fifth Gospel.

Goethe, the great German Initiate, said:

“Theories are grey; only the tree with golden fruits is green. And this is really life.”

In this new book we only provide transcendental, living experiences: that  which we have verified, that which we have experienced directly.

The Maps of the Path must be drawn now, each step indicated with precision, the dangers pointed out, etc.

Some time ago the guardians of the Holy Sepulchre told me:

“We know that you are departing, but before you go you must leave for humanity the Maps of the Path and your own words.”

I answered by saying:

“This is exactly what I will do.”

Since then, I solemnly committed to writing this book..

Samael Aun Weor

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