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I was already in the eighteenth spring of my adolescence, in my present reincarnation, when I had the great honour of becoming a member of the Ancient Rosicrucian School. This worthy institution was fortunately founded by the great Dr Arnoldo Krumm-Heller, doctor-colonel of the glorious mexican army, illustrious veteran of the Mexican Revolution, distinguished professor of the Medical University in Berlin, Germany; notable scientist, extraordinary polyglot.

Arnoldo Krumm-Heller

I turned up at the “Aula Lucis”, then presided over by an illustrious gentleman of great intelligence; I will confess that, being a head-strong lad, I started arguing and showing some arrogance, but I finished studying.

What seemed best for me was to go and sit near the wall, at the corner of the classroom, enraptured in ecstasy.

Needless to say that, even when I was steeped into many intricate theories of vast content, I yearned with infinite longing to find my old way, the Path of the Razor’s Edge.

Carefully excluding any feelings of pseudo-piety and any insubstantial wordiness,  I definitely decided to combine theory and practice.

Without prostituting my intelligence for gold, I truly preferred to prostrate myself, full of humility, in the presence of the Demiurge Creator of the Universe.

I found a rich and inexhaustible source of exquisite splendours in the magnificent works of Krumm Heller, Hartman, Eliphas Levi, Steiner, Max Heindel, etc., etc., etc.

Without boasting, I declare seriously, sincerely and emphatically that during that period of my life I studied in an orderly fashion the whole of the Rosicrucian library.

With infinite yearning, I searched along the road for a traveller possessing a precious balsam to heal my aching heart.

I suffered dreadfully, and cried out in my loneliness invoking the Holy Masters of the Great White Lodge.

The great Kabir Jesus said,

“Knock and it shall be opened unto you, ask and it shall be given you, search and you shall find.”

Jesus of Nazareth

In the name of that which is Real, I declare the following: according to the teachings of the Christian Gospel, I asked and it was given to me, I searched and did find, I knocked and it was opened.

When dealing with such long and complex studies as those of the Rosicrucians, it is unquestionable that there is no way in which all the topics could be contained in  the narrow frame of the present chapter; therefore I will only synthesize and draw some conclusions.

FRONTAL CHAKRA. It is developed by the intonation of the vowel  I,  as follows: iiiiiiii. Faculty: Clairvoyance.

LARYNGEAL CHAKRA. It is developed by singing the vowel E, as follows: eeeeeeee. Faculty: Magic Hearing.

CARDIAC CHAKRA. It is developed by vocalizing the letter O, as follows: oooooooo. Faculties: Intuition, inspiration, astral projection, etc., etc.

UMBILICAL CHAKRA. It is developed by singing the vowel U, as follows: uuuuuuuu. Faculties: Telepathy.

PULMONARY CHAKRA. These are developed by singing the letter A, as follows: aaaaaaaa. Faculty: Remembrance of past existences.

I.E.O.U.A. is the order of the vowels. All mantras are formed with these letters.

Dr Krumm Heller used to say that an hour of daily vocalization was better than reading a million books on pseudoesotericism and pseudooccultism.

I used to inhale with supreme ardour the Christic Prana, the vital breath of the mountains, and then exhaled slowly, making the corresponding vowel resonate.

For the sake of clarity, I shall indicate that each vowel was preceded by an inhalation, and that it resonated only at the exhalation. It is obvious that I inhaled by the nostrils and exhaled by the mouth.

Concrete Results

All my astral chakras or magnetic centres intensified their vibratory activity rotating positively from left to right like the hands of a clock observed from the front, and not from its side.

Retrospective Exercise

Using a fair amount of didactics, the professor taught us a certain marvellous retrospective exercise.

He advised us never to move in bed at the exact instant of awakening, explaining to us that with such a movement the astral body is agitated, and the recollections are lost.

It is unquestionable that during the hours of sleep the human soul travels outside the physical body; it is important not to forget our intimate experiences when returning to the body.

He suggested to us to practice a retrospective exercise at that precise moment with the aim of remembering facts, occurrences and places visited during dreams.


I solemnly declare that such a psychical exercise had astonishing results, because my recollections became more vivid, intense and deep.

Solar Plexus

According to the instructions of the professor, I used to sit every day, preferably at dawn, on a comfortable armchair with the face towards the east.

I imagined then in an extraordinary manner a gigantic golden cross, with the King Star as its basic centre, which cast divine rays from the east of the world that penetrated into my solar plexus after travelling the infinite space.

I was delighted when I combined this exercise with the mantric intonation of the vowel U, prolonging the sound as it should be done: uuuuuuuuuu.


A result was the awakening of my telepathic eye (located as mentioned above in the region of the navel), and I became exquisitely hypersensitive.

Since this magnetic chakra has amazing capabilities such as the attraction and accumulation of the radiant energy of the solar globe, it is obvious that for this reason my lotus flowers or astral wheels could receive higher electromagnetic charges that intensified further the vibrating radioactivity.

It is appropriate to remind the reader at this moment that the solar plexus supplies all chakras of the human organism with solar radiations.

I can assert emphatically and solemnly that each of my astral chakras developed in an extraordinary manner, thus intensifying my clairvoyant and clairaudient perceptions, etc., etc., etc.


Just before I left this worthy institution, the professor said,

“None of those present here should dare to characterize himself as a Rosicrucian, because all of us are nothing but simple, ordinary candidates to become Rosicrucians”.

Krum Heller

And then he added with great solemnity,

“A Buddha, a Jesus, a Moria, a K.H., etc., etc., etc., is a Rosicrucian”.

Krum Heller

Samael Aun Weor

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