It is a fact that, in spite of spending much of my life in many occupations, I had to investigate thoroughly the states of Jinn.
The reader should judge whether it is right that the findings given in this chapter should cause us to be amazed and happy; after all, we have been able to experience directly the actual existence of some of the lands and people of Jinn.
<< It will cause amazement that in the first third of the 18th century, when the superstitious Felipes no longer reigned, the same don Juan de Mur y Aguirre, former Governor of San Marcos de Arichoa in Peru, believed blindly in the existence of a multitude of mysterious islands present in all the seas of the world.
This was due to the fact that since La Gomera and La Palma used to send to The General and the Royal Audience rather fantastic reports concerning the repeated apparitions of such islands, they gave rise in the mood of the people—according to Viera— to new attacks of wonderment, driving them to attempt for the fourth time the discovery of the island Non-Trabada1.
It is true that this—also known as Encubierta, the Hidden island— has not been seen again by mortals since the 18th century, because the aggressive scepticism that prevails in the world since the Encyclopaedia deserves nothing but that the veil of Maya should become denser and thicker, so that such ethereal mysteries, belonging to the fourth dimension, remain hidden.
The island Non-Trabada or Encubierta, also and more generally known as San Borondón—says Benítez in his “History of the Canary Islands”—is one of those enchanted places that have preoccupied modern people in the same way as the Golden Fleece fascinated the ancients. And indeed they had powerful reasons for this, since from the islands of La Palma, Gomera and Hierro one could occasionally see at the W.S.W. of the first and the W.N.W. of the last one, running in the direction North to South, a kind of mountainous land which, according to the calculations usually accepted, was about 40 leagues from La Palma, and was of a size—we do not know how it was measured—of some 87 leagues in length by 28 of width, and that, since sometimes it was possible to see it from the Southeast of Tenerife, could have been about 28 degrees and some minutes of latitude North.
On April 3rd 1570, Dr Hernán Pérez de Grado, First Regent of the Audience of the Canary Islands, issued a stipulation directed to the islands of Palma, Gomera and Hierro, so that they do a precise research, with all the people that had observed the apparition of such a land, or had, by other means, proof of its existence.
In this way, the Portuguese pilot Pedro Vello, from Setubal, gave evidence that, because of a storm, he disembarked in the island Non-Trabada with two sailors from his crew, and there he saw some incredible wonders (extraordinary phenomena, footprints of giants, etc.)
Then, at dawn, the sky became cloudy, a horrifying hurricane started to blow, and him, afraid of losing his ship, went quickly back on board.
They lost sight of the land at the moment of setting sail, and soon after the hurricane stopped they tried to return to it, but it was impossible to find, so that they felt very distressed, especially since two sailors from the crew had stayed behind, abandoned in the thick of the forest. >>
This true Jinn history that I have just presented to the readers has been extracted verbatim from ancient chronicles…
Some old traditions—doubtless very respectable—say that during the Golden Age of Latium and the Liguria, the Divine King Janus or Saturn (I.A.O., Bacchus, Jehova) reigned over those holy people, Aryan tribes all, though from very different epochs and origins. Then, as in the corresponding era of the Hebrew people, it could be said that Jinn and men lived together happily.
The Jana, Yana, Gnana or Gnosis, is nothing but the science of Janus, that is, the science of Initiate Knowledge, the science of Enoichion, also known as the Seer, and the variants of his name are such that there is one in each tongue, such as Jan, Chan or Kan, Dan, Dzan, D’Jan, Jain, Jian, Ioan, Kwan-Swan, Thanos, Thoan, Chohan, all equivalent to the most sublime conception of a planetary Spirit, the Regent of Saturn, a Nazada, a Kabir in the most complete sense of the word.
For me, Jinn science is not an opinion, but an established truth, and if you want me to show it to you by means of a lived experience, listen patiently to the following story:
In my present reincarnation I had seen the autumn leaves fall thirty times when I had to work consciously and positively with the Doctrine of the Jinns or Janus.
One night full of marvels, Litelantes, my priestess-wife, made me a sublime invitation…
I was resting on my back on the wedding bed, in a relaxed state.
I must solemnly assert, for the good of the Great Cause, that at that time I was in a condition of alert novelty, alert perception.
I slept, observant and vigilant, as a watchman in times of war. I obviously yearned with infinite craving for something extraordinary.
After the well known, customary invocations, I felt as if another human being was settling on my relaxed body, on the blankets and bed clothes that were protecting me deliciously from the cold of the night.
Unquestionably it was Litelantes. I recognised her voice when in a vehement way she called me by my Christian name…

Ostensibly that Lady-Adept, through some extra help from ‘Jinn’ people, had managed to put her physical body inside the fourth dimension…
Let’s go! She said, let’s go! Let’s go!
I had waited for this moment for a long time with infinite yearning, so I urgently got up from our bed.
It is obvious and evident that when I got up, because of the help I had, I went over the barrier of the speed of light, remaining then standing next to the bed as a penitent and anchorite, with the physical body well submerged inside the fourth dimension.
Any sincere gnostic could certainly do the same if at the moment of starting to doze he would intensively concentrate on his special and individual Divine Mother Nature…
A very special magic formula is as follows:
“I believe in God.
I believe in my Mother Nature, and I believe in White Magic.
My Mother, carry me with my body. Amen.”
This prayer should be prayed thousands of times at the moment of dozing off; it is convenient however not to forget the vulgar saying,
“Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”.
When you are feeling slightly drowsy get up from the bed, imploring, and then jump up with the intention of floating into the surrounding space.
“Have faith as a grain of mustard and you will move mountains”.
If you do not manage to float, go back to your bed and repeat the experiment.
Many succeed immediately, but others take months and even whole years to manage to enter into the Jinn paradise…
After this short but important indicative digression, we shall continue with our story.
I left my bedroom with a firm and determined step, went across a small courtyard and then on to the street.
Making way for me with much respect, a certain group of very elderly ladies bowed reverently at my insignificant, worthless person. I thanked them for the special deference.
I left the city followed very closely by that group of Jinn people, and went towards the neighbouring mountains.
I felt as if I had been plunged into a remote, ancient, sublunary past, and understood that I had penetrated the inferior cosmos…
I was subject to tests of courage, being forced to go over deep precipices…
Floating in the surrounding space of the fourth vertical, accompanied by Litelantes and the whole retinue of ‘Jinn’ people, I went over the stormy sea and arrived at a secret place of old Europe…
Courageously, I went into a certain castle, where I contemplated with astonishment a strange symbol under which there was a cross…
The return to my house was relatively easy, because it is a law in the fourth dimension that everything returns to its original point of departure.
Litelantes and I talked very joyfully about all this. We had obviously achieved a magnificent triumph.
Days later we continued with those experiments, and learned how to put the physical body in the superior cosmos…
Today, by direct experience, we know that with the help of the Divine Mother Kundalini we can put the physical body in a Jinn state, to travel around the superior cosmos.
Samael Aun Weor
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