Monday the 12th of June 1972 (10th year of Aquarius).
—Well, “Joaco” (familiar diminutive of Joaquín), today we are going to the city center…
—What for, Master? Last Saturday we collected the mail from the post office.
What can we find now?
—In any case I need to go to the city center, I have a check in my possession and I must cash it. It is not a great amount, but it will be enough to eat; then I will not have to touch the small sum I have put together to pay the rent… Besides, I have to send many letters at the post office; I like to have the correspondence up to date…
A few moments later Joaquín Amórtegui V., international gnostic missionary and great champion of this tremendous crusade for the New Era of Aquarius, and my insignificant person, worth somewhat less than the ash of a cigarette, made our way to the center of Ciudad de México (Mexico City)…
It is not too much to say that I like to drive my own car. Thus, very happily we glided very fast down by the avenue of Tlalpan, towards the Square of the Constitution (the Zócalo, as we Mexicans say).
—This is the era of the automobile, my dear “Joaco”, but I frankly confess that if I had to choose a life in a world with a technology like this one, or in another in a stone age but actually totally spiritual, I would prefer the second one, unquestionably, even though instead of using the automobile I had to travel by foot or mounted on a donkey…
—Oh, I also say the same thing… I travel now as a sacrifice, because of the love for humanity, to teach the Doctrine, but I prefer to ride on the donkeys and horses of olden days. I do not like the smoke of these great cities, or this mechanistic life…
Thus, conversing, “Joaco” and I, along an avenue that seemed to be a river of cement and steel, reached the side of the metropolitan cathedral and then went along the avenue 5 de Mayo looking for parking…
A few moments later we went into a great building:
—Would you like us to clean your car?
—No! No!, No! This is a time of much rain, so what for?
—Shall we wax your car, sir?
—No, lad, no. First I have to take it to the body shop, and have it repainted!
Conclusion: we left that building towards the post office after having parked the car.
At the main post office I certainly had a nice surprise when I received a copy of the sixth edition of “The Perfect Matrimony”. It was sent to me from Cúcuta, Colombia, South America, by the international gnostic missionary Efraín Villegas Quintero…
I also received some letters, I sent those I had brought from home and then we went to a bureau de change…
The moneychanger, with the Consciousness deeply asleep, was too busy changing money.
I saw him with two telephones, one in his right and the other in his left hand. Clearly he was dealing with two calls at the same time, and he even talked for a while to a third client that was before the counter of the bureau…
Obviously the poor “intellectual humanoid” of subjective psyche, was not only totally identified with everything, but also tremendously fascinated… and kept on dreaming…
This “rational homunculus” spoke of values, quotations, currencies, gold, enormous sums, cheques, riches, etc., etc., etc.
Luckily it was not necessary to wait a long time; his secretary dealt with us in a diligent manner…
Moments later we left this place with some money in the purse. It wasn’t much, but enough to pay for the food of a few more days…
Again walking along the famous 5 de Mayo avenue, I felt the need to invite “Joaco” to partake of a small refreshment. He, who does not eat much, did not decline the invitation because of his regard towards me.
Undoubtedly we found a beautiful place; I wish to refer to the Café París. An elegant waitress approached us:
—What do you wish, sir?
—Please, miss—I told her—a strawberry ice cream and a piece of cheesecake…
—I—said “Joaco”—would like only a papaya ice cream.
Having taken the orders from the gentlemen, the lady went away to reappear later with the requested dishes…
Savouring very slowly the delicious snack, extracting from the food its spiritual element, I started the following dialog with “Joaco”:
—Let me tell you, “Joaco”, that I am approaching the end of my book entitled “The Three Mountains”. Certainly it is only lacking an introduction to the Third Mountain, three chapters on the Ascension and the conclusion…
—Then you are already finishing this work!
—Yes, “Joaco”! yes, yes… It is very interesting, that now I have to have recourse to Lemuria…
—What? To Lemuria? Why?
—It is clear that in this reincarnation I have only reached the summit of the Second Mountain. However in this ancient continent Mu or Lemuria, in olden days situated in the vast Pacific Ocean, I reached the Three Mountains…
I unquestionably achieved then the Liberation, but I renounced total happiness and stayed in this valley of tears to help humanity. In fact the possession of the Elixir of Long Life permitted me to conserve that Lemurian body during millions of years…
Thus, my dear “Joaco”, I tell you that I was a witness to all those volcanic catastrophes that finished the continent of Mu. It is evident that after more than ten thousand years of unceasing earthquakes and frightful seaquakes, that ancient land submerged among the stormy waters of the Pacific Ocean. It is a moving, clear and definite fact that as that old continent was slowly submerging into the wild waves of the stormy ocean, Atlantis, that one of Plato, arose gradually from among the deep waters of the Atlantic…
Unquestionably I also lived with my Lemurian body in “the country of the hills of mud”, I knew its powerful civilisations, much superior to our culture, and I saw it submerge among the furious waves of the ocean that carries its name”…
<<In the year 6 of Kan, the 11 Muluc, in the month of Zrc, terrible earthquakes took place that continued without interruption until 13 Chuen. The country of “the hills of mud”, the Atlantean land, was sacrificed. After two commotions, it disappeared during the night, being constantly shaken by the subterranean fires that made the earth sink and reappear several times and in several places. At the end the surface yielded and ten countries were separated and disappeared. Sixty four million inhabitants sank, eight thousand years before this book was written.>>
(This is a textual quotation from a Mayan manuscript part of the famous collection of Le Plongeon “The Manuscripts of Troano”, that can be found in the British Museum).
“Before the star Bal fell into the place where now there is only sea, before the seven cities with their golden doors and their transparent temples trembled and shook like the leaves of a tree moved by the storm, I left, headed for the central plateau of Asia, to that place where Tibet can now be found”…
In that zone of the Earth the surviving Atlanteans became intermixed with the Nordic people: in this way the first sub-race of our Arian race was formed…
The saviour guide of the elected Atlanteans, the one that got them out of the “country of the hills of mud”, was the biblical Noah, the Manú Vaivasvata, the founder of the Arian race…
I still remember, far in time and distance, those cosmic festivals that were celebrated in our monastery at that time. I wish to refer in an emphatic manner to the Sacred Order of Tibet, an ancient esoteric institution. It is indubitable that this ancient order has two hundred and one (201) members. The staff is composed of seventy-two (72) Brahmans. Unquestionably such a worthy mystical organisation keeps the Treasure of Aryabarta Ahsram. At that time I was always received there with much veneration. It was exotic, to live with a Lemurian body in a fully Arian world…
Unfortunately, “the devil puts his tail in, wherever he may be”, and something unwonted happened. I went back to my old ways, backsliding into crime. I again fell in love with Eve, the seductress of the Hebraic mythology, and I ate the Forbidden Fruit. Result: the Great Law took away from me such a precious vehicle, and from one life to another I remained like the wandering Jew on the surface of the Earth…
—Now, Master, I do feel smaller than an ant, like nothing. I do not understand: if you dissolved the Ego, the Myself, who could be the tempter?, how did you fall?…
—Oh, “Joaco”… In the name of Truth I want you to know that if the Ego is dissolved, the mind stays in its place… Undoubtedly this was the “causa causorum”of my fall..
—This is something unwonted, I do not understand…
—Passionate things: I fell in love, I committed the same error as the count Zanoni; that is all…
Such a maiden of mysterious charms, for me was forbidden; however I must admit that I fell at the feet of the delicious woman…
My Divine Mother Kundalini took me later to the interior of a cave, in the depth of a mountain, and I then saw rain, tears and torrents of turbid water, bitterness and mud, misery, etc., etc., etc.
“See the future that lies in wait for you!”—said my Mother.
My begging was useless, I did not deserve to be pardoned: it was a relapse into crime. At the end I saw her shut herself in the chakra Muladhara in the coccyx, and then… Oh my God!
I had committed the same error that in the archaic continent Mu gave rise to the angelic fall. It is unquestionable that before joining the Lemurian Mysteries I had already committed the same crime…
The allegory of the biblical Adam, considered apart from the Tree of Life, clearly means that the Lemurian race, which had just separated into the opposite sexes, abused sex and sunk into the region of animality and bestiality…
The Zohar teaches that Matromethah (Shekinah, symbolically the wife of Metraton) “is the Way towards the Great Tree of Life, the Powerful Tree and Shekinah is the Divine Grace”. There is no doubt that this marvellous tree reaches the Celestial Valley, and it is hidden in the midst of the Three Mountains. From these Three Mountains the Tree ascends towards the heights and soon starts descending to lower regions. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil grows from the roots of the Tree of Life. The Dhyanis Boddhisattwas reincarnated in Lemurian bodies reproduced by means of the power of Kriya-Shakti (the power of the Will and of the Yoga).
Attributes of Shiva: the black lingam inserted into the yoni. Unquestionably the Arch Hierophant and Arch Magus never spills the Cup of Hermes.
When the Dhyanis—among which I counted myself—committed the crime of spilling this flexible, liquid, malleable glass of the Alchemy, they moved away from their Divine Monad (they assassinated the god Mercury), fell into the animal generation…
—I am astounded.
—Why, “Joaco”?, because I was perhaps the first to fall, or the last one?
H. P. Blavatsky says in “The Secret Doctrine” that Samael was the first to fall, but this is symbolic. It is clear that I am the Dhyani Boddhisattwa of the fifth of the seven and because of this it is said that Samael was the first one to fall. Luckily I am standing now, in spite of having relapsed into the same crime…
How different was the case of many of those other Dhyanis who fell into the animal generation. Let us remember Moloch, the great murderer, now involuting appallingly
in the infernal worlds. Let us remember Andramelek and his brother Asmodeus, two Thrones precipitated into the Avern…
—I thought that after the Liberation any fall was impossible…
—You are wrong, my dear “Joaco”, in the Cosmos there is always the danger of falling. Only by entering the Inmanifest Sat, the Absolute Abstract Space, does every danger disappears…
Once finished the conversation, we called the waitress that humbly looked after the table of the gentlemen…
—The bill, miss?…
—Yes, sir…it is that much…
–Here you are, also your tip…
Quietly we left that luxurious place to look for the car…
Walking again under the light of the Sun along that famous avenue 5 de Mayo, it occurred to me to say:
—The grave thing , oh, “Joaco”, is the abominable resurrection of the animal Ego after the fall. Unquestionably the Myself resuscitates like the Phoenix from the midst of its own ashes. You will understand now in a deep and integral way what the intrinsic motive is by which all religious theogonies emphasise the idea that the fallen Angels became Demons…
—Ah!, yes!… this is very clear…
Moments later we were gliding along the avenue of Tlalpan to return home…
—Since I have ascended and descended and again ascended, it is obvious that I have a vast experience in matters of an esoteric type…
—Oh, Master! In this sense you have a very special experience …
Certainly, my dear reader: I am nothing more than a miserable worm from the mud of the earth, a worthless nobody; however, since I have travelled the path, I can show it to others with complete clarity, and this is not a crime…
We shall finish this chapter with the phrase by Goethe:
“Every theory is grey, and it is only the tree with golden fruit that is green,. And this is really life”.
Samael Aun Weor
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