Occult Medicine

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1.Master, what can you tell me about healing from a distance?

Samael Aun Weor: Well, I constantly receive mail from different places of the world soliciting such treatments. In our replies we limit ourselves to Spiritual Medicine; we indicate the precise hour in which they can concentrate on us, that is to say, to think on us, to invoke us.

It is clear that we attend to the patients spiritually, and sometimes we even become visible before them.

As a general rule, we instruct them as follows: we tell them to ignite three fires at a certain convinient hour; we advise them to place a glass of water before those three fires or candles; we indicate that, after half an hour of concentration on us, they must drink the water.

It is evident that within the water we deposit certain substances that when absorbed usually perform wonderful healings within the interior of the organism.

In these healing treatments, several Masters cooperate, such as Paracelsus, Hilarion, Saint Raphael and some others. We do not always indicate to them specific concentration in Samael, since “I have much work to do”; thus, we also indicate to them for the same purpose any one of the other Masters.


What is important is for the patient to have faith, because faith performs miracles; as Christ already stated: “Have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Faith has a wonderful solar power with which many prodigies can be performed.

Our healing system is spiritual. It does not conflict with physicians; everyone can have faith in our methods and consult their doctor in the physical world.

2.Can the ill be cured by means of these methods?

Samael Aun Weor: It is clear that the Masters of medicine heal the vital body by applying medicines to it; thus, later on the outcome is the healing of the physical organism. Nevertheless, there exist   very severe karmic diseases, which are the outcome of evil actions committed by the soul in former lives; thus, when the punishment of these souls is very severe, the treatment of their bodies becomes impossible. Nonetheless, the Masters of medicine always attend and try to save the patient.

3.Is it possible to be healed without the need of conventional medical attention?

Samael Aun Weor: When the person does not owe a very severe karma, the Masters of Medicine can cure the patient, even when the latter does not consult any conventional doctor.

4.Are all diseases karmic?

Samael Aun Weor: Distinguished young lady, there is no need to exaggerate this matter: not all the diseases are karmic; this is why many patients heal quickly with our psychic or spiritual procedures. However, it is convenient to know that in these times many unknown diseases are appearing, which are the frightful outcome of human perversity, and such diseases are usually lethal.

5.Can you tell me if the so called “evil eye” disease exists?

Samael Aun Weor: I must tell you that thousands of children die in the cities because of the evil eye. It so happens that in “super-civilized countries” people do not believe in such a disease and therefore mortality increases in an alarming manner.

Any person with an unconscious hypnotic force can—in an involuntarily manner—hurt the vital body of a child when staring at him/her, thus, the outcome does delay much in appearing: soon the creature appears with great dark circles under their eyes, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, etc. Modern physicians usually diagnose “intestinal infection” and prescribe many antibiotics, fluids, etc., but children instead of healing, they get worse and die.

6.What can be done in these cases in order to heal them?

Samael Aun Weor: The best thing is to perform strong magnetic passes from bottom to top over the face and eyelids of the child, with the firm purpose of eliminating the tenebrous vital fluids. It is convenient to ignite a taper, candle, or oil lamp, and to read to the ill children the Conjuration of the Seven of Solomon the Wise, as it is already written in this elementary book for introducing Gnosis (see the former chapter). One must also bless with the sign of the cross the forehead, the chest, the head, and the back of the young patient while reading to him the four gospels.

7.To read the four gospels is very long; could this be somehow abbreviated?

Samael Aun Weor: Yes, you can read the blessings of the Lord [Matthew 5] with true faith, so that the healing force is sufficiently strong in order to evacuate the bad fluids accumulated in the organism of the patient, so that this can be healed.

8.Are there diseases caused by witchcraft?

Samael Aun Weor: The world is full of them, distinguished young lady; I could mention   innumerable cases, but they would not fit within the covers of this book. First of all, I must tell you that the exact diagnosis is necessary; only thus is it possible to cure.

Unfortunately, the healers who really know how to diagnose a disease caused by witchcraft are very rare. I am going to mention a very special case narrated by Waldemar the wise; I will write this between quotations, because I do not like to adorn myself with other people’s feathers, yet since this narration is really sensational, it is good for our readers to know it.

One of the most intriguing cases of vampirical jealousy was experienced by the French occultist investigator Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Louis Constant).

During his stay in London, Levi started a friendship with a young Duke, in whose house he was invited almost every day. The Duke had been married a short time ago to a young and extraordinarily beautiful French princess, and that against the desire of his Protestant family, since the young lady was a devoted Catholic.

The Duke, as Levi verified, had for many years lived a somewhat frivolous life—that is to say, as a libertine—and for a long time had taken as a lover a young Italian girl, a dancer of ballet, who finally he left, since, in fact, he truly loved his wife.

On a certain afternoon the Duchess become sick; thus, she had to stay in bed. The doctors diagnosed the beginning of a pregnancy, but soon determined that the weakness she suffered must have its origin in another cause. Although the Duke called the most famous doctors of London for consultation, they were before an enigma, since they used diverse remedies but without any success.

An old French abbot also frequented the Duke’s palace. The abbot already knew the princess of Paris, and he found special affability in talking with Eliphas Levi on metaphysical problems, in which he was also interested for decades, and not only theoretically.

On a certain night they both remained alone in the hall, since the worried Duke had to stay next to his ill wife. It was a cold and humid night; outside, the famous London fog dimmed the light of the street lamps. Suddenly, the Abbot held the hand of Levi and said to him with a low voice, “Listen, dear friend, I would like to speak about something to you. Can I be assured of your complete discretion?” Levi responded affirmatively, and the Abbot continued, “I have every reason to suspect that the disease of the Duchess is not natural. I have known Mildred since her childhood and she was always the most healthy girl you can imagine. But now she languishes and gets weaker day by day; it seems as if she was bleeding mysteriously…”

“Do you believe that she is under the influence of some dark power, that there is sorcery in this matter?” Levi asked.

“I trust my inner voice very much, and for that reason I would dare to state that this disease has something that is not as it should be. Do you want to help me to break the spell?”

“With pleasure.”

“Well, in that case we must not waste time. I would be thankful if you would come to my home at half an hour before midnight in order to perform a conjuration together. I will try to intercept the tenebrous power. Perhaps we will get an answer from beyond …”

After this conversation, Eliphas Levi hired a carriage and went to his home, where he had to wash, shave, and change his clothes from head to toes, because the spirits of the middle zone, who were those whom the abbot thought to invoke, demand from their invokers the most scrupulous cleanliness. Clothing also had to be in accordance with their nature; they did not tolerate any fabric made from animals, therefore wool as well as animal skin shoes were discarded.

Since the house of the abbot was to the northeast, in Hampstead Heath, and Eliphas lived in Russell Court, the distance between them was considerable; thus, Eliphas had to make his thorough cleanliness with certain haste if he wanted to be with the abbot at the suitable hour.

Thus, about forty minutes before midnight Levi arrived at Hampstead Heath. The abbot in person, dressed in white, opened the door and led him by a high staircase to a chamber that was at the end of the corridor of the first floor. There, the eyes of Eliphas first had to become accustomed to the dark: little bluish and trembling flames were releasing incense that smelled of amber and musk.

Within that vague light, Eliphas observed a great circular table in the center of the room, and on top of that table was an inverted crucifix, a symbol of the phallus. Next to that table was a thin little man. “He is my servant,” whispered the abbot, “since as you already know the quantity of three people are indispensable for these invocations. You must begin with the first invocation.” This request on the part of the abbot was more than a courtesy; the powers of the middle zone could become angry and seek revenge on the owner of the house until causing his death, for having allowed the reduction of the harmony of their sphere by an incompetent intruder. So, when granting the invocation to his friend, he was indicating that he considered Eliphas to be a Master of first rank in magic. And such a supposition was indeed justified: if anyone could successfully execute—with a clear head, without fear, with a pure heart, and a will fortified by numerous tests

—the millenarian ceremonies of sacred magic, it was this man, who in the kingdom of the spirits exerted as much dominion as in the kingdom of its incarnated creatures and adepts.

Within the veil of the smoke, Eliphas very instinctively extended the hand to the left, where there had to be the container with the blessed water collected on one full moon night from a cistern, guarded, while praying over it for twenty-one nights.

Next, he sprinkled water towards the four corners of the room; the abbot who served as an acolyte waved the censer. Blurry figures began to form within the smoke, and at the same time, a icy cold seemed to appear from the ground and which reached even to the end of their hair, making breathing difficult for them.

Next, Eliphas Levi pronounced with great force the words of the invocation. Suddenly, the walls of the room seemed to withdraw and an abyss was opened before them as if threatening to devour them, infinity, and astral: resplendencies of a sparkling luminosity shone; they covered their eyes in order not to offend the invoked spirit with an indiscreet glance. Then with a strong voice Levi asked for the cause of the Duchess Mildred’s disease; but he did not receive an answer. The vapors of the smoke thickened in such a way that they threatened to deprive their senses. Then, hurrying to the window, Eliphas suddenly heard a voice, which, although was strong and resonant, seemed to come from the deepest inner part of himself and which filled all the space of his soul. What the voice shouted to him was so frightful that his legs refused to move, so he remained petrified on the same spot.

Precipitately, the Abbot went to his side next to the window, but his trembling hands, without force, did not manage to open the pin. The servant, who had passively attended the invocation, was lying unconscious on the ground.

Finally, Eliphas left his numbness and broke the window with the crucifix, absorbing with joy— together with the abbot—the fresh air of the night, especially he—who bathed, so to speak, his febrile head in the humid fog—since, through all his nerves darted the frightful accusation that the mysterious spirit had sent with unequivocal clarity against him.

When he finally recovered a little, he returned to the room. The smoke had dissolved in the interval, and the pale candle continued burning tenuously. The very pale abbot with wide eyes contemplated Eliphas and stammered, “Are you really guilty, my friend? I cannot believe it.”

“So you have heard the answer of the spirit.”

The abbot, as if overwhelmed, in a gesture of assent dropped the head, “…Yes…”, he slightly whispered.

“I swear to you,” said Levi with vehemence, “that I have taken the symbol with pure hands, that I have never committed a crime in my life! I swear to you that I am not stained with blood.” When uttering these words, he approached the lamp, so that the brilliance of the lamp completely fell upon him.

Then the frightened abbot pointed with his finger to Eliphas’ jaw and the chest of his shirt.

“There… look at yourself in the mirror…” said the abbot, taking the hand his friend and leading him before a great mirror that hung on a wall in the next room. Thus, there Eliphas saw a scratch upon his chin, with some little drops of dry blood; other little drops of dry blood also appeared on his shirt. He must have cut himself when shaving so hastily… Thus, the answer of the spirit was perfectly explained: “I do not talk with any one who is stained with blood.”

Levi felt as if his heart was relieved from many weights. The abbot, however, seemed more overwhelmed and dropped himself on a sofa, convulsively contracting his shoulders and hiding his face between his hands. Levi tried to calm the old man, but he rejected him, saying, “I am concerned for the wretched Mildred; each hour her life is consumed. Otherwise, we could again invoke the spirit after three times twenty-one days, with the due offerings and plagiaries… but it is too much time, because in the interval Mildred will die.”

Levi did not know how to respond, thus, a dense silence loomed, which the abbot cut when he rose and walked with vacillating steps from one side to the other of the room. “It does not matter what the cost might be, I must obtain an answer at whatever cost…! Promise me, my friend, that you will not abandon me.”

A vaporous determination was visible in the glance of the old man; so, in order to tranquilize him, Eliphas responded to him: “I gave you my word to place myself as a magician. Thus, since the objective has not yet been obtained, I sustain my given word.”

“Then stay here, and within twelve hours we will perform another conjuration; I will invoke the spirits of the low zone…”

Eliphas then was frightened; had this old man become crazy? “What…. what did you say…? A son of the Church wants to make contact with the infernal spirits? No, that is not even in the intention of the devoted Duchess! Resign to it, do not risk your soul.”

It is obvious that to invoke demons is black magic. It is obvious that black magic brings physical and moral hunger, nakedness, diseases, and calamities.

There was such a very icy firmness in the words and gestures of the abbot that Eliphas felt that any objection would be in vain. Thus, against his will, although by loyalty to the given word, he accepted the requirement of his friend.

So, Eliphas remained as a guest in the house and, because of the extraordinarily tense and tiring conjuration, he slept so heavily and deeply that he awoke late in the morning.

The day passed with the due purifications and plagiaries. At night, Eliphas received the appropriate clothes and the requirements for the service of the Devil. The abbot had already stated to him that although he would attend him as an acolyte, he would not take an active part in the invocation; so he dressed also with the prescribed clothes.

What happened later is something that frankly in no way do I want to transcribe, because there is responsibility in the word; it is preferable to shut up in this case. “Silence is the eloquence of wisdom.”

It is obvious that if one transcribes tenebrous paragraphs, one then becomes an accomplice to the crime; this is as much as to teach black magic to people.

Luckily, the invocators of the present story did not manage to make the invoked demons visible and tangible. The only thing that they attained was that a salamander—or small, innocent creature of the fire—appeared within the wall.

The abbot, pulling together all of his forces, asked for the ailment of the Duchess.

“Batrachians!” The salamander said with an infantile voice, and at the same moment it disappeared.

Eliphas then saw the abbot stagger and collapse to the ground.

Eliphas took his thin body in his arms and took him to the dormitory, where he undressed the old man and placed him in the bed, going soon to look for the servant who brought some relief. When returning, he found that the abbot had returned to himself completely, but his aspect was that of a downcast man who seemed to have aged many years.

It is obvious that the abbot was performing superhuman efforts in order to save the Duchess.

“All has been useless!” said the abbot with feeble voice, “wretched Mildred will have to die. My soul… oh my soul…! What does batrachians mean?”

“I only know,” Eliphas answered, “that it is a Greek word that means frog.”

The servant did not delay in coming with wine and cake, yet the abbot rejected all food. Eliphas took some and tried to take his desperate friend from that lethargy, but it was useless to try to reanimate him. Thus, with his heart in sorrow Eliphas went back to his home.

On the following day he went to inquire about the well-being of the abbot and the Duchess. Mildred was getting worse continually. The attending physician gave death as his final diagnosis.

The abbot was also in a serious state; he was refusing any food. In the beginning, he did not respond to the questions of his friend, and stated to him that he thought to end his days by means of starvation. Deeply saddened, Levi left, worrying about the tragic consequences of the sinful invocation.

During the two following afternoons, Levi sank again into his customary studies and, while reading the Enquiridion of Leon III, he stopped in a point in which, by means of the key of Trithemus, the following kabbalistic esoteric writing was deciphered as follows: “An appreciated maleficent enchantment is the one of the frog.”

We abstain from delivering the secret formula of the toad in order not to give weapons to the perverse criminals of black magic

As if lightning crossed the mind of Eliphas, and without even closing the book, he put on a coverall and thrust himself through the streets of London, which was sinking within the vesper twilight. Finally, he found a carriage and the time taken in arriving at the palace of the Duke seemed to him unbearable. Tearful faces received and informed him: “The Duchess is in agony; the last sacraments are being administered to her…”

“I can save her,” Eliphas cried out, and separating the astonishing servants, he hurried to the room of Mildred, where he found the Duke. With panting breath, Eliphas beseeched him: “You know me enough in order to know that I am of his confidence. Believe me then, that all hope is not yet lost. Inasmuch as the Duchess lives, there is no need to despair. Thus, I request from you to leave me alone with her, and for God’s sake, do not ask me anything… have confidence in me!”

With panting breath, Eliphas beseeched him

Although overwhelmed and confused to the extreme, the Duke acceded to the desire of Eliphas, requesting those present in the room—namely, a doctor, a priest, and a maiden of the patient—to leave.

Once alone, Levi closed the door and came near to the bed of the Princess. “As I already suspected,” he murmured when seeing Mildred sunk in a form of catalepsy with the eyes blank. Her lips were bluish and she was breathing with a smooth deathly pace.

Immediately, Levi put his hands to work; thus he began to raise the hardwood floor of the threshold, but the wood resisted his trembling fingers. He removed his knife from the pocket, whose leaf he broke in his frenetic attempt. Finally, and with desperate force, he managed to raise the strip. His fingers were bleeding, but his effort had been useless Nothing was hidden there!

Then he raised the carpets but nothing either! He then went back to watch the Duchess, who breathed with difficulty, and observed that her contracted left hand was hanging singularly to one side. “The bed,” Levi thought. Thus, in the certainty of searching now in the right place, he lifted the patient from her bed and placed her as gently as he could upon an Ottoman that was against the wall.

Next, he dedicated himself with increasing excitement to remove blankets and pillows but nothing. nothing. He removed the mattress and opened it; he touched, he felt, enquired within its puffy insides… and then his fingers encountered a softish, spongy object; he grasped it, removed it and in fact, that was what he was looking for.

He rushed outside the room, gave the Duke a brief explanation, asked for an available carraige, and went with extreme speed to his home, where when arriving he placed himself to the task of burning in the flames of fish and sulfur, such an infernal beast, by following exactly the prescription of the Enquiridión.

Right away he opened widely the window of his room, in order for the terrible stench to disappear, and—overwhelmed by enormous fatigue—laid down dressed as he was on his bed, sinking himself into a deep dream.

The next day, he was received as a savior in the palace of the Duke. In a amazing manner, and in an absolutely incomprehensible manner for the doctors, the state of health of the young Duchess had improved to such a point that a frank overcoming of the crisis was already being spoken of.

The same day, October 28, 1865, London was impressed with the sensational news that the diva of the ballet Maria Bertin had suddenly passed away without any disease; but this news was not the only one: a few hours later another close relative of the Duke was also snatched by death; she was an old maid who had been an impassioned enemy of Mildred, and who in vain had tried to prevent the marriage of the Duke with the Catholic Princess.

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