M – Master Samael Aun Weor
D – Disciples
D – Master, we can see here, in the valley of Mexico that in the center there is a mountain. When we went to that mountain we could see that there is a volcano located just in the center of the mountain, and there is a pyramid in its center. Of course it is destroyed, but then we saw that there is a circle in the center of this mountain in which the pyramid is located. Because in the valley there are other ancient citadels (many cities), where on some days of the year, fire was set for the ceremonial rituals, then from there they use to send signals to the others. Is it truth Master?
M – Yes, using snail shells.
D – Exactly. They communicated between themselves using snail shells. The fire that they used to set, was like a message sent to other cities.
M – Yes, the ceremonial rituals of those nations that were celebrated every 52 years was the Rejuvenation of Fire, something that was a custom in ancient times.

D – There, Master, they used to use oils and resins to set the fire. I am correct Master?
M – The Sacred Fire. Every 52 years they had special celebrations, special Rituals of the Fire.
D – Master, something that they allowed me to perceive is that there are caverns inside of the mountain, in which there is a hidden treasure and also a temple of pure gold. Is it truth, Master?
M – Yes.
D – I do not know if it is the Moctezuma’s treasure or who owns it, Master.
M – Well, Moctezuma’s treasure is not there.
D – But there is a treasure, but it is not truth?
M – There is a treasure but is not the Moctezuma’s.
D -When the conquerors arrived, they put it in the center of that mountain. Is this correct Master?
M – The Nahuatl Gods deposited all their treasures. About the conquerors, I have not investigated that case.
D – I say Master, that when they arrived, they hid their treasures.
M – Yes, the native people hid their valuables (precious stones) that were the symbol of allegorized determinate virtues, etc., etc., etc. That is obvious.
D – Master, we do small meditations in each pyramid.
M – Correct!
D – Today we brought you this…
M – In reality I have not read (to say almost nothing), I have not read about anthropology. However, I know all about Nahuatls and Mayans, I know everything (in its totality, everything). It happens that I had even known this. Why? Because in ancient times I was associated with this great culture, with the Mayan and Nahuatl cultures. I used to come from Atlantis leading caravans.
D – Master, in that time; were there camels, they came in camels also?
M – Yes, they used to come from the North of the Gulf of Mexico, in which there was a strip of land that connected it with Africa, through Atlantis. Then they came in caravans. They used to stay in Caravancin, a type of restaurant or cafe (it would be better to say restaurant or hotel); there they used to stay. I always use to meet with the black people that came from Africa through Atlantis. I knew all of that, and many times I had to lead pilgrimages to Teotihuacan and Yucatan. That is why I know all the wisdom of the ancient Nahuatls, Mayans, Toltecs, Zapotecs, etc.
Over there, are plenty of heads with black features. I knew this. It reminds me of the Black Initiates that used to come here.
I repeat, I knew the ancient wisdom of Mayans, Zapotecs, Toltecs, etc. I have not read almost anything about anthropology (I have not read, to be clearer). What I know about this native thing, is something that has been completely experimented by myself; because when the caravans used to come, and they came from the North of Africa (from all of Africa but especially from the North) to here, I was a witness to many things. There were caravans that came from Atlantis, caravans that came from Africa through Atlantis. As I said, there was a strip of land that connected Africa with the North of the Gulf of Mexico. Over there I used to see many caravans of Africans that came through Atlantis to the North of Mexico. I knew the black Africans that used to stay in the Caravancin (type of hotel). There they used to stay. Also there were Black Initiates. Even now, with the memory of that, appears a person with black features (head, cheekbones, mouth and African nose). Anthropologists have a determinate name for it. Well, I listen to what they say but I say what I know. What they say is something and what I know is something else.

When somebody observes those heads of stone (huge with African features), they will see that obviously they are Africans and that they are the memory of those Black Initiates that used to come from Africa through Atlantis. Africa was not its name in that era; it was an small continent, the continent of Graboncsi. Yes, that continent was not very big; it was the small continent of Graboncsi. Later, after the submerging of Atlantis, new lands appeared from the bottom of the oceans and were added to that continent, making it grow, get bigger. But during the times that I am talking about, the continent of Graboncsi was very small. The African Initiates used to come from Africa through Atlantis arriving to the North of the Gulf of Mexico, and as a result of this, their descendants built monuments and carved heads as a testimony to those African people. Really, you can observe that there does no t exist a relationship with the pre-hispanic races that lived here in the country; it was completely black- like. What is their origin? It is a memory of that era!
With the submerging of Atlantis, the strip of land that used to connect Africa with the North of the Gulf of Mexico, disappeared, vanished. The oceans covered that strip of land and there were colossal changes. For example, normally, I enjoyed living in a very peaceful valley that existed in what is today the Gulf of Mexico. It happened that with the great catastrophe, that valley was inundated with water and today it is the Gulf of Mexico. There were terrible changes in the geological layer. Here, there were many kingdoms; I liked to live from kingdom to kingdom. I used to visit all those kingdoms, and those kingdoms did not call themselves “Mexico,” they had different names, in accordance with the kings and traditions, but in the era that I am talking about there were many kingdoms. Of course, later Mexico or Mexitlan received its name but in the era that I am talking about, there were many kingdoms, many… I knew them. All the knowledge of what existed in those stones, is transcendental esoteric knowledge. I have seen and I will explain it. I was a witness to their cults, in Yucatan in the ancient Tenochtitlan and neighbouring areas.
Let us look at something very curious: that type of black head, really does not match with any of the different cultures that existed here. It is something distinct, something rare, something different, something that does not have any relationship with those ancient cultures.
D – Certainly it does not match Master, neither with the Nahuatl nor with the Mayan. This is something that we had observed long ago: they do not match, they are not the same. The pictures, the human expressions, do not match.
M – No, they do not match.
D – And those stones, Master, they are in different positions; those big stones, why did they make it in that form?
M – Ah, that is in Villa Hermosa, in Tabasco! I have seen them; it is said that they belong to the Olmec culture. There is a rectangular construction that is made by big monoliths, big rocks, big stones that have a disposition, we would say, more or less in this form: they are buried in the land as a big “cage” in the center of the square. And then, in the superior part they have big rocks like columns but without regularity or symmetry. They are huge and are like a cage. Each one of those buried stones is about six meters in height. They are gigantic, like a house. The buried stones are separated, like a cage.
D -Could it be the structure of a house that later was covered with something in order to be used for housing?
M – It was covered with palms, grass and something else…
D – Then, are they the skeletons of houses?
M – Yes, structures of houses. But those huge stones were not carried as many believe. No! In that time the stones were “kneaded,” using a formula that is lost today.
D – They were “kneaded” using plants?
M – Using plants. In the place, they use to put the stone already kneaded. They did not carry it; they kneaded it in place.
D – Does that explain the existence of the rounded stones?
M – Yes!
D – Master, here a brother knows a person that has the secret to kneaded rocks; he has stones of that kind. Could you give us that formula Master?
M – Well, I do not have that formula, or I do not remember it at this moment. Maybe later I will remember it, but at this moment I do not remember.
D – Master, I want to ask you another question. That valley in central Mexico where the mountain that we told you with its treasure and temple of gold is; was it made by Mother Nature as a magnetic center, as a “navel,” as something energetic? Was it made in conscious form?
M – There are many marvellous, formidable, magnetic centers in which several cults celebrated every some years, as the ones that are celebrated in Yucatan. The most important one was the Rejuvenation of Fire every 52 years. It is a very special cult. There is a Cycle of Fire every 52 years.
D – Was the fire set here, in the center every 52 years?
M – Well, it was rejuvenated; there was a rejuvenation with an extraordinary liturgy that is lost.
D – Was it a change, something new for everybody?
M – It was a New fire, but all the Liturgy of the Fire has been lost. They used snail shells for the fumigations: black, white, yellow and red. They were burned and used for the fumigations in some religious celebrations in which Venus was praised.
D – What relation exists, Master, between the Seven Stars or Pleiades and the Sun? Because, precisely at the end of the cycle of 52 years, those stars had to pass perpendicularly to the mountain. When these stars had passed, then they were sure that at dawn the Sun was going to appear once again; because it was predicted that at the end of a cycle of 52 years the Fifth Sun would have ended. About the 52 years, does it mean that a bigger cycle exists? We know that the annual cycle of 52 days covers a septenary, does it not? 7 x 52 = 364, so there should exist a bigger septenary.
M – Naturally! As inside of the cosmos there are other cosmoses and inside of that cosmos there is another, in the same form, inside of the 7 cycles of 52 years, there is another 7 bigger cycles that embrace the entire humanity. Now, for example, we are inside of the bigger cycle; we are in exactly the Fifth Sun. So, in this era we expect the great catastrophe. It will be in the Katum-13 of Mayans, when this Katum arrives. The Katum-13 will begin in the year 2.043.

D – The Katum, is it also a cycle? Some say that it is a cycle of 20 years, but I believe that it is not, but one of 52 years.
M – No; there are small cycles and inside of the small cycles there are bigger cycles, and inside of the big ones there are bigger ones. So, the Katum-13 is something extraordinary. The year 2.043 will start Katum-13 and with the beginning of the Katum-13 the great catastrophe will come; it comes in the Katum-13 of the Mayans. Nahuatls affirms that the Sons of the Fifth Sun will die by the action of fire and earthquakes; but there are seven cycles (small cycles of 52 years) and inside of that seven cycles of 52 years, the Fifth Sun will appear bigger and bigger. For example, the Fifth Sun belongs to the Aryan race; the Fourth Sun, Atlantean race; Third Sun, the Lemurians; Second Sun, Hyperboreans; First Sun, the Polar race, the Protoplasmatic. We are in the Fifth Sun; and by that time the great catastrophe of fire and earthquakes is expected.
Now, about the Pleiades, actually, we have people that come from the Pleiades. Pleiades are related with the Atlantean archipelago; the Seven Pleiades are related to the seven important islands of Atlantis. It happens that the Nahuatls were descendants of Atlantis; then, they inherited this knowledge which through the Toltecs was inherited from Atlantis.
So the seven islands are very important: they are related, naturally, to the Seven Sacred Islands and to the Seven Races of humanity. If they pass for the center of the “Cerro de la Estrella” (Star’s Hill), it is because they made exact calculations. They did not speak about meridians, as we do, they used to say: “they have passed.” With this, they could predict calamities, wars, etc. All of that is marvellous, is it not? Therefore, the Cerro de la Estrella was a place in which the cosmic things used to received many cults. Of course, it was also celebrated every 52 years with the Rejuvenation of Fire.
D – Master, when we were there, even though we are intellectual animals, lunar animals, we internally felt a great euphoria, we were feeling the masters, we felt that there was something special. We felt on that day a great happiness, a joy in our hearts when we went there…
M – You were refreshing in your memory the knowledge that you had of the past. You were part of all of that, you knew all the rituals that were celebrated there, in the “Cerro de la estrella.”
D – Yes Master, and I even saw myself in the era of the Fifty-Two, in which the fire was set. My heart was there and I believe that we listened and heard: “Finally, finally you are coming back!”
M – Anyway, you were a priest in those lands; you were a priest, an old initiate. You had worked in the Temples of Anahuac and now you have to refresh your knowledge. As an old priest of ancient Mexico you had that knowledge as, for example, when you used to take a rose, a flower and you knew how to see and predict. Through the petals you use to go to the heart of the rose and find some signals that allowed you to predict cosmic events. That was in an ancient time and today that knowledge has been lost. Now, in order to obtain some orientation, what you can do is count the number of petals, that will give you the Arcanum and its relation to the Pleiades.

D – Master, today at four o’clock in the morning I woke up and I heard that I just had been consecrated as a Priest of Tlaloc.
M – Well, it is not that you had just been consecrated: you are a priest!
D – Master, there is something that we have not told you, some experiences… We were in one of the pyramids; it was there where we felt like euphoric. Coming into the temple of the Lord of Eagles and the Lord of Tigers we found a container carved on the floor (profanes say that it was used to put hearts into). We perceived that it was the place in which the fire was set. Then, even though this is an archaeological zone with guardians, etc., we had the boldness to set a fire there. It was like an oven because the fire start burning as though it were stoked by the air; the fire started to grow into a marvellous form. We had to quench it because the guard was coming, but innerly we felt great happiness then we heard the Master say that it was many thousands of years that the fire had not set there, that it was many thousand of years that people like that had not come, like the group of brothers that one day were priests and priestess… Then we went to another temple. We were also welcomed with happiness… Later we went to another one in which we were welcomed with great solemnity, they gave us a staff and some arrows. Later we went to the Temple of Quetzalcoatl. On that occasion we were welcome with great severity, not only with solemnity but also with great severity.
That is why we felt fear to comeback even though we did it. We went with two brothers and on that occasion, we were received with infinite attention, infinite harmony, with a lot of love…
M – Sure, there were priests in the group. Talking about lived experiences, this one (for sure) is real.
D – Then in Teotihuacan, inside of a temple we received a cape, a cape covered with feathers. That, naturally we have never told to anyone.
M – Yes, that is your inheritance, your secret inheritance. Now you have to raise up again in order to officiate; you have to officiate…
D – In the temple where we went before; before receiving the staff and the arrows, they said: “Finally you have come back, after a long pilgrimage!”
M – And a very long and hard pilgrimage! Now you are on the path; now you have to officiate again, to act as you used to in those times. You have to remember that it was not only the Great Pyramid in Egypt that was orientated towards Sirius to determine era, but also the Pyramid of the Sun. Some temples and pyramids in that era were also directed in direction of Sirius. Sirius received many cults not only in Egypt but also among the ancient people of America.
D – In a pyramid of Guatemala, during an inner experience, I saw that I had been thrown out of the temple because I had revealed secrets; because I had never completely understood why the secret of the Great Arcanum that humanity need so much was kept in secret. I remember that because of this I had been thrown out of the temples more than once.
M – It was because you divulged the Great Arcanum. It was a violation to reveal it, it was grave. In Egypt, for example, the one that revealed the Great Arcanum was put in front of the wall (in which there were lambs’ leathers, etc.) and then was beheaded.
D – There is something very important Master, and it is the extraordinary cultural riches of Mayans and Nahuatls that now have been observed by the university students from a different perspective.
M – And what a quantity of incalculable richness the Mayans have and also of the christianity among them! What could we say, for example, about the beheaded that instead of having one head it has seven? Two groups of three with the sublime coronation of the seventh flame of fire that connects us with the One, with the Law, with the Father.
D – Where is that?
M – It was among the Mayans; I found it in a stone that was there.
D – We could verify Master that each pyramid has a determinate type of wisdom; it is specialized in something. For example, in one we could perceive the origin of man, the origin of humanity. In that sense, each pyramid has different doctrinaire aspects. We could also perceive that before the construction of the pyramids there were big “bohios” in those places.
M – Yes, before the pyramids construction, Atlantis was still in total activity. The pyramids are from the Atlantean times, as the great Tenochtitlan, which in that time was not yet Nahuatl. It is not as the “super-civilized” Spaniards believed, that it was founded in the year 1.325 of our era. The culture of the ancient Tenochtitlan (as the culture of the sacred land of Mayab, etc., etc.) belongs to the era of Atlantis, thousands and thousands of years ago. So, how could it be possible to build a civilization, as those simple spaniards believed, from one day to another, in the space of one or two hundred years. That is absurd!
D – Are the pyramids of Egypt also from the same era?
M – No, the pyramids of ancient Mexico are older than the Egyptians. Precisely, during the era of Atlantis, there were hundreds of pilgrimages, some in the direction of Yucatan, others to the land of Mayab and others to Teotihuacan, those were places of pilgrimage. Another place was Egypt. Sometimes the pilgrimages were in the direction of Egypt and other times, Mexico. All those pilgrimages were done through Atlantis, but the constructions in Mexico are older than those in Egypt. So, there were places of pilgrimage: they used to go to Egypt or come here. There were many kingdoms in all those countries, extraordinary kingdoms, great cultures, full of wisdom. For example, we have the case of the God Pacal (and that is not his real name), but in order to understand it, we will call him Pacal. Here in Palenque he is also called the astronaut. He was not an astronaut, that is not truth.

Let us examine, for example, the pectorals that he carries and the nine necklaces that decorate him. They indicate that he is a Real Man that had worked in the Forge of Cyclops (a real man)… He has three necklaces on his neck, that indicates that he could crystallize in himself the Three Superior Forces of Nature and the Cosmos. He has ten rings (one on each finger), which perfectly indicates that he had achieved Self- Realization; he could crystallize the Ten Sephiroths of Cabbala, as they are in the total Inner Self-Realization. About the Sphere that he has in his right hand and the cube in the left one, this represents clearly that he had the Cubic Stone, the Philosopher’s Stone. What about the Sphere? It is the perfection; he had the absolute right to use the Sphere. Let us take in account that we use the Cross here, as an instrument of Christification, of Self- Realization, of elimination, etc., etc., etc., but when one has attained all of that, when one is perfectly Self-Realized, then one wins the right to use the Sphere because it has been made, one has to make it. The cross is the instrument, but when one is already absolutely Self- Realized, one handles the Sphere. This God Pacal (we called him Pacal because it is the profane name that he received); so, he handles the Sphere.
D – And what is the real name of the God Pacal?
M – I have not investigated it.
The entrance to the sepulchre is closed day and night with a triangular stone, to remind us the Holy Triamasikamno, a man that crystallized in himself the three primary forces of Nature and the Cosmos; a perfect man. It is necessary to descend in order to find the sepulchre. This indicates that in order to ascend, first it is necessary to descend.
Then, he was buried with beheaded people: six men were beheaded in order to bury Pacal; their heads were bloodily cut (that is a barbarian action! No?). With that action they tried to make it understood that he was a man that had eliminated all his psychological aggregates, and if we think of the six point star, in the Star of Solomon, the Star that emanates from the chaos of the microcosms man; if we also think of that sentence that says: Lux in Tenebris Lucem (the light emanates from the darkness, the light comes from the darkness, the star of six points emanates from the chaos) we will see that it has a profound meaning, it is the Seal of Solomon. The six points are masculine; the six deep entrances between point and point are feminine. There are twelve radiations that crystallize through Sexual Alchemy in the Twelve Zodiacal Constellations. Let us think of the Sixth Mystery, without this mystery it is not possible to function in the Sexual Ministry, the 24th mystery of the “knitter” of Tarot, would not work. How it could work? Only through the Sixth Mystery, the 24th Mystery can work. Inside of the 24th Mystery is the Sixth Mystery; but the Sixth Mystery is fundamental to make the 24th Mystery work (the one of the Great Work). That Sixth Mystery is the man in love. The Love, and belongs to the Region of Tiphereth of the Hebrew Cabbala, to the Christic zone of the Tree of Life.
Well, the Soul of Pacal is a Christic Human Soul, a Soul that achieved the perfect Christification and the beheading of all his psychological aggregates; he passed through the beheading of John the Baptist, for the beheading of the Innocents, and finally attained total christification. To give testimony to that terrible truth, six men were beheaded, were buried with Pacal and then the tomb was closed.
D – Master, what in reality are the 24 elders that appear in the Apocalypse?
M – Well, those 24 elders are 24 parts of our Being. We have already said that the Zodiac has 24 Masters. There are many testimonies; many books in which appear the names of the 24 Masters, or 24 orders of adepts. The 24 macrocosmic elders are one thing and another are the regents inside of ourselves. The powers of the 24 elders are located around the pineal gland: are atoms or atomic gods that are awakened and developed when one achieved Christification. So, if a man [woman] achieves the resurrection, the 24 elders inside of ourselves (the 24 fundamental parts of the Being) throw their crowns of triumph (of the zodiac) to the feet of the Lamb of God, to the feet of the Inner Christ.
Well, let us think about the gravestone that is located obviously on the sepulchre. Many after the examination of the gravestone thought that he was an astronaut. That is not exact. Yes, we do not deny that there are martian hieroglyphics; we do not deny that. We do not deny that he is an Initiate of Mars Occultism; I accept that, it is correct. But one thing is that and another is that he would have been from Mars, or an inhabitant of another planet. That is not truth.
The cross of corn stem that appears on the stone speaks clearly. We already know what the corn, the wheat and also the rice, represent: the Sacred Mercury of the Secret Philosophy. That Mercury is the Metallic Soul of the Sacred Sperm, or using other words, speaking more clearly, we would say they represent the Germs of the Man, the seed. So, it is something profoundly significant.
The corn was worshipped, it was a cult object among the ancient Nahuatls, Mayans, Toltecs, Zapotecs, etc., because it represents the Seed, and speaking in a more transcendental form, we would say: it represents the Metallic Soul of the Sperm, which is the product of the transformations of the Sacred Sperm or Exiohehary. Then, because in that is the realization of man, it was necessary to worship it. The cross of the corn stem indicates the legitimate connection of the Lingam-Yoni in order to make the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy and in this form to achieve the Christification.
He appears like separating himself from the stem, which is not as many believe an artefact that he is driving. No, it is not. What appears as he is separating himself from the stem, means that through the cross it is possible to descend and that also through the cross it is possible to ascend. That is the cross, correctly understood, as it has to be comprehended and that is necessary to understand…
There are other signals there, (I think Sirius appears etc.). But, anyways it is representing an Avatar, in the most complete meaning of the word; an Avatar, a man that gave a message to humanity, to the Mayas; a real messenger of the superior worlds.
He has a mask of jade to symbolize his greatness and also that no one is dignified enough to observe his face. The mask, of course, has been damaged through time but it was restored.
People here in Palenque complain a lot because the gentlemen of official science looted the sepulchre. And even more, the fact that they had taken the cranium. they demanded from the President of Mexico the devolution of his cranium. They did not want to return it, and that is unfortunate, really unfortunate.
I was exploring all that zone, around Palenque and I found a Funeral city (a temple, a great sepulchre, etc.) hidden underground, in the jungle. I went to the jungle to explore. I walked along a small river in the middle of a thicket, exploring, visiting the sepulchre. It is really interesting all of that; but one thing is the great message that Palenque brings and another is, for example, the message that is received in Cancun. Each zone has its own message. For example: it would not be possible to understand the descent of the Logos (in his trinity aspect, as the Holy Triamasikamno that fertilizes the chaotic matter and finally crystallizes in the world) without the Life, Passion, Death and Resurrection of our
Lord Quetzalcoatl. That is why in a temple of Mayab, investigating Quetzalcoatl, I found on the principal porch the descent of the Logos, with the feet raised up and descending into the matter. But also over there it is engraved in stone, all the Life, Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord Quetzalcoatl.
The doctrine was accepted among the Mayans in the form as it was taught by the Nahuatls, precisely to explain to us that biological truth: the descent of the Logos into the matter and his later re-ascension. With that drama it is possible to explain in dialectic form the descent and re-ascension of the Logos.
D – About the human sacrifices to the God Tlaloc, in the pre-Columbus Mexico. What can you tell us, Master?
M – About Tlaloc, there were some doubts. I told him of some reproaches in the Causal World. I asked him: “Well, why did you permit the human sacrifices (sacrifices of children and women) in the physical world?” -and he answered- “It was not my fault, I did not demand that type of sacrifice.” He also told me: “I will comeback in the new Age of Aquarius.” I understand that he will have a Physical body in the Golden Age, after the great catastrophe that is coming; he will have a Physical body, in the Golden Age of the future Sixth Root-Race.
D – It will come then, the resurrection of the Gods?
M – The resurrection of the Gods is coming and Tlaloc will have a physical body.
D- Will it be re-established, the cult of the Gods, in the future Sixth Root-Race?
M – Yes sir, the cult of the Gods will be re-established, the sacred cults of the Gods, will comeback, once again!
Until now the exclusive monotheism (rejecting the Holy Gods), was not a blessing for humanity, it was the opposite: a curse. When humanity rejected the Gods, it started its corruption that ends in this state.
D – Are the Gods the intermediaries?
M – The Gods, yes. They are the intermediaries between humanity and the Eternal Common Cosmic Father.
D – Why did that cult not prevail after the coming of Jesus, the Great Kabir? Is it because he was monotheist? And if he was not, why he did not say so clearly?
M – Well, our Lord the Christ was polytheist; Jesus of Nazareth was not a monotheist. Remember those words when Jesus the Christ says: “You are Gods!” It is clearly written in the gospel: “Is it not written in your laws, I said, Ye are Gods?” It is in the gospel;
Jesus says: “You are Gods!” Jesus never talked against the Gods. When? Those are things of the people, he never went against the Holy Gods!
D – I have not seen that the Bible speaks about the Gods…
M – The Apocalypse, for example, speaks about the angels. What are the angels? Are they not Gods? That now, they receive another name? That is another thing, but they are the same Gods.
D – Master, what is the hierarchic order of those Gods, that now we call angels?
M – The order is: Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Potencies, Virtues, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubims, Seraphims and even, there are many more.
Anyway, the angels are the same Gods; those are the Holy Gods. Now, this does not mean that because we revere the Holy Gods we will underestimate the Eternal Cosmic Common Father. We have never denied the Eternal Cosmic Common Father; what we deny is the God of the orthodox dogma, the frightening and revengeful deity of the law: “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth…”
What happens is that God is not a person (human or divine) in particular. God is Gods, is the Army of the Voice, the Great Word, the Verb, the Creative Logos, the Perfect Multiple Unity. The word “Elohim” or “Elojim” that means “God,” is correctly translated as Gods and Goddesses. A religion without Goddesses is in the middle of the path that goes to the total atheism.
Samael Aun Weor
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