The Awakening of the Consciousness

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It is necessary to know that humanity lives with its consciousness asleep. People work sleeping. People walk through the streets sleeping. People live and die sleeping.

When we come to the conclusion that the entire world lives sleeping, then we comprehend the necessity to awaken. We need the awakening of consciousness. We want the awakening of consciousness.


The profound sleep in which humanity lives are caused by fascination.

People are fascinated by everything in life. People forget themselves because they are fascinated. The drunkard in the bar is fascinated by alcohol, the place, the pleasures, his friends and the women. The vain woman in front of a mirror is fascinated by her enchantment with herself. The rich avaricious person is fascinated by money and possessions. The honest worker in the factory is fascinated by hard work. The father of the family is fascinated by his children. All human beings are fascinated and sleep profoundly. When we drive a car we are astonished to see people dashing across the roads and streets without paying attention to the danger from the cars. Others actually throw themselves under wheels of cars. Poor people… walking asleep… like sleepwalkers. They walk sleeping, endangering their own lives. Any clairvoyant can see their dreams. People dream about everything that keeps them fascinated.


During sleep, the ego escapes from the physical body. This departure of the ego is necessary so that the vital body can repair the physical body. In the internal worlds we are able to affirm that the ego takes its dreams there, to the internal worlds. In the internal worlds the ego occupies itself with the same things that fascinate it in the physical. Thus, during his sleep we see the carpenter in his carpentry shop, the policeman guarding the streets, the barber in his barbershop, the blacksmith at his forge, the drunkard in the tavern or bar, the prostitute in the house of pleasures, absorbed in lust etc., etc. All these people live in the internal worlds as if they were in the physical world. During sleep it does not occur to any living being to ask whether they are in the physical or astral world. Those who have asked such a question during sleep have awoken in the internal worlds. Then, with amazement, they have been able to study all the marvels of the Superior Worlds. Only by becoming accustomed to asking ourselves this question from moment to moment during the so called vigil state can we manage to ask such a question of ourselves in the superior worlds during the hours given over to sleep. Clearly, while we are asleep we repeat everything that we do during the day. If during the day we accustom ourselves to asking this question, then this, during nocturnal sleep, whilst outside the body will lead to us repeating the same question to ourselves. The result will be the awakening of consciousness.

the feet touching with the heels and the toes of them separated in the form of a fan


The human being who is fascinated does not remember himself. We must self-remember from moment to moment. We need to Self-Remember in the presence of every representation that could fascinate us. Let us pause before every representation and ask ourselves:

Where am I? Am I in the physical plane? Am I in the astral plane? Then give a little jump with the intention of floating in the surrounding atmosphere. It is logical that if you float it is because you are outside the physical body. The result will be the awakening of consciousness. The object of asking this question in each moment is so that it becomes engraved in the subconscious, so that it may manifest later during the hours given to sleep, hours when the ego is really outside the physical body. You should know that in astral, things appear just as here in the physical plane. During sleep, and after death, people see everything there in a form so similar to the physical world, that because of this they do not even suspect that they are outside the physical body. No dead person ever believes himself to have died; he is fascinated and profoundly asleep. If, during life, the dead had made a practice of remembering them selves from moment to moment, if they had struggled against the fascination of the things of the world, the result would have been the awakening of consciousness. They would not dream. They would walk in the internal worlds with awakened consciousness. Whoever awakens consciousness can study during the hours of sleep all the marvels of the superior worlds. Whoever awakens the consciousness lives in the superior worlds as a totally awakened citizen of the Cosmos. Then he lives with the Great Hierophants of the White Lodge.

Whoever awakens consciousness can no longer dream; here in this physical plane, or in the internal worlds. Whoever awakens consciousness stops dreaming. Whoever awakens consciousness be comes a competent investigator of the superior worlds. Whoever awakens consciousness is illuminated. Whoever awakens conscious ness can study at the feet of the Master. Whoever awakens conscious ness can talk familiarly with the Gods who initiated the dawn of creation. Whoever awakens consciousness can remember his innumerable reincarnations. Whoever awakens consciousness can consciously attend his own cosmic initiations. Whoever awakens consciousness can study in the temples of the Great White Lodge. Who ever awakens consciousness can know in the superior worlds how his Kundalini is developing. Every Perfect Matrimony must awaken the consciousness to receive guidance and direction from the White Lodge. In the superior worlds the Masters will wisely guide all those who really love one another. In the superior worlds the Masters give to each one that which he needs for his internal development.


Upon waking from normal sleep, every Gnostic student should do a retrospective exercise on the process of sleep, to remember all those places he visited during the hours

of sleep. We already know that the ego travels a great deal, going to where we have been, repeating all that we saw and heard. The Masters instruct their disciples when out of the physical body.

It is urgent to know how to meditate profoundly and then practice what we learned during the hours of sleep. It is necessary not to move at the time of awakening because with this movement the astral is agitated and the memories are lost. It is urgent to combine the retrospective exercises with the following mantram;


Each word is divided into two syllables. One should accentuate the vowel O. This mantra is for the student what dynamite is for the miner. Just as the miner opens a way through the bowels of the earth with the aid of dynamite, so also, the student opens a way to the memories of the subconscious with the aid of this mantra.


The Gnostic student should be infinitely patient and tenacious be cause powers cost a great deal. Nothing is given to us as a gift. Everything costs. These studies are not for the inconsistent, nor for people of little will. These studies demand infinite faith. Sceptical people should not come to our studies because occult science is very demanding. The sceptics fail totally. The incredulous will not succeed in entering the Celestial Jerusalem.


  • The first state of consciousness is called Eikasia.
  • The second state of consciousness is Pistis.
  • The third state of consciousness is Dianoia.
  • The fourth state of consciousness is Nous.

Eikasia is ignorance, human cruelty, barbarism, extremely profound sleep, a brutal and instinctive world, an infra-human state.

Pistis is the world of opinions and beliefs. Pistis is belief, prejudices, sectarianism, fanaticism, theories in which there does not exist any type of direct perception of the Truth. Pistis is the consciousness of the common level of humanity.

Dianoia is the intellectual revision of beliefs, analysis, conceptual synthesis, cultural- intellectual consciousness, scientific thought etc. Dianoetic thought studies phenomena and establishes laws. Dianoetic thought studies the inductive and deductive systems with the purpose of using them in a profound and clear way.

Dianoia Definition:

Dianoia (Greek: διάνοια, ratio in Latin) is a term used by Plato for a type of thinking, specifically about mathematical and technical subjects. It is the capacity for, process of, or result of discursive thinking, in contrast with the immediate apprehension that is characteristic of noesis. In Aristotle, knowledge is further divided into the theoretical (episteme), and the practical, which includes techne and phronesis.

Nous is perfect awakened consciousness. Nous is the state of Turiya, profound perfect interior illumination. Nous is legitimate objective clairvoyance. Nous is intuition. Nous is the world of the divine archetypes. Noetic thought is synthetic, clear, objective, illuminated. Whoever reaches the heights of Noetic thought totally awakens consciousness and becomes a Turiya.

The lowest part of man is irrational and subjective and is related with the five ordinary senses.
The highest part of man is the world of intuition and objective spiritual consciousness. In the world of intuition, the archetypes of all things in nature develop.

Only those who have penetrated the world of objective intuition, only those who have reached the solemn heights of Noetic thought are truly awakened and illuminated.

A true Turiya cannot dream. The Turiya, who has reached the heights of Noetic thought, never goes about saying so, never presumes to be wise; he is extremely simple and humble, pure and perfect.

It is necessary to know that a Turiya is not a medium, pseudo-clairvoyant, or pseudo- mystic, unlike those who nowadays abound like weeds in all schools of spiritual, hermetic, occultist studies etc.
The state of Turiya is most sublime and is only reached by those who work in the Fiery Forge of Vulcan all their lives. Only the Kundalini can elevate us to the state of Turiya.

It is urgent to know how to meditate profoundly and then to practice Sexual Magic all our life to reach, after many difficult trials, the state of Turiya.

Meditation and Sexual Magic carry us to the heights of Noetic thought.

Noetic thought

Neither dreamer nor medium, nor any of those who enter a school of occult teaching can instantaneously achieve the state of Turiya. Unfortunately, many believe that this is as easy as blowing and making bottles, or like smoking a cigarette, or like getting drunk. Thus we see many people hallucinating, mediums and dreamers, declaring themselves to be clairvoyant Masters, illuminated ones. In all schools, including within the ranks of our Gnostic Movement, there are always those persons who say that they are clairvoyant without really being so. These are the ones w based upon their hallucinations and dreams, slander others saying, “so-and-so is fallen; so- and-so is a black magician etc., etc.”

It is necessary to advise that the heights of Turiya require before hand many years of mental exercise and Sexual Magic in the Perfect Matrimony. This means discipline, long and profound study, very strong and profound internal meditation, sacrifice for humanity etc, etc.


As a rule, those who have recently entered Gnosis are full of impatience; they want immediate phenomenal manifestations, instantaneous refolding, illumination, wisdom etc.

The reality is another thing. Nothing is given us as a gift. Every thing costs. Nothing is attained through curiosity instantaneously, rapidly. Everything has its process and its development. Kundalini develops, evolves and progresses very slowly within the aura of the Mahachoam. Kundalini has the power of awakening consciousness. Nevertheless the process of awakening is slow, gradual, and natural, without spectacular, sensational, emotional, crude events. When consciousness already has awakened totally it is not something sensational, or spectacular. It is simply a reality as natural as a tree that grew slowly, unfolded and developed without sudden leaps or sensational events. Nature is nature. The Gnostic student in the begin- fling says, “I am dreaming. Later he exclaims, “I am in the astral body, outside the physical body”. Later still he obtains Samãdhi, ecstasy, and enters the fields of Paradise. In the beginning the manifestations are sporadic, discontinuous, followed by long periods of unconsciousness. Much later, the Igneous Wings give us continual uninterrupted awakened consciousness.

Samael Aun Weor

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