Thy will be done

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1.Have you seen Oh! BUDDHA, those ineffable beings that in the world  of  the  will reverently bowed before the majesty of the FATHER.

2.Thy will be done, Oh, MY GOD, on earth, as it is in heaven.

3.“Father, if thou  art willing,  remove  this  cup from  me; nevertheless  not my will,  but thine,  be done.” (Luke 22:42-45).

4.The will must kneel before the INTIMATE.

5.The will must humiliate itself before the majesty of the FATHER…

6.If we wish to christify the body of will, we must do the will of the FATHER, on earth as in heaven.

7.THE FATHER and THE SON are ONE, but the rebel SON is weak before the majesty of the FATHER.

8.The Christic will is powerful,  because  it only  does  the  will of the INTIMATE, on earth as in heaven.

9.When the will wishes to act independently, without doing the will  of the FATHER,  it is a  weak will.

10.We must put on our temples the Crown of thorns of the Master.

11.The crown of thorns symbolizes the CHRISTIC will.

12.The Christic Will is omnipotent,  because  it only does the will of the INTIMATE,  on earth  as in heaven.

13.When the human will opposes the will of the FATHER is guilty of lèse majesté.

Samael Aun Weor

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