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Contumacy is the insistence of pointing out an error, and that is why I will never become tired of insisting that the cause of all errors is the ego, the myself I do not care if the intellectual animals become upset because I speak against the ego, no matter what, I will continue with contumacy.

Two great world wars have passed and the world is on the verge of a Third World War. The world is in crisis, there is misery, illnesses and ignorance everywhere.

The two world wars have not left us anything good. The first world war left us the terrible influenza which killed millions of persons in the year 1918. The second world war left us a mental pest which is worse than the pest of the first world war. We are referring to the abominable “existentialist philosophy” which has totally poisoned the new generations and against which the Revolution of the Dialectic proclaims itself.

All of us have created this social chaos in which we live and all of us together should work to dissolve it and make it a better world by means of the teachings which I deliver in this work.

Unfortunately, people only think of their egotistical I and say: “I am first, I am second and I am third We have already said it and we repeat it once more: The ego sabotages the orders which Revolutionary Psychology establishes.

If we truly and very sincerely want the Revolution of the Dialectic, we first need the radical transformation of the individual.

Many are the persons who accept the need for a radical, total and definitive interior change, but unfortunately, they demand stimuli and special incentives.

People like to hear that they are doing well, that they be given pats on the shoulder, that they be told stimulating words, etc.

Many are the persons who demand some beautiful verse that will serve them as an inducement, some belief, some ideology or any utopia in order to change.

There are those who demand the promise of a good job as an inducement to change.

There are those who demand a good courtship or a magnificent marriage that will serve them as an inducement to change.

Nobody wants to change just like that but they do want a good incentive for action. People enjoy stimuli. Poor people do not want to comprehend that such stimuli are empty and superficial and that, therefore, it is but logical that they are useless.

Stimuli have never in life, never in the history of the centuries, been able to provoke a radical, total and definitive radical change within any individual.

Within every person exists an energetic center that cannot be destroyed with the death of the physical body and which perpetuates itself, for the misfortune of the world, in our descendants. That center is the ‘I’, the myself, the oneself. We need with maximum, undelayable urgency to produce a radical change within that energetic center called the ‘I’.

Pats on the shoulder, beautiful words, beautiful flattery, beautiful stimuli, noble inducements, etc., will never be able to produce any radical change in that energetic center called the ‘I’ which is within ourselves.

If we sincerely and wholeheartedly want a radical change within that center called the ‘I’, we have to recognize our lamentable state of misery and interior poverty and forget ourselves in order to work disinterestedly for humanity. This means abnegation, complete forgetting of oneself and complete abandonment of oneself.

It is impossible for there to be a radical change within ourselves if we only think of filling our pockets with money and more money.

The ‘I’, the myself, wants to grow, improve, evolve, interact with the great people on Earth, to acquire influence, position, wealth, etc. Superficial changes in our person are useless, they do not change anything and do not transform anyone or anything.

We need a profound change within each of us. Such a change can only be carried out within the center that we carry within, within the ‘I’ like a potter’s cup, we need to break the egotistical center.

It is urgent to extirpate the ‘I’ in order to produce a profound, radical, total and definitive change within each of us. In the state that we are in, we can only serve to make our lives bitter and to make our fellowmen’s lives bitter.

The ‘I’ wants to fill itself with honors, virtues, money, etc. The ‘I’ wants pleasures, fame, prestige, etc. and in its crazy eagerness to extend itself, it creates an egotistical society in which there are only disputes, cruelties, insatiable covetousness, limitless and borderless ambition, wars, etc.

To our misfortune, we are members of a society created by the ‘I’. Such a society is useless, harmful and deleterious. It is only by radically extirpating the ‘I’, that we can integrally change and, change the world.

If we truly want the radical extirpation of the ‘I’, it is urgent to have the memory still, in order for the mind to become serene, and then observe ourselves calmly in order to know ourselves.

We should contemplate ourselves like someone who is contemplating and enduring on himself, a torrential rain.

No one in life can dissolve the ‘I’ by seeking substitutes, leaving liquor behind and replacing it with the cigarette, abandoning a woman to marry another, leaving a defect to replace it with another or leaving a school for another school.

If we truly want a radical change within ourselves, we should set aside all those things which appear positive to us, all those old habits and all those mistaken customs.

The mind is the central headquarters of the ‘I’. We need a change in the central headquarters in order for there to be true revolution within each of us.

It is only with absolute abnegation and comprehension of what we unfortunately are, and without stimuli or incentives of any type, that we truly achieve the extirpation of the ‘I’.

Samael Aun Weor

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