The Power of Love

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When human beings are in love they become noble, charitable, helpful, philanthropic; they are in a state of ecstasy, and if the being they adore is absent, a simple handkerchief or a portrait or a ring or any love-memory of them will be enough in order to fall into a state of ecstasy; that is what love is…

Indeed, love is an effusion, an energetic emanation that flows within the deepest depths of the consciousness; it is, we would say, a superlative sense of the consciousness.

The cosmic energy that flows from within the bottom of our heart stimulates the endocrine glands of our body and puts them to work, then many hormones are produced that inundate the sanguineous channels and fill us with a great vitality. In ancient Greece the word “hormone” meant “longing of being,” “strength of being”…

Let us observe an old decrepit man. It would be enough to put him in contact with a woman, it would be enough for him to fall in love with her for him to become mystically exalted; then his endocrine glands will produce abundant hormones which, flooding his sanguineous channels, will revitalized them extraordinarily; this is how love is…

Indeed, love truly revitalizes, love awakens in us the innate powers of the Being. When human beings are truly in love, they become intuitive, mystical. In such moments they forebode their future, afraid of what might happen to them, and often exclaim, “It seems to me that this is a dream, I fear that later you will find someone else on your way.” Such intuitive hunches, throughout time and distance, become exactly fulfilled; that is love…

In Europe and the United States, there is a wonderful order; I refer to the Order of the Swan. Such an institution scientifically analyzes the various processes of that which is called “love.”

In India, love has always been symbolized by the kala hamsa swan, which floats marvelously upon the waters of life. Indeed, the swan emphatically allegorizes the ineffable joys of love. Observe a crystalline lake, where the swan glides over the most pure waters where the sky is reflected. When a partner swan dies, the other succumbs with sadness, and it is because love is fed with love…

To love, how beautiful it is to love. Only great souls can and know how to love… So said a great thinker.

Observe the stars rotating around their centers of universal gravitation: they attract and repel according to the law of cosmic magnetization. They love and turn again to love each other…

Often, stars have been seen to approach each other, sparkling, shining in the starry night sky. Suddenly something happens, “A collision of stars,” exclaim astronomers from their wonderful observatory towers… Love, yes! They have come too close, their masses have merged, have been integrated by the force of affection, they have become a new mass. Behold the miracle of love in the firmament…

Let us observe a flower: the atoms of the molecule in the scented, ambrosial rose, bathed by the rays of the moon in the starry night on the banks of the crystalline fountain, speak of love…

And look at those atoms around their nuclear centers: obviously, the molecule resembles a miniature solar system. Why are there atoms rotating around their gravitational centers as the planets rotate around the Sun? It is because they are attracted by the wonderful force that is called love…

It is written that if all human beings without distinction of race, sex, caste, or color would even for a minute leave their resentments, vendettas, wars, hatred, and would dearly love each other, then even the venom of vipers would disappear. This is because love is a cosmic force, a force a surges from within the vortex of all atomic nuclei, a force that surges from the vortex of any solar system, a force that surges from the center of any galaxy. It is an extraordinary force that properly used can perform miracles and wonders, as those who were performed by the Divine Rabbi of Galilee when passing through the Earth. This is how love is…

The kiss itself (which some give in a morbid manner) is indeed the mystical consecration of two souls eager to express in a sensory way what they live inside…

The sexual act is the consubstantiation of love in the psycho-physiological reality of our nature…

In Asia, they never built monuments to great heroes, not even to Genghis Khan with his bloody battles, but to love and to women. And it is because the Asians understood that only through the marvelous force of love we can transform ourselves radically.

Maternity, love, woman — lo and behold something grandiose that resonates in the coral of space in an always perennial manner. Woman is the most beautiful thought of the Creator made flesh, blood, and life…

We males are fascinated by a beautiful painting, or are enchanted by a beautiful sunset, or are captivated when observing an eclipse through an observatory. But the woman immediately provokes in us the craving of possessing her, the urge of becoming one with her, the drive of integrating with her, in order to participate in the plentitude of the universe.

Nevertheless, we must not, in any way, look at love or at women in morbid manner, we must remember that love in itself is pure, holy, and noble.

When a male defiles a woman with his perverse gaze, indubitably he marches on the path of degeneration.

We must learn to see woman purely, in all of her natural beauty.

For us males, the woman, born for a holy destiny, is the only being that can liberate us from the chain of pain.

For women the male is something similar; she sees in the man all hope, all protection, she wants to be completed by the man, she sees in him precisely the masculine eternal principle, the force that has put into activity all that is, everything that has been, and all that will be.

Indeed, man and woman are truly the two pillars of the temple. These two columns must not be overly close nor exorbitantly away from each other, there must be a space so that the light can pass between them.

When the force of affection is studied, when one comprehends that which is called “love,” we then feel that at the base of sex there might be something that can indeed bring us enlightenment, a mystical relevance that can transform us into superhumans.

There is no one that cannot be changed by means of love. Indeed, it is only by means of this wonderful force that one can be changed.

Adam and Eve left the terrestrial paradise together, and together, hugging each other, they must return to Paradise. Adam and Eve left Eden for having eating the forbidden fruit of which they were told, “Thou shall not eat of it…”

It is obvious that by not eating the forbidden fruit we will come back into Eden.

If through the door of sex we came out of Eden, then only through that marvelous door can we return to Eden. Eden is sex itself.

The atomic powers of good and evil fight for supremacy; they clash within the sacred sperm.

The sacred sperm is indeed formidable. Within it are found the mystical, ethical, and scientific principles that could make us something different: a superhuman….

It is necessary for the woman to return and become the queen of home in order to instruct her children. It is necessary for the man to reconquer his masculine values and to express himself with the potentiality of a male. The man should be very manly, and the woman must be truly very womanly.

We all are guilty of the future World War III, since all of us are channeling the creative energies in the wrong way. All males have stopped seeing in the woman the beauty of love, and have only converted her into a pornographic figure. The humanoids of these times wallow in the Procrustean bed. Venereal diseases spread everywhere. This is infinitely regrettable.

Lemuria and Atlantis –

At this moment, Lemuria comes into my memory, Lemuria, that old extraordinary continent that was once located in the Pacific Ocean. Lemuria was inhabited. It is clear that when that giant planet Hercolubus arrived — which also now is approaching again in order to end our Aryan root race — it produced catastrophic events on the old continent Mu. The fire of volcanoes erupted to the surface. All over, the liquid fire burned the face of the Earth. Terrible earthquakes and horrific tidal waves ended the great cities of the Lemurian continent. And finally, it gradually sank in the raging waves of the Pacific Ocean. Easter Island and Oceania are remnants of Lemuria.

During the time of the third Lemurian subrace, it happened at certain times that men and women who loved each other were guided to the sacred temples of mysteries. Then, under the direction of the great sages they sexually united in order to create and again to create anew. Yet, in those times of Arcadia where the rivers of pure water of life flowed with milk and honey, the sexual act was an ineffable sacrament. In those ancient ages, no one dared to perform the sexual act outside of the temples. Even the kings and queens of the various walled cities attended those holy places in order to copulate before the altar, since for them the sexual act was sacred.

Then, human beings reproduced by Kriyashakti, the power of will and yoga. No one spilled the sacred sperm. Men and women withdrew from the sexual act without spilling the semen. Then, their sperm was transformed into creative energy that awakened extraordinary powers in those Cyclopean men and women… It was another time…

In these moments, there are already devices that will prove the reality of what I am stating. Soon the sound waves of Lemuria will be found and transformed into images. Through television sets they will demonstrate with concrete facts the reality of these affirmations.

Indeed, truthfully, in Lemuria sex was sacred. Any spermatozoon could escape from the endocrine glands of the man in order to fecundate the female womb. So, this is how the children of wisdom, the children of will and yoga were born into the world.

In that ancient age, the rivers of pure waters of life flowed with milk and honey. Everything belonged to everyone, and everyone could eat from the tree of the neighbor without fear. That was the paradisiacal epoch, the epoch of the Titans. Humans had not degenerated yet. They had a sixth sense that allowed them to see the aureola of the stars, and to communicate with people of other worlds.

Let us say that they were “giants,” yes, they were about four meters tall. We have stone representations of them in the wonderful sculptures of Tula. They have said that those sculptures are Atlantean sculptures, but indeed, these monuments remind us of the Lemurian humanity, the children of wisdom; they remind us those people who spoke delightfully in the great universal language, which like a river of gold always flows as the golden light of the sun.

There was no pain. This was the epoch in which humanity still lived in a paradisiacal state. It was the epoch in which the one who knew how to play the lyre sang with its delicious melodies. In that ancient age, the lyre of Orpheus had not yet fallen to the floor of the temple and smashed into pieces. It was the age in which humanity was considered one family. Woman did not suffer during childbirth. She enjoyed bringing a new creature into the world. There was no hatred on the face of the Earth. There were no wars. Everything was love and spiritual beauty.

But when those humans began to fornicate, when they started spilling the cup of Hermes Trismegistus, then they degenerated, they lost their precious faculties, and left Eden.

What I am stating will be corroborated one day, when certain devices currently being refined capture the waves of the continent Mu and transform them into images.

Friends, that humanity degenerated on the continent Mu towards the end of that continent, when people began to reproduce themselves in a manner similar to this present humanity. Then, they no longer attended the temples for the sexual act, no. They began to reproduce themselves in their huts, in their homes, in their palaces, ejaculating the ens seminis. Thus, it was from that time that the descending, devolving human process began.

When Lemuria sank into the Pacific Ocean, then the famous Atlantis sung of by Plato emerged from the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis was located from the south to the north pole; it had a powerful civilization with atomic rockets that could cross the infinite space and descend not only on the Moon but on other planets of our solar system. The lighting system of Atlantis was atomic. Their amphibious or aerial vehicles were impelled or propelled by solar energy.

In the beginning, the Atlanteans also had a great spiritual culture. They did not know wars. Love reigned everywhere. Men and women made of love a worship. They remembered the previous Lemurian epochs and in no way they wanted to fall back into devolution. Unfortunately, at the end of Atlantis (as we right now are at the end of our Aryan root race), they frightfully degenerated and delivered themselves also to sexual orgies. Then, it so happened that on a given day, when the planet Hercolubus came in the starry space, there was a revolution of the axis of the Earth. Then the seas changed their beds, and Atlantis with all its millions of inhabitants sank into the stormy ocean waves that bear its name.

A little time later the new earth emerged, which are these continents where we currently, perversely live. In the beginning, our race was beautiful, exquisite. Let us remember the paradisiacal people of ancient Mexico. Let us remember also the powerful spiritual cultures of the central plateau of Tibet. Likewise let us now remember ancient Ithaca…

There is no doubt that at that time the gods of the Aryans communicated with people, and happiness reigned everywhere. But the diverse historical cycles were changing, and in these times of worldwide crisis and bankruptcy of all principles, humanity is finally rushing down the path of sexual degeneration.

What Determines Our Future Obviously, we need to transform ourselves before it is too late. We can and should give birth to the human being within ourselves. We must cooperate with the Sun. We must care about the solar ideas. We must become solar humans in the fullest sense of the word.

Since the dawn of creation, love has emerged. This world, this universe, sprang from the Chaos by means of the marvelous force of love. The Army of the Voice, the Army of the Word, also knew how to love, and it was at the dawn of creation and within the same Chaos when ineffable beings gave rise to this current universe. Obviously, only by means of love could this creation emerge. It would have been impossible for this universe to emerge from within the Chaos without the magnificent force of love.

As a proof that love was the cause of the existence of this universe, we have that love flows, as I told you, from the center of each atomic nucleus, flower, solar system, and galaxy.

Ineffable beings have come here to this world by means of love, namely Gautama, the Buddha Shakyamuni, came here because of love, and gave a message of love to humanity; he had his wife Yasodhara. He was happy with his wife. He loved her. And what we will say about Quetzalcoatl? He also knew how to love. And what about Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice great God Ibis of Thoth? He also loved, and this is why he said, “I give you love, within which is contained all the sum of wisdom…” Or what will we say about other men, like Krishna? We know very well how much he loved his wife. All great initiates that have come into the world have known how to love. But this humanity has poisoned some of them: they poisoned Gautama Buddha Shakyamuni. They poisoned Milarepa, the great holy Tibetan. Other great initiates were poisoned. Those who were not poisoned were stabbed or hanged, killed, banished, etc., like Apollonius of Tyana. Finally, the great Kabir Jesus of Nazareth was sent to us, and he was crucified.

Next to the great enlightened men of the past a woman was never missing. The most wonderful Mary Magdalene shines next to Jesus, as Yasodhara, the wife-disciple of Gautama the Buddha Shakyamuni tremendously shines. Great women have always been next to great men. Women have animated them. Women have given them life. Women have incited them to fight. Women have raised them upon the pedestal. Women have guided them to make gigantic works…

Woman, as I said, is the most beautiful thought of the Creator made flesh, blood, and life.

Woman is born for a holy predestination, which is to bring children to Earth, to educate them, to guide them along the path of revitalization of the solar principles so that they may achieve self-realization together…

Lecture by Samael Aun Weor

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