Pistis Sophia – Chapter 21

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And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished saying these words, that Mary continued again and said:

“My Lord, will not then the horoscope-casters and consulters from now on declare unto men what will come to pass for them?”

And Jesus answered and said unto Mary:

“If the horoscope-casters find the Fate and the sphere turned towards the left, according to their first extension, their words will come to pass, and they will say what is to take place. But if they chance on the Fate or the sphere turned to the right, they are bound to say nothing true, for I have changed their influences and their squares and their triangles and their octagons; seeing that their influences from the beginning onwards were continuously turned to the left and their squares and their triangles and their octagons. But now I have made them spend six months turned to the left and six months turned to the right. He who then shall find their reckoning from the time when I change them, setting them so as to spend six months facing towards their left and six months facing their right path, he who then shall observe them in this wise, will know their influences surely and will declare all things which they will do. In like manner also the consulters, if they invoke the names of the archons and chance on them facing the left, will tell [men] with accuracy all things concerning which they shall ask their decans. On the contrary, if the consulters invoke their names when they face to the right, they will not give ear unto them, because they are facing in another form compared with their former position in which Yew had established them: seeing that other are their names when they are turned to the left and other their names whey they are turned to the right. And if they invoke them whey they are turned to the right, they  will not tell them the truth, but they will confound them with confusion and threaten them with threatening. Those then who do not know their path, when they are turned to the right, and their triangles and their squares and all their figures, will find nothing true, but will be confounded in great confusion and will find themselves in great delusion, because I have now changed the works which they effected aforetime in their squares, when turned to the left, and in their triangles and in their octagons, in which they were busied continuously turned to the left: and I have made them spend six months forming all their configurations turned to the right, in order that they may be confounded in confusion in their whole range. And moreover I have made them spend six months turned to the left and accomplishing the works of their influences and all their configurations, in order that the archons who are in the Aeons and in their spheres and in their heavens  and in all their regions, may be confounded in confusion and deluded in delusion, so that they may not understand their own paths.

Diviners and soothsayers can forecast what will occur to human beings only if the Fate of these persons have not been altered.

Fate can be altered when the Logos or Christ wants to do so.

Karma is an oriental word, which signifies: Action and consequence. Karma is a Sanskrit term, which indicates: Laws of cause and effect.

Every cause has its effect. A cause does not exist without an effect; neither does an effect exist without a cause.

Those who know the Law of Return and Reoccurrence comprehend the Law of Karma. Those who know the Law of Reincarnation know the Law of Karma.

The bad actions of former lives must be canceled, here and now.

Not only do we pay Karma for the evil that we do, but also for the good that we should do but we do not do.

However, Karma can be negotiated. Karma can also be forgiven.

Karmaduro is another Sanskrit term, which indicates Karma that can neither be negotiated nor forgiven.

There also exists the Law of Katancia, the superior Karma of Gods and Adepts. The Law of Katancia also allows negotiations and forgiveness.

The Lion of the Law must be fought with the Scale. Perform good deeds in order to pay your debts.

Whosoever has capital in order to pay, then pays and does well in his affairs. Whosoever does not have capital in order to pay, then will have to pay with pain.

All types of sins can be forgiven, except the sins against the Holy Spirit. Sex, sexual force is the power of the Holy Spirit.

Adultery, fornication and any sexual fault or crime is a sin against the Ho ly Spirit. Therefore, the phrase of Christ is clarified. It states:

“If the horoscope-casters find the Fate and the sphere turned towards the left, according to their first extension, their words will come to pass, and they will say what is to take place. But if they chance on the Fate or the sphere turned to the right, they are bound to say nothing true, for I have changed their influences and their squares and their triangles and their octagons.”

The horoscope-casters, consulters, prophets and sages can forecast the Fate and Karma of someone. Yet, they could be right or wrong.

It is right when Karma has not been forgiven.

The horoscope-caster or consulter is wrong when Karma has been negotiated or forgiven. It is written, “When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law.” The Cosmic Christ has made Karmic negotiations possible for the good of this suffering humanity.

Samael Aun Weor

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