The Purgatorial Region

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The eagle with plumage of pure gold, which took away Ganimedes in order to bring him to Olympus (so he could serve as a cupbearer to the Gods), has always the custom of hunting in the Purgatorial Region.

This majestic bird of the Spirit, while making marvelous turns, terrific descents like lightning, takes away the soul to the Sphere of the Fire in order to burn with her. Thus, they are both converted into a living flame.

Let us remember the powerful Achilles who turned with fear because he did not know where he was. This is because his Mother took him away from Chiron and transported him asleep to the island of Scyros, where later, the Greeks found him and took him away. Those times in which I abandoned the Averno in order to enter into the Purgatorial Region come to my memory.

My Mother, converted into a Mater Dolorosa, had already instructed me in depth. She had navigated with me on the boat of Charon, she had demonstrated to me the dissolution of the pluralized ‘I’, and finally she had taught me that when the mind is deprived from the ego, the mind still continues with evil tendencies.

Oh God of mine! When the pluralized ‘I’ is dissolved, it leaves in the mind its seeds of perdition.

The Yogis say that there is the need to burn the seeds, to incinerate them, to reduce them to cosmic dust.

It is urgent to know that the ‘I’ is re-born again like an evil weed from its own seeds.

I needed then, to incinerate those evil seeds of a poisonous weed. It was necessary for me to enter into the Purgatorial Region of the Inferior Molecular World in order to burn the seed-plot of myself

Close to the top, I reached a point from where I saw a gate (it first appeared to be merely a gap, a break within the wall) and leading up to it there where three steps, each one a different color. Over that terrible gate I saw engraved with indelible characters the word Purgatory.

I then saw the silent figure of someone on guard. I saw that Genie standing on the highest step, he was an Angel of extraordinary beauty, imposing, severe and terribly divine. In his right hand he held a naked sword, which was dazzlingly reflecting its rays.

Everyone who intends to penetrate into the Purgatorial Region must devoutly prostrate himself at the feet of this Angel, and in mercy’s name he must make supplications to him to open it. Prior to this, one has to smote his breast three times.

Unforgettable and terrible moments are those in which the Angel inscribes on the forehead of the Initiate the letter ‘P’ seven times. Then, one listens from his lips the following phrase: “Once entered here, be sure you cleanse away these wounds.”

Do you remember the case of the wife of Lot? She became converted into a pillar of salt because she looked back from behind her husband.

As well, the Angel of the Purgatory warns that whosoever turns to look back after having entered into the Inferior Molecular World loses his work and goes back out again from where he came.

This signifies absolute repentance, not to commit the same error of the past again, not to commit delinquency.

Whosoever turns to look back, fails, repeats the same errors, returns into the same sinning past, does not purify himself.

Everyone who turns to look back converts himself into a purgatorial failure. Once in the Purgatory, one has to march ahead with firmness.

One comprehends how absurd arrogance and pride is when within the Inferior Molecular Region. We are nothing else but simple chrysalides, miserable slugs from the mud of the earth, inside which the heavenly butterfly could be formed, based on tremendous Intimate super-efforts. But there is not a law in order for this to be fulfilled. Those chrysalides could become lost, and this is what is most common.

How stubborn are those individuals who suffer the unutterable when they see happiness in any given person. Why would they place their hearts in that which requires an exclusive possession?

“BEATI PACIFICI”, The Ones who lack of a sinning anger. Unfortunately, the rage, the anger can disguise itself within the toga of a Judge or with a smile of forgiveness. Thus, each defect is multifarious.

We frightfully suffer within the fire of lust while in the Purgatorial Region because we revive within those submerged subconsciousness regions all of the pleasures of carnal passion. However, this causes profound pain within us.

“ADHAESIT PAVIMENTO ANIMA MEA.” Poor souls who were attached to terrene things, how they suffer within the Purgatorial Region.

People of the Purgatorial Region! I tell you, remember Pygmalion, whose gluttonous thirst of gold made him a traitor, robber, and even what is worse, a parricide.

What would we say of the misery of the avaricious Midas, who became converted into a ridiculous personage throughout the innumerable centuries because of his absurd petitions?

What would we say of laziness? It is a Siren, who distracts mariners on the wide sea of

existence. She was the one who lay Ulysses aside from his course. A loathsome, exhaling smell is what goes out of her belly.

Gluttons from the Purgatory! Behold Boniface, who waved the crosier of numerous flock. Behold also Meser Marchese who had only a short time of thirst before inebriating at Forli; yet so, was one never sated.

Remember those unblessed creatures of the clouds, how with their twofold bosoms overgorged were opposed in fight to Theseus.

Let us call to mind the Hebrews. How effeminately they stooped to ease their thirst where Gideon’s ranks were thinned, marching down the hills to Midian.

So, I saw frightful things within the Purgatory. When reviving all of my bestialities of ancient times in this region, truly, I felt myself converted into a swine.

One given day among others, while conversing with a fellow soul of the Purgatory, I told her: “Sister of mine, we have become as s-wines in this place.”

She answered me, “Thus ills, we have become as swine in this place.”

The time was passing by, and I was suffering the unutterable while incinerating malignant seeds, while eliminating filthy things.

Many fellow souls of this Purgatorial Region were looking as decomposing cadavers. Lying down on their beds, they were painfully eliminating seeds, horrifying filthy larvae and evil tendencies.

Those poor souls were sighing and also moaning. I was never forgetting my Divine Mother, I always beseeched her to help me in this Purgatorial work, to eliminate from me this or that psychological defect. The fight against myself was terrible.

Finally, one night, the Blessed Goddess Mother Kundalini disguised as a man, entered within the Purgatorial Region. I intuitively, recognized her. “Why did you disguise yourself as a man?” I asked her. “In order to enter into these regions” was her answer.

“When are you going to take me out of here?” She, the Adorable One then established a date and hour. “Afterwards, the televiewed instruction will come”, She continued saying. It is clear that I understood everything.

Various details were confirming the words of my Mother, since the seven ‘P’s already had been erased little by little, one by one. The purifications were evident, manifest, clear and positive.

Samael Aun Weor

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