The Sanctuary of Hercules (the Christ), which gloriously shone in the submerged Atlantis was a resplendent companion to the marvelous Temple of JAGRENAT (of whose so many marvels A. Snider wrote about in the formidable work entitled: La Creation Etses Mystreres)
Such unforgettable times of profound poetry are those in which the King Evander eloquently explained to Aeneas, the eminent Trojan man, all the delectable enchantments of the sacred banquet, offered in honor of Hercules.
If the God Vulcan (The Third Logos) truly deserves a lot of praise, then what would we say of the Lord, the Christ, the Second Logos, Hercules?
The chorus of young warriors sang in the sacred banquet, hymning praise to the Lord (Hercules) and his great deeds, enumerating with exceptional beauty the way he endured all of his labors.
When he was still a child, Hercules seized and throttled all the poisonous snakes which were the first monsters sent against his life. (Let us remember King Herod and the slaying of all the innocent children).
Hercules slaughtered the Lernaean Hydra, that is to say, the tempting serpent of Eden, the horrifying viper from the sinister temple of the Goddess Kali.
With the Sacred Fire, Hercules cleaned the stables of Augeias, that is to say, the forty- nine subconscious regions of the human mind, where all of the beasts of desire horrify abide.
Hercules killed the huge lion of Nemea, that is to say, he eliminated or extinguished the Luciferin Fire, and also dragged Cerberus, the infernal watchdog of Orcus (the sexual instinct), from the darkness into the light. Hercules is certainly admirable, and worthy of all praise and glory.
To think, oh God, that Hercules always repeats his labors each time he comes into the world is terrific…, grandiose…!
It is clear, and by all means it is evident that in order to incarnate Hercules within ourselves, we must firstly work in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan (the sex).
“Woe to the Samson of the Kabbalah if he permits himself to be put asleep by Delilah! The Hercules of science, who exchanges his royal scepter for the distaff of Omphale, will soon experience the vengeance of Dejanira, and nothing will be left for him but the pyre of Mount Oeta, in order to escape the devouring folds of the coat of Nessus.”
From the heights of the Rock Tarpeya, all of those who betray Hercules are precipitated into the bottom of the abyss.
There, in those times of the submerged Atlantis, the Temple of Hercules was erected upon a rocky boulder.
The extraordinary and marmoreal perron which was giving access into the temple, its Cyclopean and imponent mass was truly making this sanctuary like a precious twin brother to the Temple of Philoe in Upper Egypt and to other many vene rated Mayan, Nahoa and Aztec sanctuaries.
If we think at least for a moment in the City of the Gods (Teotihuacan, Mexico), and in the secret paths and subterranean crypts of that sacred place (ignored by tourists), then, we must not ever forget the colossal constructions beneath the temple of Hercules.
Certainly, a royal portico was opened beneath the posterior front of the Temple that had twelve zodiacal God statues. These were clearly symbolizing the twelve faculties of the human being and the twelve Saviors of whom the Great Kabir Jesus so wisely spoke about.
Ancient traditions state that such a portico was similar to the celebrated House of the Dwarf also called House of the Magi, Great Teocali or House of God, in Mexico.
The Initiates were reverently and timorously entering under that terrific portico, and they were passing beneath the columns of Hercules.
Such columns were of pure gold, and upon them were engraved the words ADAM KADMON with sacred characters. The M.M. know very well about the ‘J’ and ‘B’, PLUS ULTRA.
Seven auric steps upon where the Initiate descended were conducing him to a rectangular precinct.
That mysterious place was found wholly revested with pure gold, and was exactly in correspondence with the superior hall, which was always opened to the supplications of the profane world.
This was the Chamber of the Sun, but four other Chambers existed, and the Mysteries were shining in all of them.
The second crypt was ineffable. Five descending flights of silvery tin, the sacred metal of Brihaspati, Jupiter or IO, were reaching into it.
The planets Mars and Venus were shining in the third crypt. The red coloration of one and the foamy white of the other were giving to that environment a pinky and very beautiful tint.
Of the seven Solar Palaces, the third one in Christian and Jewish Kabbalah is related to Lucifer- Venus, which make of it the abode of Samael.
The Occidental allegorical Titans are in themselves also intimately related with Lucifer- Venus. Thus, Sukra, in other words, the Regent of the planet Venus, is the one who incarnated in the Earth as Usanas, and is known as Uriel in Hebrew. He gave perfect laws to the inhabitants of this world. Disgracefully, these perfect laws were disregarded and rejected in later ages.
I knew Usanas or Uriel in the Polar continent, during the first root race. He wrote a precious book with Runic characters.
Lucifer is the fatal negative aspect of Venus. Venus always shines at dawn, but, the Luciferin forces are terribly agitated at dawn.
Venus is truly the Major Brother, the Messenger of the Light for the Earth, in the physical as well as in the mystical sense.
Saturn and Moon glowing face to face upon the Altar, were always shining in the Fourth Initiatic Chamber of the Temple of Hercules.
It is urgent to remember that the two paths from the Atlantean epoch, the Dexterous and Sinister were clearly shown, and their struggles of more than 800,000 years are symbolically sung in that oriental poem of the Great War or the Mahabaratha.
So, by descending a little more, the Atlantean Initiates were penetrating into the fifth crypt, the one of Hermes, or Mercury, who was splendidly glittering upon the Altar.
Mercury, as an astrological planet is the Nuncio and Wolf of the Sun, Solaris Luminis Particeps. Mercury is the chief and evoker of souls, the Arch-Magi and Arch-Hierophant. The unhappy souls who are precipitated into the Orcus (Limbus) can be summoned to a new life by Mercury who holds in his dexterous hand the Caduceus or hammer with two serpents. TUN VIRGAM CAPIT HAC ANIMAS ILLE EVOCAT ORCO, in order to initiate them into the celestial militia…
Remember that within Limbus live many Saints, wise men and sweet maidens who believed in achieving the inner Self-realization of the Being without Sexua l Magic. Poor souls.. .they did not work in the Forge of the Cyclops, they did not build the Solar Bodies, the Wedding Garment of the soul.
Blessed be the one who comprehends in an integral way the wisdom of the five crypts of the Temple of Hercules.
Samael Aun Weor
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