Mary desireth to hear the story of Sophia.
It came to pass then, when Jesus has said this unto his disciples, that Mary came forward and said; “My Lord, I have heard thee say aforetime; “Pistis Sophia is herself one of the four-and-twenty emanations, — how then is she not in their region? But thou hast said:
I found her below the thirteenth aeon.”
Marah, Ram-Io, Isis, Tonantzin, etc., is a variation of our own Being, but a derivative. Therefore, Marah, Diana, Isis, is our Divine Mother Kundalini, an autonomous and Self- conscious part of our Being.
Marah interrogates the Intimate Christ within us about Pistis Sophia.
Obviously, Sophia, Divine Wisdom, Gnosis, emerges from the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton and is attained with the Resurrection.
At one time, in my rank of Adept, I invoked Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom, inside of a Lumisial. In the center of the Lumisial there was a triangular stone, which was sustained by a column.
The invocation was performed in accordance with all the rules of Jamblicus’ High Theurgy.
Suddenly the stone shone, and within it appeared the blue eyes of Minerva. The potent voice of Minerva, the one with blue eyes, resounded within the Lumisial.
“I am Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom. What do you want from me?”
I then answered firmly, “Wisdom!”
“What do you want Wisdom for?”
She asked. “In order to help humanity.” I answered. Minerva remained in absolute silence.
Silence is the eloquence of Wisdom.
When Minerva left, the triangular stone, which was held up upon the mysterious column remained there as an answer.
Obviously, the three ingredients of the Holy Triamatzikamno emerge from the active omnipresent and omnipenetrant Okidanokh.
In other words, we state that the three Primary Forces of Nature and of the Cosmos emerge from the Great Breath, profoundly unknowable to itself.
Unquestionably, the Great Breath has its roots in the Sacred Absolute Sun.

The Sacred Absolute Sun wants to crystallize the three Primary Forces within us, here and now.
When the three Primary Forces crystallize in us and within us, we then obtain Wisdom. Thus, when integrated with Sophia, we ascend to the Thirteenth Aeon.
If we do not learn how to perform the will of the Father, in the superior worlds as well as in the physical world, then we cannot crystallize the first Force within Ourselves.
If we do not disintegrate the psychic aggregates, living personification of our psychological defects, then we cannot crystallize the second Force within ourselves.
We cannot crystallize the third Force in ourselves, unless we previously create within ourselves the superior existential bodies of the Being.
The first Force, the Holy Affirmation, is the Ray of the Father. The second Force, the Holy Negation, is the Ray of the Son.
The third Force, the Holy Conciliation, is the Ray of the Holy Spirit.
These are the three Forces:
Positive, Negative, and Neutral.
Whosoever obtains within himself the crystallization of the three Primary Forces of Nature, and of the Cosmos, in reality will know what Sophia is.
Pistis Sophia, herself, is one of the four-and-twenty emanations.
The Four-and-Twentieth Mystery, inside of which the First Mystery is hidden, is the Loom of God.
The ‘Theomertmalogos’ weaves and unweaves its own Loom with infinite wisdom. All of Nature is the Loom of God.
The Four-and-Twentieth Mystery only functions by way of the Sixth Mystery.
When Hermes’ Glass is not spilled, the sacred sperm is transformed into the Mercury of the Wise.
The connection of Lingam-Yoni, without the ejaculation of the Ens-Seminis, is fundamental for the preparation of the Mercury of the Wise.
The prepared Mercury ascends throughout the spinal medullar canal, opening centers and revolutionizing the Consciousness.
The surplus of Mercury crystallizes into a superior octave, in the form of the Astral Body.
The surplus of Mercury crystallizes into a second superior octave, in the form of the Mental Body.
Then, the surplus of Mercury crystallizes into a third superior octave, in the form of the Causal Body.
The Initiate who possesses the Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal bodies receives for such a motive the psychic principles and is converted into a true human being.
This is how the Holy Spirit crystallizes within ourselves.
The crystallized Holy Spirit within the Adept converts him into the gentleman, the illuminated gentleman (gentlewoman).
When we pass through the Buddhist Annihilation, and when the ego is reduced to cosmic dust, then we christify ourselves. The Lord crystallizes within ourselves.
When we have totally surrendered to the Father, the first Force crystallizes within ourselves.
The Divine Trimurti within ourselves shines with Pistis Sophia.
Sophia desireth to enter the Light-World
And Jesus answered and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass, when Pistis Sophia was in the thirteenth aeon, in the region of all her brethren the invisibles, that is the four- and-twenty emanations of the great Invisible, — it came to pass then by command of the First Mystery that Pistis Sophia gazed into the height. She saw the light of the veil of the Treasury of the Light, and she longed to reach to that region, and she could not reach to that region. But she ceased to perform the mystery of the thirteenth aeon, and sang praises to the light of the height, which she had seen in the light of the veil of the Treasury of the Light.”
Pistis Sophia’s center of gravity is within the Thirteenth Aeon.
The twenty-and-four emanations of the Great Invisible are within our own Being, here and now.
The twenty-and- four emanations of the Great Invisible are the twenty-and- four Zodiacal Elders.
The twenty-and- four Elders gloriously shine in the Zodiacal Belt.
The powers of the twenty-and- four Elders are found placed within the depth of our Soul. The twenty-and- four autonomous and Self-conscious parts of our own Being are the twenty-and- four Elders, within our own individual Zodiac.
By command of the First Mystery, Sophia gazes at the Light. She sees the Mysteries of the secret Treasury of the Light.
We have stated that the Treasury of the Light must be searched for within our own Being. Within ourselves, Sophia wishes to reach the region where the Treasury of the Light is found.
Sophia sings praises to the Light of the Heights, which she always sees in the Light of the Mysteries of the Treasury of the Light.
The Treasury of the Light is the Golden Fleece of the ancients, guarded by the Dragon that throws fire and sulphur.

The Golden Fleece, with all of its precious stones and incalculable wealth, is our own Christified and resurrected Being.
Fortunate is the one who reaches Christification. Fortunate is the one who reaches Resurrection.
Blessed be the one who defeats the Dragon and takes possession of the Golden Fleece.
The rulers hate her for ceasing in their mystery
“It came to pass then, when she sang praises to the region of the height, that all the rulers in the twelve Aeons, who are below, hated her, because she had ceased from their mysteries, and because she had desired to go into the height and be above them all. For this cause then they were enraged against her and hated her, [as did] the great triple- powered Self-willed, that is the third triple-power, who is in the thirteenth aeon, he who had become disobedient, in as much as he had not emanated the whole purification of his power in him, and had not given the purification of his light at the time when the rulers gave their purification, in that he desired to rule over the whole thirteenth aeon and those who are below it.”
Pistis Sophia can ascend or descend; ascend until the Thirteenth Aeon or descend until the Tartarus.
Pistis Sophia is within ourselves, here and now.
The Rulers of the Twelve Aeons, who are within ourselves, and who are self-independent parts of our own Being, suffer and long for the moment when Sophia is elevated to the height of the Thirteenth Aeon, the highest part of the Being.
Whosoever perfects the highest part of the Being receives for such a motive the esoteric degree of ‘IS’.
It could not be possible to perfect the highest part of the Being, unless we previously disintegrate the totality of the psychic aggregates that we carry within our interior.
Each one of the psychic aggregates personifies one of our psychological defects. Each aggregate specifies one or another psychological defect.
It could not be possible to perfect the superior parts of our own Being, unless we previously disintegrate all of those undesirable elements that we carry in our interior.
The perfection of all the autonomous and Self-conscious parts of our own Being could not be gained in any way without the splendors of Pistis Sophia.
When Pistis Sophia ascends to the superior Aeons, the less elevated levels of the Being suffer terribly,
These are the nights of the Soul in which the diverse parts of the Being feel the absence of Sophia.
These are the deserts of the Soul, nights of the Spirit, periods of solitude, and ordeals for the aspirants.
The third triple power, mind, desire and sex, became independent and perverse. Mind, desire and sex become terribly perverse when falling into animal generation.
This is why the adulterous and fornicating intellectual animal is always frightfully malignant.
The intellectual mammal, mistakenly called human being, hates Pistis Sophia. Nevertheless, in the final synthesis, the third triple power comes from the Thirteenth Aeon.
In the final synthesis, all the parts of the Being emanate from the Thirteenth Aeon.
The third triple power, filled with arrogance, wants to command over the Thirteen Aeons. When the third triple power emanates all of its millenary purifications from its power in itself, everything becomes different.
In order for the third triple power, mind, astral and sex, to emanate millenary purifications, the Buddhist Annihilation is necessary.
As long as the ego is alive, purification is absent.
The Archons can give their purification when the psychic aggregates are annihilated.
Self uniteth himself with the rulers of the twelve Aeons and emanateth a lion-faced power to plague Sophia
“It came to pass then, when the rulers of the twelve Aeons were enraged against Pistis Sophia, who is above them, and hated her exceedingly, that the great triple-powered Self- willed, of whom I have just now told you, joined himself to the rulers of the twelve Aeons, and also was enraged against Pistis Sophia and hated her exceedingly, because she had thought to go to the light which is higher than her. And he emanated out of himself a great lion-faced power, and out of his matter in him he emanated a host of other very violent material emanations, and sent them into regions below, to the parts of the chaos, in order that they might there lie in wait for Pistis
Sophia and take away her power out of her, because she thought to go to the height which is above them all, and moreover she had ceased to perform their mystery, and lamented continuously and sought after the light which she had seen. And the rulers who abide, or persist, in performing the mystery, hated her, and all the guards who are at the gates of the Aeons, hated her also.
“It came to pass then thereafter by command of the First Commandment that the great triple-powered Self-willed, who is one of the three triple-powers, pursued Sophia in the thirteenth aeon, in order that she should look toward the parts below, so that she might see in that region his lion-faced light-power and long after it and go to that region, so that her light might be taken from her.”
The Archons of the Twelve Aeons within ourselves suffer because of Pistis Sophia, who is above them. They do not know what to do.
Obviously, the third triple power (mind, astral and sex) is joined to the general discontentment of the Rulers of the Twelve Aeons.
This means that the terrestrial human suffers for Pistis Sophia. You know this. Mind, desire, and sex are found to be restless because of Pistis Sophia.
The violent, passionate emanations and the lion- faced power arrive to the inferior regions.
The tenebrous powers, which dwell within the lower animal depth of the human being, want to deprive Pistis Sophia of her power. They never forgive her for illuminating the Mysteries that are in the superior levels of the Being.
The Rulers are found to be displeased because Sophia does not manifest her Mystery in all the parts. She hides the Mysteries when they must be hidden:
“Silence is the eloquence of Wisdom.”
We must never forget that the Archons of the Aeons, and the Guardians of the same Aeons, are diverse Self-conscious parts of our own Being.
Our Being looks like an army of innocent children. Each part of the individual Being is Self-conscious and even autonomous.
Fortunate is the one who obtains the integration of the Being.
In the infernal worlds, the Adept must work in order to be illuminated by Pistis Sophia. Pistis Sophia must also be assimilated by those who work consciously in the Averno.
Pistis Sophia has her center of gravity within the Thirteenth Aeon.
The third triple power cries, prays, and asks for light to Pistis Sophia, even though she abides in the Thirteenth Aeon.
Pistis Sophia moves through all the Aeons. She ascends, descends, and also travels underneath the Aeons.
Samael Aun Weor
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