Much has been written in life; yet, it is necessary to delve profoundly…
Let us now, with great prudence, to unveil Parsifal, the culminating work of Wagner. May the Gods assist us..!
The Muses know very well that among the Wagnerian dramas, this diamantine work of this great Master is something special and exceptional.
In this opera, the word of this Master delectably flows as a golden river under the thick jungle of the Sun.
What Goethe stated about his second Faust also can be stated about Parsifal, namely: “I have accumulated in it many mysteries and enigmatic problems, which the future generations will occupy themselves in deciphering.
Certainly and in the name of the truth, I must confess that I am not the first, neither the last one who occupies himself with Parsifal…
Nevertheless, it is ostensible that I am the first one who undresses the incarnated truth within the august mysteries of Parsifal.
Mr. Mario Roso de Luna, the illustrious Theosophical writer has stated:
“Wagner’s thought seems intentionally veiled in his Parsifal. Of course, this is in order to select the meaning of certain determined philosophical allusions. When he achieves it, we have to make a great effort in works of divination and deep mental concentration. This is because in this, his work, like in a nightmare, we find confused the most diverse elements, namely: high philosophical matters, biblical and oriental remembrances, mysticism, orthodoxy, vestiges of catholic cult, pagan rituals, necromancy, somnambulism and hypnotism, practices from medieval chivalry, ecstasy, asceticism, piety, redemption, affinities of a material nature with the human soul, love in its more torpid signification, love in its more pure signification…”
It is evident by all means and with complete meridian clarity that Wagner was a great Initiate, an insightful Esotericist, an authentic Illuminated One…
Science, philosophy, art and religion exist within Wagner’s Parsifal… A new Doctor Faust was endowed in this great musician. It seems that he had scrutinized very ancient religious scriptures…
What is the most astonishing to me is something tremendous… I am emphatically referring to Innate Magic: Where did he get it? Who taught it to him? In which school did he learn it?
Next, the development of this drama comes with a deep traditional Magism…, Major Mysteries that are not und for the crowds.
To pene trate within this archaic occultism, to delve within the Christic Mysteries, to examine the esoteric Buddhism contained within this Wagnerian gospel is precisely what we attempt in this book.
Obviously, many Pseudo-Esotericists will become scandalized wit h our revelations.
It is unquestionable that many sincerely mistaken ones filled with good intentions, while rending their vestures with indignation, will utter horrible things against us, the Gnostics…
Indeed, this is because Parsifal always provokes tremendous discussions. It is obvious that the children of darkness abhor the light.
Let us remember that Parsifal was shown in the best theaters of Europe on January 1, 1914. This invites us to meditate.
The year 1914 will always be a memorable date among the remarkable dates of this humanity, because of the explosion of the First World War and the simultaneous debut of Parsifal in all the civilized world.
It is unquestionable that if Wagner would not have prohibited the presentation of his Magnus Opus outside of Bayreuth, then, the world would have known it before 1914.
Fortunately, and for the sake of the Great Work of the Father, the will of this immortal musician could not be fulfilled, because the international treatises related to copyrights are above it. Ostensibly, in Germany, the legal protection of this type of works concludes thirty years after the death of its author.
Since the already mentioned thirty years were accomplished on January 1, 1914, the copyright of Parsifal was nullified. Since then, the world could know this majestic work.
1914 had a mysterious connubiality… Parsifal and the First World War. It is indubitable that the Wagnerian gospel resounds in the fields of battle; it is catastrophic, terrific; it gloriously shines amidst the tempest of all exclusiveness…
Samael Aun Weor
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