The ‘Nervus Sympathicus’ is fundamental in all the rituals of High Magic. Without any doubt, it is in itself a potent condenser of feelings that alternates and concentrates the whole marvelous circuit of our psychic faculties and through which our thoughts, concepts, desires, ideas and yearnings, etc., are governed.
Nuclear physics has come to demonstrate in an impressive, clear and definitive way that all matter is immaterial.
It is unquestionable that all the internal cellular rhythms are psychic (psyche).

The unity of the body and the essence manifests itself in a form of electrode vibrations through the realm of exterior and interior sensations.
Indeed, only by means of the intimate esoteric aspiration directed towards the whole, towards the inevitable, towards the insuperable, can men and women who adore each other become complete, integral, unitotal.
It is written with golden words in the great book of cosmic existence that only in that masculine- feminine plenitude can the opposite sexes find the reciprocal perfect equilibrium.
With the simultaneous submission to our Father who is in secret and to our Divine Mother Kundalini, man and woman have in their hands Ariadne’s slender thread of mystical ascension, the golden hemp string that will guide them from the darkness to the light, from death to immortality.
It is indubitable (any competent esotericist knows it) that the authentic, procreative, psychic and spiritua l forces are deposited in the vital depth or Lingam Sarira of our organism.
The ‘Sympathicus’ or secondary nervous system, with the whole web of its sensible ganglionic nets, is the mediator and conductor towards the interior reality that definitively not only influences the organs of the soul, but also governs, directs and controls the most important centers in the interior of our organism.
It is evident, clear and manifested that the ‘Sympathicus’ also guides in an equally mysterious way the marvels of fetal conception and the activities of the heart, kidneys, suprarenal capsules, sexual glands, etc.
The ‘Sympathicus’, by means of the molecular current and the crystallization of cosmic rays, balances amidst the rhythms of the universal fire all the physical and psychic elements that are subordinate to it.
The ‘Nervus Sympathicus’ is also a marvelous, extraordinary and formidable ‘Nervous Ideoplasticus’.
We must emphasize the idea that the secondary system works as a mediator between the tridimensional subjective life and the interior world of spiritual objectivity.
The ‘Nervus Sympathicus’ is the great medial equilibrant that pacifies and reconciles the pair of opposites of philosophy within the living depth of our consciousness.
The revolutionary Gnostic movement affirms that the medieval Christian asceticism now becomes extemporaneous, antiquated and reactionary.
It is ostensible that in these Aquarian times, many ancient sexual cults, frequently Asiatic in their origin, will awake to life anew.
Samael Aun Weor
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