The primeval human beings, the sexual androgynous Adam-Kadmon, reproduced themselves by means of imagination and willpower united in a vibrant harmony.
It is written with fiery coals in the book of all mysteries that in the union of these two magic poles (imagination and willpower) is found the clue of all powers.
Ancient Kabbalistic traditions state that the human being lost that creative, imaginative and volitive power because of the downfall into sin… They state that due to it, the human being was expelled from Eden. Such a Kabbalistic concept has solid foundations.
To reestablish that original unity of the primeval androgyny is precisely the principal objective of Sexual Magic.
By means of Sex Yoga with its famous Sahaja Maithuna we make ourselves integral, unitotal, complete.

The transcendental cosmic depth of sexuality is unquestionable. Esoteric sexology permits us to perform an electrical-biological link between those psychic and physiological transcendental mysterious zones, in order to convert ourselves into authentic Mutants.
The love for our spouse is mystically united with splendid representations that have their origin in the world of the pure Spirit.
The hour in order to see the sexua l functions, not as a motive of shame, taboo or sin, but as something infinitely elevated, sublime and terribly divine has arrived.
Therefore, Sex Yoga, Maithuna, works by transfiguring us radically and by obviously giving an ideal accentuation to that which is sexual in the soul of each one of us.
Capable of Sexual Magic are those intelligent and comprehensible people who try to transcend the dualism that separates the psychic world from the physical world..
Creative imagination is the marvelous agency of sexual life and it possesses in itself a divine cosmic quality.
Only the magical mirror of imagination is the one that holds in itself the will of our Father who is in secret.
Therefore, the willpower and imagination of two lovers (man and woman) who love each other give rise to the ability of giving form to their intimate universe by means of their common sexual ardor.
In all the old books of ancient wisdom it is always stated about the ‘sacred island’ and about the Holy Gods.
Such a blessed and imperishable island has never throughout the history of the innumerable centuries participated in the Nemesis of the other continents. This is because, indeed, it is the only land whose unique destiny is to endure from the beginning until the ending of the Mahamanvantara, passing though each Cosmic Round. This island is without any doubt the archaic paradisiacal cradle of Adam-Kadmon, the first human root race, androgynous people, protoplasmic, capable of reproducing themselves, as we already stated, by means of the power of imagination and willpower united in vibrant harmony.
This is a venerated island, an exotic abode of the last divine mortals, selected at that time as a Shishta for the seed of this pigmy- like humanity.
This thousand-and-one-night land from the ‘Jinn’ paradises is located in the septentrional regions of the world.
“The northern polar star fixes its vigilant sight upon it, from the dawn until the termination of the dusk of a day of the Great Breath.”
This is a blessed Island that we must search for within the very bottom of our inner consciousness.
Adam-Kadmon must be born within each one of us, by means of the marvelous power of Sexual Magic.
This is how you will fill one hundred lachrymatories with the salt of your eyes. This is how you will frightfully sigh until fighting an impetus against the painful wind, which by passing by is cruelly destroying the perfumed petals of the flowers of your gardens. This is how you will bitterly weep until hurting to death the bosom of the starry night. I swear to you by the Eternal Living God that by no means can your Intimate Self-Realization be possible if you remove from your life the joy of love, of Sexual Magic.
Samael Aun Weor
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