When the world, like Tantalus who aspires in vain to reach an ideal, bends itself because of the weight of the stone of Sisyphus, and expires burned by the tunic of Nessus…
When equally tenebrous and flashing, it imitates Barrabas and abhors the Just One, and as a Pigmy with longings of a giant, it wallows in the bed of Procustus…
When wailing amidst horrible convulsions, in order to expiate its criminal faults, torn by its ardent passions as Actaeon by his ferocious dogs…
When fastened to its fatal chains it drags its miseries through the mud and everyone selfishly in grief turns a back to everybody’s affliction, then, the great Avatars who teach the secret path are born…
Sacred candlestick that in the austere chapel burns without rest as a clear offering and consumes its wick and its wax in order to dissipate the obscurity of the altar; glorious cup where God encloses all that which is love…

Sublime Parsifal, whose ambition is to wound Satan amidst the roar of the lightning and the terror of the thunder…
Phoenix bird that in refulgent tasks enlivens the fire of its harsh combustion, thus, dying and becoming flying cinder from where it emerges reborn anew, victorious and pure…
All of these are what the Initiate is in his fatal exile…! He sings to Phyllis, to her sweet name and then after…
To love is the best…
To kiss…? Yes! In the supreme moment…
“Amfortas! The Spear-wound! The Spear-wound..!” exclaims the hero of this Wagnerian drama…
Not to spill the semen… pain for the beast, pleasure for the Spirit.., torture for the brute one…
Strange symbiosis of love and rebellion, revolutionary mysticism of Aquarius, a new asceticism…
There is a heaven in your arms, oh woman. Due to joy, I feel my heart oppressed… Oh, hold me in the life of your arms so that you cannot kill me with your kisses.
Thus, in vain the erotic beauty then appeals to all of her enchantments. Fal-Parsi does not spill Hermes’ Cup; hence, he withdraws…
The exasperated and defeated sinful woman, without giving up what she thought was an easy prey, uses all the sexual resources of her interior Klingsor, her animal Ego, Mephistopheles, and casts the Lance of the Lord against the young man…
The blessed Spear, emblem of the sexual force, remains hanging over the head of the Initiate, who then seizes the Spear with his dexterous hand, and in a gesture he swings it in the sign of the Cross… Under such a kind of conjuration, the castle of iniquities that the sinful Adam carries inside falls into the horrible precipice, converted into cosmic dust…
Then, she, the terribly beautiful and frightfully delectable female, releases from her nubile throat a lustful scream. Consequently, she sinks down dismayed within her bed of pleasures…
The victorious hero, holding with his dexterous hand the splendid Spear of Longinus, withdraws from the sheltered bed. He pauses and walks slowly, slowly within the internal and delicate garden… under a golden and violet diffused light.
Samael Aun Weor
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