“An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah: For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
Matthew: 12: 39-40

This exotic, somewhat confusing story from the wonderful book of Jonah, has as its esoteric foundation an ancient symbolic ceremony that consisted of leaving the initiate for three days and three nights in the unspeakable mystery of a cavern or penetral similar in shape to a fish.
It is disclosed in some old traditions that are lost within the frightful night of all centuries, that during this interval, while the body of the Initiate was laid down as a cadaver within the coffin, the Soul which was absent from the dense human form, was directly experiencing in the superior worlds the ritual of Life and Death.
The elemental water, in equal fashion to the perfumed elemental earth are without any doubt passive or simply negative symbols. They represent the preliminary purification and the serious basis of any regenerative process, that afterwards has to become effective by means of the superior and active elements, the air and the fire, which respectively are symbols of the Spirit and of the Great Reality.
The extraordinary and marvelous form of the old Coffin of Osiris, because of its likeness and significance, naturally brings into the memory another fish, which is magnificently represented in the Semitic Alphabet by the letter Samech. It is a letter that occupies the 15th Kabbalistic place, which in the beginning undoubtedly symbolized the famous Constellation of the Whale, a Constellation under whose direction we have to perform all of the works in the Ninth Sphere.
The Kabbalistic 15, Typhoon Baphomet, the Devil, the Animal Passion, is the representation of such a cited constellation. This invites us to comprehend what is the work in the Ninth Sphere (sex).
The Initiate who spills the Cup of Hermes will be fulminated by the sixteenth Arcanum of the Constellation of Aries. The Initiate will fall from the Tower straightened by the thunderbolt of Cosmic Justice and will form the inverted Pentalpha, with the head aiming downwards and the legs aiming upwards.
If we Kabbalistically add the numbers of the fifteenth Arcanum of the Constellation of the Whale, we will have the following result: 1 + 5 = 6.

The number six in the Tarot is the Arcanum of the Lover.
It is the Arcanum of the human being who is between Virtue and Passion. You must be wisely polarized with the sixth Arcanum in order to defeat the frightful fifteenth Arcanum, the Constellation of the Whale.
Remember, beloved reader, that in the center of your chest you have a very special magnetic point which captures the waves of light and glory that come from your Human Soul.
The Human Soul is Tiphereth, the sixth Arcanum of the Tarot. Listen and obey the orders which emanate from your Human Soul.
Act in accordance with those intimate impulses. Work in the Forge of the Cyclops when your Soul requires it from you. If you learn to obey you will not perish in the belly of the Whale.
Behold! You have turned into a fish who works within the chaotic waters of the first instant. Now you will comprehend why the Coffin of Osiris has the form of a fish.
It is unquestionable that the seven days or periods in the Book of Genesis of Moses, are synthesized in these three days and three nights of Jonah within the belly of the Whale.
This is an Initiatic Ceremony that was repeated by the Great Kabir Jesus in the Holy Sepulcher.
Some people who are badly informed mistakenly suppose that the simple symbolic initiatic ceremony of the Magnum sepulcher, with its famous three days, plus the catalepsy of the physical body, is the whole thing…
These good people lamentably ignore that this simple ceremony is only a sign, symbol or allegory of something immense and terrific that is projected into the unknowable…
The Prophet Jonah working under the direction of the Constellation of the Whale, inside the profound well of the universe, in the Ninth Sphere, sex, performs his work in three days, or three more or less long periods.
A) He builds the wedding garment of the soul and establishes within himself a permanent center of consciousness.
B) He eliminates the three traitors of the Intimate Christ and reduces the Dragon of Darkness and the secondary beasts into cosmic dust (sub- lunar work).
C) He continues dying in the superior spheres of Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, etc.
The first period of time concludes with the Second Birth, which the Great Kabir Jesus spoke about to the Rabbi Nicodemus.
The second period finishes with a marvelous Wedding as a result. This is the Wedding of the Human Soul with Guinevere, the Queen of the Jinn knights. To women we say that they then get married with the Eternal Beloved One…
The third period magisterially concludes with the Resurrection of the Intimate Christ within our own heart.
The esoteric Hindustani texts constantly mention the famous Trimurti: Atman-Buddhi- Manas This is the Innermost with his two souls: Buddhi and Manas.
Inside the intellectual humanoid, mistakenly called a human being, only an insignificant fraction from the third aspect of that Trimurti is incarnated.
Such a fraction is denominated ‘Essence.’ In Nippon Zen, this fraction is simply named ‘Buddhata.’
Lamentably, this ‘Essence’ abides in dreams within the variegated and grotesque conjunction of submerged, tenebrous entities, which constitute the Ego, the Myself, the Itself.
However such an ‘Essence’ is the raw matter in order to build soul; a concept that unfortunately has not yet been very well understood by our Gnostic students.
The Chinese Tao clearly teaches that the ‘Essence’, which is bottled up within all of these conjunctions of Devil-I’s that constitute the Ego, has to pass through incessant alchemical transformations in the Ninth Sphere, before converting itself into the ‘Seminal Pearl.’
The marvelous reflex of the sexual energy in a form of a luminous whirlwind (like when a ray of light returns after crashing against a wall) comes to crystallize within ourselves, forming the ‘Golden Flower’, which, as it is known, comes to establish within the neophyte a permanent center of consciousness.
The Seminal Pearl, developing itself by means of Sexual Magic and the formidable work with the Lance of Longinus, has to pass through unutterable bitterness before converting itself into the Auric Embryo (Golden Flower).
The ‘Second Birth’ is an extraordinary, marvelous cosmic event. Here is where we incarnate the third aspect of the Trimurti: Atman-Buddhi-Manas.
The Human Soul (the Superior Manas of the Hindustani) enters within the ‘Auric Embryo.’ From that moment, it can be said that we are human beings with Soul, sacred individuals, truly responsible people in the most complete sense of the word.
The Golden Embryo dressed with the wedding garment of the Soul truly experiences a supreme joy in the moment in which it is fused with the Human Soul.
All of the experiences of life are found resumed within the Golden Embryo. That is why it is ostensible that the Golden Embryo originates deep transformations within the Pneumatic Immortal Principles of the human being.
This is how we convert ourselves into Adepts of the White Brotherhood.
The matrimony with Guinevere, the divine Amazon is indeed another marvelous event which marks the glorifying finale of the second great day or period, It is unq uestionable that then we experience another radical transformation, for inside Buddhi, as if inside of a fine and transparent cup of alabaster, the Flame of Prajna is burning.

However, it is indubitable that the superlative transformation is only possible with the resurrection of the Intimate Christ within the heart of the human being. This is the culminating step of the third period, the formidable moment in which the Constellation of the Whale is vomiting out the Prophet Jonah on the shores of Niniveh the supreme moment in which Jesus the Great Kabir resurrects, the extraordinary second of the triumph of Parsifal in the resplendent temple of the Holy Grail.
Samael Aun Weor
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