Origins of the Human “I”

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The human “I” is a monstrous larva that came into existence when we exited Eden. First, the “I” became the gross or vulgar man of the earth. Then the “I” evolved and manifested as a learned, intellectual man. Finally, the “I” makes a last effort in order to subsist; here, it declares itself to be a lofty selected one, a master, and enjoys being called by people, “Master, Master.” The “chosen I” enjoys undressing like a harlot in order to show its figure, qualities, and divine powers to others. Subsequently, that monstrous larva develops into a prophet in order to exhibit its powers and virtues and thus be venerated by others. Thus the “I,” dressed with the robe of Aristippus, goes around boasting of humility as long as no one touches its egocentricity; yet, when this is touched, it reacts filled with sublime anger.

The “I” enjoys boasting about its books and marvelous deeds. Moreover, with an ineffable pride, that monstrous larva disguises itself as a saint and martyr, and boasts of being a master, and even an angel.

In the nights of yore, the “I” was simple. Yet, throughout the centuries it became increasingly complicated and difficult. Some call this complicated process “evolution” and “progress,” yet indeed, the complication and strengthening of that horrible larva called “I” is not evolution.

The human “I” suffers innumerable and subtle transformations. Sometimes it looks like a demon; sometimes it looks like a child-god.

In synthesis, we affirm that the “I” undergoes three successive stages of complication: the first is the gross or vulgar man of the earth, the second is the evolved or learned man who develops the intellect, and the third is the lofty selected or chosen ones who dwell in the highest. This third stage is the most dangerous. When the “I” reaches this third phase, it becomes very subtle and dangerous, since here it transforms itself into a divine or angelic “I.” It adopts the characteristics of an angel and wants everyone to recognize its merits. This angelic “I” is more subtly dangerous than the human “I.”

The “I” disintegrates when it enters into the house of the dead. The gods who want to enter into the Absolute have to kill the “I;” they have to enter into the house of the dead. “Neither be ye called masters: for one is your master, even (the Inner) Christ” [Matthew 23:10].

An authentic guru does not go around boasting about it. The authentic guru is the Inner Christ. A true master goes around everywhere anonymously and unknown. He does not exhibit his deeds or powers, and is filled with modesty. A true master is before anything else an upright citizen. The authentic master is never an intellectual, since the intellect is an animal function of the human “I.” The true master is like a child, pure, holy, simple, and natural. The true master is the Inner Christ “that is the true Light, which lightens every man that comes into the world” [John 1:9].

After death, through successive periods of internal evolution the soul is undressed from the astral and mental bodies. Thereafter, the soul submerges in the ineffable joy of the infinite, where the marvelous harmonies of the fire resound. Unfortunately, at the threshold of mystery, the human “I” (within which linger the roots of evil and suffering) remains waiting for us for our new rebirth.

When the human “I” is about to die, the Being is born in us filled with glory and majesty. Thus, in each initiation, something dies within us, and something is born within us.

This is how the human “I” dies little by little. This is how the Being is born little by little. This is why we call every initiation a birth. Nature does not make any leaps. Thus, it is necessary for the human “I” to die in order for the Being to be born in us. It is urgent for the Being to receive his crown, which is the resplendent and luminous “I Am.”

“Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” – Revelation 2:10

After receiving the Crown of Life, the “I” metamorphoses itself into a “deity,” then, internally, this dangerous divine “I” enters into the house of the dead, and little by little is definitively disintegrated. “The house of the dead” is an internal school where the human “I” dies little by little.

Samael Aun Weor

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