It is with great pleasure that I address you all tonight, so that we can talk a little about psychological matters. We shall talk about Revolutionary Psychology…
Above all, we must know who we are, where we come from, where we are going, what is the purpose of our existence, why do we exist, what do we exist for…
To Work for a living is undoubtedly necessary, but that is not all. For what purpose should we eat? We need to eat to live, but why should we live? What is the objective of our lives?
Living for the sake of living, without knowing why we should live, is quite absurd. We need to know the reason for our existence, why we are in this world, what we are in this world for.
If we observe someone, it doesn’t mean that we know that person. We need to know them…
- Types and Subtypes of Energy
The physical body is made up of organs, organs by cells, cells by molecules, molecules by atoms. If we decompose an atom, we release Energy; that is obvious.
So, in the final analysis, the physical body is summed up in different types and subtypes of Energy.
What else is there beyond the physical body? Is there anything? Or are we just a bunch of flesh, blood and bones?
Impossible, we are something different, or we have something different. But what is it? That is what we are going to study tonight…
Obviously, scientists know the mechanics of living cells, but they know nothing about the Vital Background. Until now THEY HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO CREATE LIFE.
If we put on a laboratory table the chemicals needed to create an egg and a sperm, that is, a pair of male and female gametes, we do not doubt that they can create them.
But if we unite that sperm (created by them, by the scientists), and that egg, we are absolutely sure that such gametes could never originate life. We do not really know of any Frankenstein, except in the movies.
Powerful airplanes have been made that fly from one place to another on Earth, but a simple plant seed capable of germinating has not been created.
- A Materialistic Atheist and a Religious Man
On one occasion, a materialistic atheist was arguing with a religious man; the atheist was very intellectual. The problem was very simple,
The first one said:
– “Who came first, the chicken or the egg? If it was the chicken, then where did the egg come from? If it was the egg, who laid it, wasn’t it the chicken?”…
In short, that is a vicious circle that never ends. Suddenly the religious man turned to the scientist and said:
– “Could you create an egg?” The scientist answered:
– “Yes, yes I can; I can do it”…
– “Well, do it!”.
Since that materialistic atheist was a chemist, he made the egg. A perfect, artificial egg, more than wonderful. Once made, the religious man said to him:
– “Now let’s put it in an incubator to see if the chick comes out.” And they put it in the incubator, but the chick didn’t come out.
You see, science has not been able to create life… Suddenly a wise man appears saying:
“Eureka, Eureka, yes we are creating life, we have managed to create a life”
What they have really done is to start with a poor amoeba and join it, there and then, to another piece of organism and sustain it for a few hours, and that is all the scandal! So much scandal for a piece of amoeba mixed with another piece of another creature. But, create life? Let’s see if it is true that they create it; we give them the chemical substances so that they make them to see if they make them. Playing with what nature has made has no value, the interesting thing would be to create life and until now they have not created it.
So, Science only knows the mechanics of the living cell, but it does not know how to manipulate life; the ORGANIC VITAL FUND is the foundation of life…
Scientists could give us transplants, but they could not create the Vital Fund. In this field, they play with what is already made, but they are not capable of making it.
They could, for example, perform artificial insemination and insert a pair of gametes into a sterile woman so that a child is formed inside her womb, but they are not capable of making the gametes, they wait for Nature to make them for them; they play with what is already made.
They make, for example, plant grafts, and then big, wonderful fruits come out, but with adulterated vital principles; but they are not capable of making, for example, an artificial plant branch to insert into a living branch and have with it a change in the whole plant, they do not do that…
And then, on what authority do they base themselves to deny Divinity? With what proof do they want everyone to firmly believe in Materialist Dialectics? They cannot prove it; But the religious can prove it: He says that “God is the foundation of all that exists,” and he proves it. All of Nature serves as a document for the religious: Creatures appear everywhere, vegetation emerges, all by the work of the Divine.
Could the materialistic scientists refute this for the religious? There is no way to refute it. They are incapable of making even a simple vegetable seed capable of germinating.
But if they do not make even a vegetable seed capable of germinating, then, on what do they base their materialistic dogmas? On what basis do they dare to deny the DIVINE? Obviously, they have no basis. And current Science… …and the religious have won the battle; that is obvious, because the religious can indeed demonstrate, but the materialistic scientists are not demonstrating anything, they have not been able to displace Divinity.
- The Organic Vital Fund
But let us go a little further, after this brief digression. The Organic Vital Fund is interesting… Recently in Russia, scientists invented a lens that allows them to see the Vital Fund, now they call it “BIOPLASTIC BODY”. The photographs of the Bioplastic Body, which is being studied in relation to the organism, are interesting…
Of course, the discovery of the Bioplastic Body put an end to Materialist Dialectics.
In these times, intensive experiments are beginning in Russia with PARAPSYCHOLOGY.
There is no doubt that the greatest productivity of parapsychological teaching material comes from Russia, even if the statistics are not reporting it. So, does this mean that Russia is leaving that Materialism and entering into a religious era. Of course, this bothers the recent regime of communist China, and it has already called Russia, or given the Soviets, the qualification of “religionizable”.
I want you to know that if a person were to have his VITAL BODY removed, he would die, that is obvious. However, the Vital Body is not the Self, it is only the seat of organic life; if we photograph the Vital Body, we will discover that it is the seat of life, a kind of double organism, because each atom of the Vital Body, totally resembles each atom of the Physical Body, but this Vital Body or Bioplastic Body (as the Russians call it), is not the Self.
- The I of Psychology
When someone knocks on a door, they are asked:
– “Who is it?” They are answered:
– “I!” But what is the I, my dear friends?
Some Schools suppose that there are two I’s: one is called “SUPERIOR”; they praise it, adore it, worship it, etc. The other is called “INFERIOR”; such Schools think that the Inferior I must evolve until it integrates with the Superior…
Much has also been said about the Subliminal I of fear, however, we have to say that the Superior I, the Inferior I, are only the superior and inferior sections of the same thing. Let us have any table, it has two sections: the superior and the inferior; that is the I.
Obviously, so many divisions between superior and inferior are, in the end, completely absurd, because the I is the I; and that is all.
Well, here we are present and each one of us has his “Dear I”. It is necessary that we know what that Self is. Is it Matter? Is it Spirit? What will it be? Or is it Matter and Spirit at the same time? That is what we need to know.
Some philosophers have spoken to us about the ALTER EGO, let us remember Cicero’s Alter Ego…
Everyone is free to think in relation to the Self: Materialists will think that the Self is merely Matter…
It seems to me that this position has already been discarded by the new Russian thought, which is different: Now, as I said, special preference is given in Russia to Parapsychology. Marxist Materialist Dialectics already belongs to the past, it has become outdated, it is out of fashion. A new dialectical way of thinking is needed. We may possibly enter the field of Energetism, here, in the New Age.
- Energetism in the New Age
In any case, the Self is energy, and this can be demonstrated by Physics itself when it decomposes any atom: Energy is released, obviously; If we split an atom of starch, or iron, or aluminum, or any other organism, including humans, we release energy.
So, ultimately, the organism is summarized in different types and subtypes of energy.
By that path pointed out by Aristotle under the name of “ENTELEQUIA”, we arrive, undoubtedly, at Organic Energy and Values… …The Self, undoubtedly is that: Energy; Energy determined and determining of old and new modalities; Energy determined and determining of new vibratory undulations, and that is demonstrated with any device capable of capturing the vibrations of the terrible Ego.
Energy is Energy, who could deny Energy? The human body could also turn to dust (and in fact it does turn to dust), but are we sure that we can destroy Energy? And would there be someone who has discovered a system to be able to annihilate Energy? Wouldn’t it be someone who is here present, in this auditorium? Well, I would like to meet him; if you are, please stand up, he who has managed to put an end to UNIVERSAL ENERGY; I would like to meet that colossus, that titan; but, I see that they do not appear, neither here, nor there, nor over there.
The death of the individual does not solve the problem either.
“Death is nothing more than a subtraction of fractions”
- The Psychological Values
If we do the operation, what will continue? The VALUES, right? (And any mathematician knows that.) The Values continue, then, and they are energetic; those Values continue in the Psychological Space; those Values themselves constitute the Ego, the I, the myself, the self.
A Physical Organism can be destroyed (no matter what race it belongs to), but what we could not destroy would be the Energetic Values, what continues beyond death are such Values.
Looking at things from another angle, we would say that we are MATHEMATICAL POINTS in space, that we can serve as a vehicle for certain sums of Values; so that “death is nothing more than a subtraction of fractions”…
Each one of us, those present here, I repeat, is a Mathematical Point that serves as a vehicle for certain sums of Energy Values, and Energy is proven; so the Ego is Energy –it is obvious–, determined and determining; it is unquestionable.
But we must delve a little deeper into the question of Values: anger, for example, would be one Value, greed another Value, lust another, envy another, pride another, laziness another, gluttony another; these different types of Values could be analyzed more deeply and that is what we want to do.
In the East, the different types and subtypes of Values are given a qualifier: they are called “PSYCHIC AGGREGATES”. Such Aggregates can be made visible and tangible by means of special techniques or lenses. For example, in Brazil there are currently very special photographic plates, with which different forms of Energies escaping from the human organism have been studied: For example, it has been possible to photograph a thought, it has already been possible to photograph the Human Aura (there is no doubt that there is an Aura around the human body, that is indubitable).
In the future, the devices will be further perfected, and it will be possible to photograph the Energetic Values of any organism, its vibrations can be measured, etc.
We are making progress in the field of Energetism: Every day, more and more powerful lenses are invented; we have managed to photograph the K MESON; we have discovered that the K Meson does not behave according to the Law of Parity-D. We understand that the activity of a Parallel Universe, located in a FOURTH VERTICAL, is already directly interfering in the areas of the K Meson. Thus, progress is being made in terms of Optics and do not doubt that very soon the Energetic Values will be photographed.
The Egyptians, during their various dynasties, knew the Energetic Values in depth, they called the Values “THE RED DEMONS OF SETH”, that is how they described them (everyone is free to think as they wish). The Tibetans call the Values “PSYCHIC AGGREGATES” (let everyone think as they wish). In any case, if we are allowed to reflect, that passage from the Christian Gospel, in which it is said that Jesus of Nazareth managed to expel SEVEN DEMONS from the body of Mary Magdalene: anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, etc. Looking at things from this point of view, I believe that the Egyptians are right in calling the psychic aggregates “Red Demons of Seth.”
Going a little deeper into this, thinking about this Aggregates, or Red Demons of Seth, or Values (or whatever you want to call the various parts of the Self, of the Ego), we come to the conclusion that the Ego, in itself, is not completely individual.
I mean, simply, that there is no permanent I within the human organism.
Undoubtedly, the existence of such Values, whether we call them “Red Demons of Seth” (in the style of the ancient Egyptians), or simply “psychic aggregates”, or “demons” (as the Christian Gospel says), we discover that, in reality, we do not have a single I, but a whole multiplicity of I’s. In this case, each of our psychological defects would be an I.
- The Multiplicity of the I
I remember at this moment that Virgil, the poet from Mantua, said the following very clearly:
“Even if we had a thousand tongues to speak and a palate of steel, we would not be able to enumerate all our psychological defects fully”
So, there exists within us a multiplicity of I’s, it is obvious. When the possessed man in the Biblical Gospel, Jesus of Nazareth, is questioned and asked for his name, he answers: “My name is Legion”, would Legion then be the name of each one of us? If we have multiple I’s, a living personification of our defects, we end up, in the end, looking at things carefully, as possessed. Are we perhaps possessed?…
That is what we have to analyze. We have gathered here a group of very cultured people, men, women, who are eager to know, who try to discover what exists within themselves, etc., and it seems to me that it is worthwhile for all of us gathered together to try to understand; that is the fundamental thing…
What are we looking for? What is the Self, the myself, the I? What is that which we have inside, between the flesh, and blood, between the bones?
We are not Materialists, and we must investigate. Furthermore, the Materialists of today are not as they were before, that is why I understand that they became devotees of PARAPSYCHOLOGY and EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. The times when Dialectical Materialism had become an unbreakable dogma have passed, now, we have entered a New Era, we would say that era of Energetism.
- Revolutionary Psychology
We are certainly here in a conference on Psychology, but it is not a reactionary Psychology, it is not a merely conservative or backward Psychology, we are talking about REVOLUTIONARY, rebellious PSYCHOLOGY, and we need to be revolutionaries, if we really want to know ourselves.
And this matter of the I is very serious; deep down we have many I’s; These make the human organism, as a sequence or corollary, a kind of puppet moved by different I’s (the human body, obviously, is the instrument of different I’s); these fight each other, mutually, for supremacy, each of them wants to be the master, the lord: When an I manages to control the totality of the organic machine, it feels like the only one, but it is soon displaced by another, and the fight, in the end, continues…
Have you ever seen a miser, my dear friends? How much the poor man suffers! Not long ago, there were three miserly brothers in the city; they had a business on the street, the poor saved their money; they didn’t even spend it on poison. Well, one of those days, they were murdered. Who killed them? No one knows.
The police went into that old shack where they lived and under the mattress, they found nothing less than the “insignificant” sum of three million pesos, how horrible they looked! They disguised themselves in many ways, they put on strange faces, they sat at the doors of temples, they wandered through the streets playing the role of blind people, all dirty, ragged, how horrible they looked! They were abnormal! That’s obvious.
And what can we say about a lazy person? You have seen it many times: a lazy person, an individual who does nothing (someone gives him a qualification that you already know too well, I do not say it because it makes me embarrassed), and he is undoubtedly abnormal, a parasite: He wants to have his wife and does not work… …the woman who does work, and then he lives comfortably off the woman, scratching his belly, do you think this is normal? That is how the poor man is!
Obviously, psychological defects make us abnormal, that is, the inhabitants of earth have an ABNORMAL PSYCHE, they are crazy, terribly crazy, but they do not realize it. How is their own Consciousness? It is bottled up among all those psychic aggregates that together constitute the Ego, the myself, the I myself. These people think they are awake, but they are wrong, they sleep deeply: They drive cars with a sleeping Consciousness, they work while asleep, they walk through the streets while asleep, they live while asleep, but they believe they are awake.
- Hypnotism
Have you ever seen a hypnotism session in your life? The hypnotist tells the hypnotized person:
“Get undressed, because we are facing a river, and you must cross it.”
The hypnotized person gets undressed; (and if it is a poor lady whom the hypnotist orders to get undressed, she will think twice, she will probably wake up and maybe she will not get undressed). When you tell him that “you are drunk,” well, he will talk like a drunk; if you tell him that “a glass of water is a glass of wine and that you should drink it, but be careful, you will get drunk!”, he will believe that it is really a glass of wine and he will get drunk; so the hypnotized person believes what they tell him, he is crazy, terribly crazy, but nobody calls him crazy; of course, how would they tell him? When they wake him up, he has made a rather ridiculous little role.
However, I am going to tell you something that is terribly true: All human beings, without exception of race, creed, caste or color, are HYPNOTIZED, their CONSCIOUSNESS IS ASLEEP, it is embedded within the Self, completely.
Now, you will understand the reason for human unconsciousness. If people had 10% AWAKE CONSCIOUSNESS, there would be no more wars in the world. Unfortunately, humanity has only 3% Awake Consciousness, which means that 97% of Consciousness is in deep sleep.
Why can humanity not know for itself, in a direct manner, the Mysteries of Life and Death? Why don’t people know where they come from and where they are going, why don’t they know the reason for their existence? Simply because they sleep deeply, but they don’t know that they are sleeping.
Do you think you know the world? Have you ever seen it as it is? You are wrong.
The day you awaken your Consciousness you will see that the world is not as you believe it to be.
- The Three-Dimensional World
This world has a certainty… …that you have not seen… …and you are completely fanaticized by the Three-Dimensional Dogma of Euclid. Whoever awakens Consciousness sees the world truly, as it is, and not as it apparently is.
- How to Awaken the Consciousness
There are methods that allow us to awaken Consciousness, and that is fundamental.
First of all, whoever wants to awaken must develop, in himself, the SENSE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SELF-OBSERVATION: We need to live alert and vigilant like a lookout in times of war; it is necessary to understand that in coexistence there is the possibility of SELF-DISCOVERY; it is very likely, if we learn to Self-observe ourselves from moment to moment, that we will discover our psychological errors.
Until now we do not know ourselves; we have a totally mistaken concept about ourselves. Other people may see us differently, but we believe that this is what we are, when in reality we really do not know ourselves.
It is necessary to discover ourselves in relation to the people around us: whether at home, on the street, in the countryside, in the temple, at school, etc., these hidden defects emerge spontaneously, come to the surface and if we are observing ourselves then we see them.
A discovered defect must be studied by ourselves. We need to open it with the scalpel of SELF-CRITICISM, we need to open such Values to know what they really want.
Once we have fully understood the defect, it is obvious that we are ready and prepared for elimination. However, we must first have understood it, and this is possible based on rigorous analysis.
The mind, by itself, can never fully understand a defect, the deepest SELF-REFLECTION is needed, so that the Light of the Spirit allows us to COMPREHEND; once we have comprehended, then, we need to ELIMINATE. Elimination is possible! Yes, when we appeal to the most Divine powers that exist in the intimacy of ourselves.
- The Divine Mother Kundalini
All ancient peoples worshipped GOD-MOTHER: She was once called “Nut” in Egypt; “Rea” or “Cybele” in other latitudes of the earth; “Adonia” among the Hebrews; “Diana” among the Greeks; “Mara” or “María” among the Hebrews; “Tonantzin” in our Mexican homeland…
It doesn’t matter what name is given to it, in reality, that Tonantzin so strange to those who came from Europe, is a part of our own Being. But derived. This means that if we were to concentrate on the Intimate Tonantzin (that Flaming Power that exists in our psyche) and we begged her to disintegrate… …and more so, to work for our psyche and provoke in an extraordinary way, the Awakening of Consciousness.
All the Religions of the world speak of DEEP INNER ILLUMINATION. Buddhists in Asia, for example, yearn for Illumination, they want Illumination; however, this is not possible until the AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS is achieved; An awakened Consciousness is an enlightened Consciousness, a revolutionary, rebellious, loving, sublime, terribly divine Consciousness.
Friends, it is urgent to understand that all human beings are hypnotized; there is a Hypnotic Force in all nature, which has humanity submerged in hypnosis.
Awakening is urgent! And for this we need to observe ourselves deeply. Only on that basis is it possible to eliminate the Ego, the I, the myself, the self.
The human body is a machine, and we all seem like machines. What is war, what are wars for? Many times, in the Cosmos there is some catastrophe: One world collides with another, or a world falls into a Sun etc., that is, any cosmic phenomenon is already enough for certain types of vibrations to reach the planet Earth; human machines capture those vibrations and then launch into war, millions of sleeping machines against millions of sleeping machines on the battlefields.
There are wonderful slogans on flags, each one justifying the war in its own way, without realizing it, these poor human machines, which have been victims of the vibration coming from some planet in space, perhaps a mass collision, or some other cosmic event; millions of human beings asleep, unconscious, living in a painful world, tormenting each other miserably, reacting incessantly and suffering bitterly…
- The time to wake up has come!
Friends: it is necessary for you to wake up, so that you really know this planet on which you live. Remember that around us there are many PHYSICAL PHENOMENA that you do not really know: Of all the physical phenomena that occur around us, you only perceive a millionth part. That means that most of the physical phenomena that occur around you are unknown to you. You are terribly asleep!
The human body is a puppet manipulated by invisible strings. It is controlled by all those psychic aggregates that we carry within us. There is a struggle between these aggregates, there is no harmonious correlation between them, they fight for supremacy, they all want to control the main centers of the organic machine. So, as the possessed man of the Christic Gospel said, “We are legion!”
The moment has come for us to fight to acquire a true CONSCIOUS INDIVIDUALITY. Those who teach that we are already individuals are mistaken; many times, an I, for example, gets excited about a beloved woman, lowers the sky to her, puts it at her feet and makes many promises to her, suddenly another I controls the organic machine and says: “To hell with that woman!”; and the subject leaves quietly, leaving the poor woman disappointed, terribly disappointed…
The I that today swears love for a great cause, is later displaced by another completely different one, and then the subject withdraws. How many times, for example, does an individual enter a School, a Religion, a Sect (whatever it may be), the enthusiasm lasts until another I comes along and says: “I am not interested in that!”; it controls the organic machine and leaves…
There is, then, my dear friends, no authentic Individuality, the different I’s that we have fight for supremacy. I want you to understand that this poor “intellectual animal” wrongly called “Man” is a puppet moved by different I’s.
- Sacred Individualism
If we manage to disintegrate all these psychic aggregates, the authentic Conscious Individuality will remain within us, we will truly become SACRED INDIVIDUALS.
A truly Sacred Individual knows the Mysteries of Life and Death, a truly Sacred Individual can experience That which is the Truth. Truth is not a matter of theories or concepts; the theories that we may form about the Truth are not the Truth; the idea that we have about the Truth is not the Truth; the opinion, however serious, about the Truth is not the Truth; we need to EXPERIENCE THE TRUTH directly, as when one puts one’s finger in the fire and gets burned.
Thus, my friends, by disintegrating the Self, by finishing off the Red Demons of Seth, the psychic aggregates, those Energetic Values of which we have spoken tonight, we will be able to experience That which is not of time, that which is beyond the body, the affections and the Mind, that which is the Truth…
This is the state in which we find ourselves: Within each person live many Psychological Persons; one can be called “anger”, another “greed”, the one beyond “envy”, etc., etc., etc. Each one of these Psychological Persons has its Three Brains: the Intellectual, the Emotional and the Motor-Instinctive-Sexual; each one of these persons has its own ideas and whims.
There has been said much about the Mind; different Schools want to teach us how to handle the Mind, but which mind are the minions of the most diverse organizations referring to? Within us there are thousands of minds: Bear in mind that each of our psychic aggregates has its own mind, its own ideas, its own mysteries, its own thoughts.
Many books on Psychology have been written about the Power of Will, but which will do they want to refer to? We must not forget that within ourselves there are thousands of wills, that each of the Red Demons of Seth has its own will, so what? Wills clash against wills within ourselves, and many minds against minds, we live within ourselves in eternal conflict, we are full of terrible contradictions; if we could see ourselves in a full-length mirror, just as we are, we would flee in terror.
We are FULL OF TERRIBLE CONTRADICTIONS: The Ego, for example, of the Intellectual Center, says at a given moment: “I am going to study a book”. Suddenly the Ego of the Movement Center intervenes and exclaims: “No, open books at this hour? No, I’d rather go for a ride, somewhere, on my bike!” and when the subject is already preparing to ride his bike, another Ego (the one in the stomach) appears and says: “No, no, no, I am going to eat; first eat, then everything else will come” .
That is to say, we are full of terrible contradictions: Suddenly we say to the woman we love “I adore you, my love, and I would even give my life for you, my love” Then, later, we are saying the same thing to another lady, so what are we left with? The lady… …hours later, she may also be smiling at a suitor, so what? What terrible contradictions! Sometimes we give our word in a business, and suddenly we back out, “no, my mom said, I’d rather not”.
- The Lack of Continuity of Purpose
We do not have CONTINUITY OF PURPOSE, my dear friends: One moment we’re thinking one thing, another the next moment and another. We look at the newspaper to find out what movie is going to be shown, and we even get ready to go to the movie and the theater, but it happens that someone tells us that (something else) is better, we’re not going where we were going to go, but we’re getting on the car and going somewhere else.
A patient arrives at a doctor’s:
– “Doctor, I have a pain here, on the side of my heart, and it doesn’t seem to hurt much; my liver hurts and it doesn’t seem to hurt either; I feel a pain here but sometimes I feel it there”…
Then the doctor answers:
– “Take this medicine but don’t seem to take it.”
That’s how we all are, my dear friends, full of terrible contradictions, we have no continuity of purpose: We start studying at the University to become an engineer; we are very happy to go to the first classes with the little book under our arm, with the engineering students and after a while, then, “no way, I’ll just become a doctor”, we join the Faculty of Medicine and very judiciously begin to study Medicine; one of those many days we come home and tell dad and mom: “No, I’m not cut out to be a doctor! Doing autopsies on corpses is not at all pleasant, and the worst thing is that I had to eat on the belly of a dead person”…
Conclusion, my dear friends: I’m not a doctor either; and so, we end up, here and there, as employees in some little office (if we’re lucky), or behind the counter of a humble store.
What a terrible contradiction we have, my dear friends, all because of a lack of continuity of purpose. But what are the reasons for these terrible contradictions? Simply because of the MULTIPLICITY OF I’s that we have inside. Inside us there are medical I’s, engineering I’s, graduate I’s, merchant I’s and even apprentice Egos. What kinds of I’s live inside us? We have a kind of mobile zoo. What I’m telling you is not at all pleasant, is it? But that’s how it is!
- Exploration of the Self and Universal Laws
It is urgent, my dear friends, that we Self-explore ourselves, and that we begin the work of DISSOLUTION OF THE I. When we achieve this, you will see how different we will be: An Awakened Consciousness will turn us into true Sacred Individuals, into Conscious Individuals.
But, today, we truly are, starting with my insignificant person who is worthless, it seems that we are all cut from the same cloth: Some have their defects in one direction and others have them in another, “they go where the coconuts abound”, as they say.
The time has come to understand that we must undergo a radical transformation; that is urgent, unpostponable, undelayable…
Friends, life itself is truly like a movie, and if we do not work on our own life, believe me, we are wasting time miserably. When life ends, when it reaches its culmination, we have simply returned to the original starting point, then we roll up our movie and to Eternity with it, to the Unknown Dimension, because I already told you that the Ego continues in the PSYCHOLOGICAL SPACE.
Then, later in time (according to another Law that exists there and is called the “LAW OF THE ETERNAL RETURN OF ALL THINGS”), the Values return, they come back, they are reincorporated in a new organism.
I already mentioned to you that each one of us is a Mathematical Point in space, which comes to serve as a vehicle for certain sums of Values. Before the Values are reincorporated, undoubtedly, they continue in the Psychological Space; they are Energetic Values that attract and repel each other according to the LAW OF UNIVERSAL MAGNETICITY.
Very interesting devices are currently being invented. I have heard about a Catholic priest who has managed to make a fascinating device; this man has been determined to capture the SOUND WAVES of ancient times, and he has managed to make this invention.
These waves (I am undoubtedly referring to Sound Waves) are broken down into LIGHT WAVES and the Light Waves then, by means of such devices, manage to become visible on certain screens.
The experiments that this good priest has done seem magnificent to me: He managed, it is said, to “objectify”, to present on a screen the image of Jesus of Nazareth; they say that he collected this Sound Wave and managed to break it down into a Light Wave; this Light Wave managed to become visible on the screen and then he photographed the face of Jesus, at the moment of his death…
There is no doubt that with so many experiments it would be possible, for example, to photograph Personalities from the remote past. It would not be at all strange, for example, if we could decompose the words of our past Personalities (because each of us has a past Personality), and decompose them into Waves of Light; then, we would make visible on the screen the Personality that we had in a previous existence; that is possible, we are already on that path! There is no doubt that this priest is doing very remarkable experiments. Unfortunately, he has not wanted to give the apparatus to the scientists, because he says that “people are not prepared and would use it for evil.” We hope that this good priest will take pity on us a little and give us the apparatus; it could do quite well; and there are possibilities of evil, we do not deny it, but I think that if it is used well, it would be worth having it; it seems to me and I think that you would also share my opinion…
In any case, I do tell you that the Values that one has had (or that the dead person had, or that the person had in life and then died), continue in the Psychological Space, and are reincorporated later in a new organism. They fatten new cells with their perceptions and sensations.
- Many Existences
Thus, those of us who are here, undoubtedly, were in the past; if we are now alive, it is because in a remote past, possibly in a previous century, we were also alive. What I say to you, is that no one can remember their past existences, if they have not previously awakened the Consciousness; by awakening the Consciousness, we come to evidence, the concrete fact, that it is not the first time that we exist, that we already existed in the past and in past ages, and in ancient ages as well.
When one returns, when one comes back to the world, one naturally forgets the PAST EXISTENCE, but this does not mean that we have not had a past existence.
When we return, when we come back, another Law comes into action, which is called “RECURRENCE”, that is, we repeat our own life, just as it happened, with the old Personality.
We bring back the same film of our past existence and project it again on the screen of this world.
The same Recurrence makes us have to repeat the same comedies, the same dramas, the same tragedies of the past.
It is urgent, my dear friends, to dissolve the actors of such dramas, such comedies and such tragedies; this is possible through PSYCHOLOGICAL SELF-OBSERVATION and INTEGRAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE DEPTH; if one does not eliminate the actors of these comedies, dramas and tragedies, the repetition will be exact, just as it was in the previous existence.
Think, my dear friends, about your current life, remember when you were born, and the life in childhood, the life in youth, the life of adolescence, of old age, etc., do you think it is very pleasant to repeat it again exactly, in the same way? I think not, it is not pleasant; and yet, we have to be repeating it in accordance with the Law of Recurrence.
Everything that we are doing now we already did in our past existence, and everything that we did in the past existence, we also did in the previous one. Each one of us is assigned 108 EXISTENCES, obviously, in each one of them we keep repeating the same mistakes of the past, and the same dramas, and the same comedies, the same tragedies.
It is urgent, my dear friends, to put an end to the actors of such comedies, dramas and tragedies, what are they called? They are all the Egos: Anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, etc., etc., etc. Those I’s that personify our mistakes, are the authors of those dramas, comedies and tragedies. We need to disintegrate them; we need to turn them into cosmic dust. If we succeed, if we break all those psychic aggregates, the Consciousness will be awakened, individualized, then we will have made our life a masterpiece.
But, to continue living like this, without working on our own life (which is the most important thing), really means wasting time miserably.
Look at an example, what is your life. And we must make our life a masterpiece.
Friends, we have talked extensively tonight about the question of the Ego, the I, the myself, the self. I want to complete this conference with questions and answers, and give everyone here the opportunity to ask questions, only on the condition that they do not stray from the subject.
Q & A
– Student. What is the way to break these Recurrences?
– Master. I think the question that the young man has asked is wonderful and I hasten to answer it: Certainly, we are currently repeating, according to the Law of Recurrence, our previous life.
The young man asks me how to change this, because it is not at all pleasant to always repeat the same thing. And I tell him the following: In a scene of jealousy, for example, there is always a triangle: A jealous person, the person who is the object of jealousy and a competitor, right?
It is true that it is not at all pleasant to have a competitor in this matter of love and affection; but this fight is not the first time that it has appeared, in a previous existence the same scene also existed. What must be done to change this?
Simply, we have to disintegrate the I of jealousy, when disintegrating it the scene ends, why? Because if the woman we love is wanted by another gentleman, then we would not dare to take the gun on our belt and go out to look for the guy, etc., etc., etc., and so on. We would say the following:
“If she liked that “guy”, then let her go with her “guy” and I will find someone who wants me somewhere”
But one would not proceed to make a decision of that kind, if one had not finished with the “I” of jealousy. In the meantime, as long as one has not finished with the “I” of jealousy, then one has to suffer terribly.
Now, let us put a scene, not of jealousy but of anger: In a previous existence, for example, in a bar, let us suppose that we had a quarrel with another man; In the new existence, the I of anger or quarrel is at the very bottom of our psyche since we were born, waiting for the age of quarrel to arrive, and when that age arrives, well, one goes to the bar, there one finds a subject of the past quarrel and the quarrel is repeated exactly as it happened.
But if we dedicate ourselves to working on the I of anger, to comprehend it deeply, if we analyze it, if we open it to see what is true and then we appeal to God the Mother, to the Tonantzin or Isis (or whatever we want to call her), so that such an I is reduced to cosmic dust, the event will no longer be able to appear, because the author of the scene simply disintegrated.
Let us suppose that in a past existence we had a dispute over property and that this dispute was at 40 years of age; It is obvious that at birth, that Self is deep within us, waiting for the age of 40 to arrive; and when that age arrives, it will emerge, come to the surface and look for that subject with whom it had the dispute to repeat it again.
But if we have disintegrated that Self of the dispute in advance, who will go looking for that subject? There would be no one; then the scene would not exist.
Bear in mind, my dear friends, that when a child is born the following process occurs: We really have 3% of Awakened Consciousness; that 3% takes charge of the child’s organism. The 97% that is made up of psychic aggregates will go around the cradle trying to get inside the human organism, but it cannot, so that the psychic aggregates can enter the human organism, a new Personality needs to be created.
That Personality is created during the first seven years of childhood, and it is strengthened with time and experiences. The first three or four years of a child’s life are beautiful: only the Essence, the Consciousness, is expressed through the child, and that is why the child is self-conscious and awake.
Adults believe that the child is asleep, and they are sadly mistaken; it is the adults who are asleep. Have you not seen how children suddenly smile delightfully? Have you not seen how children suddenly become terrified, frightened by themselves? They smile delightfully when they contemplate the… …of the Higher Worlds in the psychological space. They scream and are horrified when they contemplate their own psychic aggregates that struggle to get inside it but cannot.
Only after the Personality has been formed, the psychic aggregates begin to slowly get inside the organism of the child. And those psychic aggregates that were the cause of so many fights, acts of lust, jealousy, hatred, etc., in previous lives, remain waiting for the moment, the convenient age, the moment to enter into action.
So each one is born with a DESTINY, and this destiny is formed by the Law of Recurrence.
To say that the Law of Recurrence is based, precisely, on the Law of Return, is a fact: We all return to repeat our previous acts, destiny is the same repetition of previous acts. The repetition of our previous acts constitutes the mechanics of our own destiny.
That is why I say: We must disintegrate the actors of each comedy, of each drama and of each tragedy; they are within
If we disintegrate them, only the Awakened Consciousness remains within us, the Sacred, Enlightened Individual, with full knowledge of the Mysteries of Life and Death.
When the Ego is reduced to cosmic dust, then within us remains the joy, the happiness, the intimate beauty of the Being… Is there anyone who wants to ask another question?
– Student. There is a question that a lady asks and that we consider urgent to clarify; it is for Master Samael Aun Weor, it is the following: You say that there are Seven Dimensions, and we only know three. Which ones do we know, and which ones do we not?
– Master. I will gladly answer the distinguished lady who asked me this question. Humanity is bottled up between the Three-Dimensional Dogma of Euclid: length, width and height. Do you see this table? Here you find length, width and height, those are the three Dimensions, plus how long ago did the carpenter make this table? There is a Fourth Dimension. So, my dear friends, the FOURTH DIMENSION is a fact; but it has been said that it is Time.
Beyond the Fourth Dimension there is a FIFTH VERTICAL (Eternity); and far beyond the Fifth Vertical there is a SIXTH DIMENSION (that is beyond Eternity and Time); and finally, there is a ZERO DIMENSION or Seventh Dimension, unknown. I want to refer to the World of Pure Spirit.
In short, there are Seven Dimensions, the world has Seven Dimensions but humanity, due to the hypnotic state in which it finds itself, only perceives, unfortunately, Three Dimensions; and for that reason, humanity is bottled up in the dogma (already quite discussed) of Euclid’s Three-Dimensional Geometry.
– Student. I am referring to this… but in the Seven Planes that exist, in each Recurrence that we have, do we have the possibility to be able to climb each one of those planes and reach a Universal Consciousness?
– Master. I am going to answer what this very young intellectual has asked. In the name of truth, I have to tell you the following: Psychic aggregates are processed in Seven Levels, that is obvious. As we work on ourselves to disintegrate the psychic aggregates, we obviously have to move on to higher and higher Levels of Being.
We cannot deny that the highest Levels of Being, such as the Sixth and Seventh Levels, are very difficult, however, based on CONSCIOUS WORK AND VOLUNTARY SUFFERING, it is possible to disintegrate the psychic aggregates that we have in the Sixth and Seventh Levels. Whoever achieves this will, in fact, achieve absolute, total Enlightenment, the most complete Awakening of Consciousness.
It is not superfluous to clarify the following: There exists the MACHINERY OF RELATIVITY, in which we all live. It is obvious that this is very painful. One can see that in Relativity there is the LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. Such a cause gives rise to such an effect, there can be no effect without a cause nor a cause without an effect. The Orientals call this law “KARMA”; they say that “every action has its consequence: A good action will have a good consequence and a bad action, say the Orientals, will have a bad consequence.” In short, we live in a world of causes and effects, actions and consequences.
If we were able (as the young man who asked the question says here), to eliminate the psychic aggregates in all the Seven Levels of Being, we would then achieve Perfect Enlightenment. Such a man would be… … about to fall immediately into the ILLUMINATING VOID.
There are, then, two great aspects in the Universe: one is the World of Relativity, the other the Illuminating Void. Obviously, the Illuminating Void is beyond the body, the affections and the Mind, it is inexhaustible Happiness, inconceivable Bliss. However, beyond the frightening Machinery of Relativity (in which we are all stuck) and far beyond the Illuminating Void, there is THE GREAT REALITY, the Suchness, the Truth, That which is not of Time.
Whoever truly wishes to reach FINAL LIBERATION, will have disintegrated all the psychic aggregates existing in the Seven Levels of Being. So… …let us fall into the bosom of the Great Reality, into the bosom of Free Life in its movement, into the bosom of the greatest Happiness in the entire Universe… Any other questions? Let’s see, first ask here the…
– Student. What is there beyond the Levels of Being? Of those Seven Levels, I say, because according to mathematics there is an infinite number of Dimensions, right? One, two, three, four, to infinity, beyond the number seven that is being mentioned.
– Master. I will gladly give an answer. We have spoken of the Seven Fundamental Dimensions, if we were to propose tonight to speak of the multiple Dimensions of the Universe, we would simply have to stay here; tomorrow morning they would bring us breakfast and put it there, under the door, and it would never end.
We will see it in 20 years. Because the Universe is truly a succession of additions and subtractions, and multiplications and divisions of Dimensions, we cannot deny that.
Let us limit ourselves… …Heptaparaparshinock, let us speak in summary for these times, as it is convenient for a large audience. But beyond the Seven fundamental Dimensions, there is no doubt that the Illuminating Void exists. The Illuminating Void contains everything that is, everything that has been, everything that will be.
Relativity exists because of the Illuminating Void. If the Illuminating Void did not exist, the bodies of Relativity, the forms of Relativity (all that which is conditioned), would not exist.
However, looking at things from the point of view of a Vedantic Philosophy, we come to the conclusion that the Universe is illusory, because in the last synthesis it has to dissolve and the only thing that will remain is what has always been and what will always be, that is, the Illuminating Void.
However, I repeat, beyond the Illuminating Void there is Suchness, that is, the Great Reality, and what interests us is precisely the Final Liberation, the Truth; I conclude thus, do you understand? And if anyone else wants to ask, let him do so with the utmost freedom-
Sir. I see a lady over there…
– Student. …(inaudible)
– Master. I will gladly answer the gentleman here. We have never denied PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY.
I understand that psychological processes are accompanied in parallel by physiological processes, that is obvious; To deny it is to destroy Psychophysiology, and there is much research on the Psychophysiological question.
But this question of the psychic aggregates, speaking in summary, we will say that ANALYSIS is fundamental, it is necessary to use the Scalpel of SELF-CRITICISM to open the Values, in order to know what they really have.
We cannot deny that these Values are related in some way to the different organs of the body. You know very well that, for example, if someone has a fit of anger during a meal…
Samael Aun Weor
Note: From the original audio lecture in Spanish “Psicologia Revolucionaria” a translation offered by “The New Age of Aquarius”