Napoleon would have succumbed against the Devil. One thing is to be in the battlefield against other males and another is the fight against oneself
Satan is a golden enemy, and he is very useful The Devil is a ladder to descend and it is also a ladder to ascend.
The Twelve Labors of Hercules are with the Devil. The pact with the Devil is the bet itself and the triumph is the capacity of fabricating gold.
The electric force is the cross in movement or the swastika; it is continuous movement. The transcendent electricity which turns like a vortex has served me to form the Gnostic Movement.
The cross in the profane and the profaners is not a swastika because once the chemical copulation ends, the movement ends. On the other hand, in the Gnostic cross, the movement does not end because the electricity continues transmuting itself.
The norm in the sexual work should be a minimum of one hour.
In India, the degree of culture is measured according to the time that the chemical copulation is carried out; the one who lasts three hours is respected and is a “lord”.
The swastika in movement generates transcendent sexual electricity.
Hitler knew about these things and that is why he took the swastika as the symbol of his Party. The “Man of green gloves” belonged to the Clan of Dag Dupas. Hitler let himself be dazzled by this man and he was taught to crystallize everything
When Von Litz capitulated, the monks in Lhasa of the Dag Dupas launched themselves to the streets celebrating the capitulation of Berlin.
The Second World War was a duel between the teachings of Gurdjieff and that of the Dag Dupas. This duel was imported from Tibet and it was a true struggle between the white and black magicians of Tibet.
It would be useless to possess all the erudition of this world if one were not to die in oneself.
The destruction of the psychic aggregates is only possible in the forge of the Cyclops, in full chemical coitus.
Man and woman, sexually united, are surrounded by terrible cosmic forces. Man and woman, sexually united, are enveloped by the powerful forces which brought the Universe into existence.
Man is the positive force, the woman is the negative force. The neutral force reconciles both.
If the three forces are directed against a psychic aggregate, the latter is reduced to cosmic dust.
Man, in full chemical coitus, should help his wife by taking her psychic aggregates as if they were his own. The woman should also take the psychological aggregates of the man as if they were hers.
In this manner, the positive, negative and neutral forces, properly united, will be directed against any aggregate. This is the key of sexual super-dynamics to disintegrate the psychic aggregates.
Man and woman, sexually united, should pray asking Devi Kundalini to disintegrate such and such a psychic aggregate, which has been previously comprehended in depth.
If the man wants to disintegrate a psychic aggregate, whether it be of hatred, lust, jealousy, etc., he will clamor to the Divine Mother Kundalini imploring her to disintegrate such an aggregate, and his wife will help him with the same supplication, as if the aggregate were hers. The man will also proceed in this manner with the psychic aggregates of the woman, taking them as his own.
The totality of the forces of the man and the woman, during the metaphysical copulation, should be directed, whether towards the psychic aggregates of the man, or towards those of the woman. In this manner we will put an end to the ego.
This is the key of sexual super-dynamics: the connection of the lingam-yoni, without the ejaculation of the entity of the semen, directing the three forces against each psychic aggregate.
Let us not forget that during the chemical coitus, the man and woman united, are truly an omnipotent and terrible divine androgyny.
The one who possesses the Mercury of the sages will attain the final Liberation. It would not be possible to achieve the Philosopher’s Stone if one does not first of all get to know oneself.
The preparation of the Mercury is usually difficult. The Mercury results from the transformation of the exohehari or rough Mercury.
The rough Mercury represents the Sacred Sperm. Many are the minerals which become Mercury, but not all minerals can become the latter.
The preparation of the Mercury is similar to the assimilation of food.
The Dry Mercury, the Counter-transference, the Ego, should be eliminated if we truly want a clean and pure Mercury for the Great Work.
Twenty is the mathematical differential mean of two quantities. If the Dry Mercury is not eliminated, the “differential mean” cannot exist.
We have to psychologically go through the phases of earth, water, air and fire.
Through the elimination and psychological comprehension of the Dry Mercury, one attains the refinement of the Sacrament of Rome.
The interior Igneous Rose, impregnated with Sulfur —fire—, ascends gloriously through the spinal canal giving us comprehension or light in order to comprehend the mechanisms of the ego.
The Mercury transforms one into a knight of Life and Death.
The Universal Mercury exists. The Cosmocrators had to work in the Forge of the Cyclops —sex— at the beginning of the Mahamanvantara; this is not comprehended by the followers of Hegel’s Dialectic of Nature.
In the Chaos, the mineral in the rough state, the Army of the Word, the couples, work to disintegtate the Dry Mercury. Lu the ancient Moon Earth, much Dry Mercury had to be eliminated. In the Revolution of the Dialectic, in Integral Revolution, one has to do on a small scale what the Logos did on a large scale. The human beings who do the Great Work are inwardly very different from a humanoid, although radical differences are not seen externally due to the former having eliminated the Dry Mercury from themselves.
The pure and clean excess of the mercury forms a superior octave in the different existential bodies. For such an effect, one has to work in the Laboratory of the Third Logos.
In order to objectively understand the Revolution of the Dialectic, one needs the Donum Dei, in other words, the Gift of God.
There exists no tomorrow for the personality of the disembodied. The personality is a form of the Dry Mercury in which we waste much energy, the energy that we should utilize to fortify and carry out in us the transference of consciousness.
A strong individuality totally replaces the personality which is a grotesque form of the Dry Mercury.
The energy which we spend in the personality should be utilized to eliminate everything that does not belong to the Being; such is the case of the negative customs which are also forms of Dry Mercury.
By disintegrating the Dry Mercury, through sexual super-dynamics and self-respect, we will become accustomed, therefore, to live in an impersonal manner.
Samael Aun Weor
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