A Mexican in Planet Venus

We know here in Mexico, D.F., a man who was on the Planet Venus. We have the high honor of having visited him.

One ordinary winter night we arrived at the doors of his house. We were lucky to be welcomed by him. The family was watching television, but they very kindly turned off the television and left us alone with him in his living room.

He is a very sincere and kind man; He’s not an occultist or a spiritualist or anything like that; he does not presume that he is wise; and despite having lived the most extraordinary cosmic adventure, he really does not have any pride.

We do not propose in this simple brochure to narrate in detail what happened to this man; we just want to talk in synthesis and that’s all… In the month of August of the year 1953, this man was personally on the Planet Venus. His name is SALVADOR VILLANUEVA MEDINA.

The event happened when He least expected it. He was driving a rental car with a NORTH AMERICAN couple headed to the United States through Mexican territory along the Laredo highway.

He had traveled 484 kilometers when the car was damaged. The GRINGOS abandoned the car and went in search of a crane to take the car to the nearest town for the purpose of repairing it.

This was the beginning of the adventure, Salvador got under the car to try to repair it; Suddenly he heard footsteps in the sand of the road and someone asked him, in perfect Spanish, what was wrong with the car. Salvador kept silent and when he left the place occupied by the car, he found himself in front of a strangely dressed man who was about 1.20 meter’s tall.

The body of said man was of extraordinary perfection; white as an ermine and full of beauty in all its ensemble. What most caught Salvador’s attention was the rare uniform and the mysterious glowing belt.

The man had long hair and wore a very special metallic helmet. There were really few words between the two of them at that moment. The strange character said goodbye politely and then went into the mountain.

The most interesting thing came later when Salvador was already sleeping; A loud knock on the window of his car woke him up with a start. Without much thought, Salvador opened the door of his car and his surprise was capitalized when he saw the same character again accompanied by another who had the same appearance and the same suit.

Salvador invited them to enter his car and then tried to help them close the door, but when he stretched his right arm over them for that purpose, he felt an electric current that momentarily paralyzed his arm.

The talk in the car was wonderful. They manifested to Salvador that they came from the Planet Venus. Salvador at first did not believe them and was even outraged, believing that these gentlemen were making fun of him. Salvador even went so far as to affirm that only planet earth could have inhabitants; he said that he had thus learned it from the statements of the wise men of the earth, etc.

What makes you think such a thing? – They asked him – Perhaps the poor means at their disposal for their calculations? Doesn’t it seem like too much pretense to believe that they are the only beings that populate the Universe?

These words already became very strange to Salvador and also the color of those so white faces, their expressive eyes, their strange voice, their strange helmets, their mysterious belts, etc. They made him think a lot.

It would take a long time to narrate the whole conversation that Salvador had with those Venusians; they told him what life was like on Venus; how they lived, what they ate, what their cities were like, their streets, etc., etc.

They also took him out of doubt by explaining that they could turn the harmful into beneficial and artificially shape their climate, their environment, etc. Under these conditions, if Venus were INHABITABLE, they would make it Habitable because their scientific advances allow it. However it is clear that VENUS is perfectly habitable.

It was already dawn and the Venusians in a very kind way invited Salvador to accompany them to the planet Venus. Salvador got out of the car after these mysterious men and certainly after a while walking through the mountain, Salvador stopped before the Majestic Ship.

This was a majestic and imposing flattened sphere that was supported by three buoys that formed a triangle. He says Salvador that the whole was impressive and that supposedly it gave the impression of being a great strength.

Salvador entered the ship, the doors were closed, and it left for the planet Venus. Everything Salvador saw on Venus was extraordinary. The Venusian civilization is formidable.

On Venus civilization has reached its peak. Money is not needed there. Each citizen works two hours a day and in exchange for it, he has the right to everything that human beings need for life: transportation, food, changing rooms, vacations, science, etc. Everything belongs to everyone; If someone needs a car, they take it, use it, and then leave it in their parking lot. If he is hungry, he eats in any hotel and has nothing to pay, because since he is working, he has the right to everything. If he needs a dress he asks for it in a store and does not pay anything, because since he works he has the right to dress, etc., etc.

On the planet Venus, cars are powered by solar energy. The main foods are taken from the sea. The gardens are on the roofs of houses and buildings. On Venus, fish and fruits are the staple food. On Venus there is no government, no homelands; The whole planet is the homeland and only the wise guide and advise.

I asked Salvador about the religious matter and the answer was that there are no religions on Venus and that every citizen behaves in the street as if he were in a temple. Each person on Venus, considers that the temple is within ourselves.

The footpaths or sidewalks of the streets in the cities of Venus are not still and are formed with metallic bands that are in motion and save effort to pedestrians. The stream of the streets, that is to say; the center of the streets have metallic belts that collect the force of the sun with which the cars move.

On Venus everything belongs to everyone and the entire Venusian family is one big family. Children are born in special maternity wards and are educated and raised in group homes. When a child is born, he is marked on one foot. That mark indicates its origin and powers. According to this, that child is educated in the group home. When he is of legal age, he begins to occupy his rightful position in society.

In these conditions the private family does not exist; everyone on Venus is one single family. There are no famines, no war, and no social classes. Only Wisdom and Love reign there.

Salvador Villanueva Medina was on Venus for several days. On that planet he met two French residents; both twin brothers and WWII veterans. They too were transported to Venus and then begged and cried out to the Venusians not to bring them back to earth; they live happily there.

Salvador returned to planet earth; he was brought back and forth to let the inhabitants of earth know that Venus is inhabited.

PHILIPS laboratories analyzed soil and plants in the place where Salvador located the Cosmic Ship and found a very strange molecular and atomic disorder. George Adamski, the North American scientist who met some Venusians in the Nevada desert, also contacted Salvador and gave a lecture on this subject at the “Insurgents theater” in Mexico, D.F.

Great German scientists investigated the terrain where Salvador found the Cosmic Ship and the result of his research was the same as that of the PHILIPS house. A great Scientist came from the palace of the kings of England to investigate the case, and the conclusions are the same as those of the PHILIPS house.

For these difficult times in which we live, we will be helped by the inhabitants of other planets. It is necessary to learn to communicate telepathically with them, Jesus said:

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7

All of us can visit other planets if we know how to ask.

Gnostics must develop telepathy. The Gnostics must go out to the fields, to the deepest forests and there in peace and deep meditation, communicate telepathically with the Venusians or with the Mercurians or Martians and beg them to take them to Venus, Mars or Mercury.

In the peace of the mountains, or on the lonely beach, any day we can have the happiness that Salvador Villanueva Medina had. Each of us can be taken to Venus or other worlds. The system for communicating with these Angel Men is telepathy. The Universal Christian Gnostic Movement has formidable systems for developing telepathy.

Gnostic Missionary Joaquín Amortegui

Whoever wants to visit other worlds should not drink, smoke, or have any vice. Our International Gnostic Missionary Joaquín Amortegui, was visited by an interplanetary ship, in his retreat from the Summum Supremun Sanctuarium.

The thought waves of any supplicant travel to the planet Venus in a few seconds, and if we are worthy and deserving, we can receive an answer.

On any given day, in the solitude of the field we can have the happiness of seeing a Cosmic Ship land near us and then they can take us, Mercurians, Martians, etc. They are real men with bodies of flesh and blood. Men with an Angel soul, Angel Men.

Samael Aun Weor

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