About the Future

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Modern people have lost their capacity for wonder.

The people of this time are not profound, they like the superficial. They believe themselves capable of laughing at all civilizations.

Morality is a slave to customs and times and is also the daughter of places… we must speak of Revolutionary Ethics.

Religious forms preserve eternal values and these are organized according to the psychological and historical needs of each people, of each race. All religions have the same principles, the same eternal values and differ only in form.

The Gnostic-Rosicrucian sages know the research systems of the East and the West.

We Gnostics investigate the ultra-worlds with the systems and methods of the Hindu Yogis. We study the physical world with Western research methods. Both systems complement and harmonize each other to give us in the future a new culture and a highly mystical and formidably technical and scientific civilization.

The man of the future will put matter under his service.

The machine will be there to serve the community and man will not be a victim of the machine.

Medical science, Astronomy, Technology, Aviation, Industry, etc., will free the spirit from the slavery of material work.

The man of the future will enjoy the powers of clairvoyance, and yet he will have gigantic scientific and technical advances. He will be highly spiritual and wonderfully intellectual.

The man of the future will enjoy enlightened intellection.

Jesus Christ put the intellect at the service of the spirit.

Enlightened intellection is the intellect at the service of the spirit.

The great error of the materialists is, precisely, to believe that reality needs physical phenomena. But, spirit is as real as matter because, after all, both are energy.

The material is as sacred as the spirit. Physical material and sacred spirit behave in a correlated and dialectical way.

With an integral culture, with a spiritual, social and scientific background and base at the same time, we could radically change the current situation of the world.

We need a new revolutionary pedagogy, whose only objective is to make us aware of what we already know.

Instead of retaining in our minds an outdated and degenerate culture, we need to re-educate ourselves.

We must seek direct wisdom from archaeological documents through the majestic science of meditation.

Knowledge is extracted directly from stones.

The ancients knew nothing about Paleontology or Paleontography, and yet they have representations of the monsters of the Carboniferous and Mesozoic times.

From the Euxine to Kashmir we must seek the origin of this Aryan Race. The Hebrew Garden of Eden is a reminiscence of the Adhi-Varsha of Lemuria.

The Garden of Eden on the Euphrates became the or in the College of astrologers and magicians, the Aleim. How hard is the path that devours millions of spermatozoa for a single fertilization!…, fertilization and expiration are opposites…

The result: the antithesis annuls that path with the force of expiration, the force of time, the fertile Expirer…

There is a great law of the Great Balance between waste and the minimum balance: the Arcanum A.Z.F…

It is the objective reason of the Being, the Great Corrector, the Great Rectifier of universal waste…

We must put the Law of the Balance between waste and the minimum balance… The path of the domestic home is a gymnasium at will.

One breathes a gas loaded with oxygen but one cannot breathe Light…, however, there are men who breathe Light.

It is enough to put together meanings for unthinkable concepts to result.

If the Logos sprang from the divine unknowable, the Devil gave him freedom…

We need to fill the inexhaustible bag of great possibilities. The inexhaustible bag of possibilities has the shape of a spiral galaxy…

Samael Aun Weor

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