Angels and Devils

The ultra-modern Lucifer-Prometheus, frightfully devolving in time, has now converted himself into Epimetheus: “The one who sees only after the event” because the glorious universal philanthropy of the first has degenerated itself since many centuries ago into interest and self-adoration.

Oh, holy Gods! When will these chains that tie us to the abyss of mystery be broken?

In which epoch of the history of the world will the brilliant and free Titan of the past reemerge again within the heart of every human?

To die within oneself is radical, if indeed what we long for with all the strength of the soul is to harmonize the two natures, divine and human, in each one of us.

Invulnerability against the titanic inferior forces, impenetrability in great scale, are only possible by integrally eliminating our psychological defects, those horrible Red Devils mentioned in The Book of the Occult Abode…

Seth, the animal Ego, with all of its sinister subjective aggregates is accustomed to being terribly malignant, indeed…

It is written with flaming coals in the tremendous book of mystery that the luciferin Mighty Boon, terrible as no one, at a later time turned into the principal cause, into the unique origin of evil for our own disgrace and for all of this afflicted world…

Thundering Zeus, the one who gathers the clouds, clearly represents the host of the primary progenitors, the Pitris, the Fathers who created man into his own image and likeness…

The few Sages who have existed in the world do not ignore that Lucifer-Prometheus, Maha-Asura, the “Giver of light and fire”, horribly enchained to the mount Caucasus and condemned to the pain of living, also represents the rebel Devas who fell into animal generation in the dawning of life…

It is not irrelevant to cite in this book some of those Titans who fell at the beginning of the dawn…

First, let us remember Moloch, a luminous Angel of yore, a horrid King besmeared with the blood of human sacrifices, with the tears of parents and the desperation of mothers. Though for the loud noise of drums and timbales unheard went the cries of their children, who passed through fire to be pitilessly immolated to this execrable Monster, beautiful God from other times…

The Ammonites worshipped him in Rabba and its watery Plain, in Argob and in Basan, to the stream of utmost Arnon…

The legend of the centuries state that Solomon, son of David, King of Zion, built a temple to Moloch right on that opprobrious hill.

The seven Lords of time state that subsequently, this wise old King dedicated a sacred grove in the pleasant Valley of Hinnom to such a fallen Angel…

Such a fecund perfumed land, for such a fatal motive, then changed its name for Tophet and black Gehennan, a true type of hell…

Next following Moloch, a Man-Angel from archaic volcanic Lemuria, where the rivers of pure waters of life were pouring forth milk and honey, comes Baal Pehor, the obscene dread of Moab’s sons, who dwelled from Aroer to Nebo, and even far beyond the South most of the desert of Abarim…

He dwelled also in Hesebon and Horonaim, in Zion’s Realm, beyond the flowery dales of Sibma clad with Vines, and Eleale to the Asphaltick lake.

Frightful, left-handed, tenebrous Baal Pehor, he enticed the Israelites in Sittim on their march from the Nile to perform for him wanton rites, which cost them woes…

From there this Elohim, fallen amidst the Luciferic reddish fires, his lascivious orgies he enlarged even to that hill of scandal, by the Grove of the homicidal Moloch…

Thenceforth, it is obvious that their abominable debauchery was established hard by hate, till pious Josiah drove them thence to hell…

With these terribly malignant Divinities, who in the ancient continent Mu were indeed exemplar men, humanized Angels, came those who from the bordering flood of old Euphrates to the brook that parts Egypt from Syrian ground, had the undesirable names of Baal and Ashtaroth…

Thereafter, continuing in a successive order came Belial from the Empyrean. Indeed, there is not a Spirit who fell more impurely lewd, or more grossly inclined to love vice than this creature, who in ancient Lemurian times was certainly a Master or Angelic Guru of ineffable splendors…

This Demon, a Deity in other times, had no temples stood, nor were any consecrations offered to him at any altar; nonetheless, no one is more often than he in temples and at altars.

When the priests turn atheist, as did Ely’s sons, who disgracefully filled with prostitution and violence the house of the Lord, they are then, as a fact, converted into slaves of Belial…

Sublime Hierophant from archaic epochs of our world, delectable Angel, now an evil Luciferic-Demo n, he also reigns in luxurious courts and palaces and in dissolute cities, where the noise of riot, lust and outrage ascends above their loftiest towers…

Thus, when night darkens the streets, then wander forth the children of Belial, flown with insolence and wine.

Witnesses of all these are the streets of Sodom and that horrible night in Gibeah, when its doors yielded a Matron to prevent a worse loathed rape.

Inspire me oh, ineffable Muses! Oh Gods, talk to me now,  so that my style does not retract from the nature of this matter…

What would we say now about Azazel, a glorious Cherub, extraordinary man of the ancient earth?

Woe! Woe! Woe! How painful it is… This so excellent creature also fell into animal generation! How terrible is the thirst of sexual lust!

The fallen one unfurled the glittering staff, the imperial ensign, which full high advance shone like a meteor streaming to the wind with pearls and rich golden luster that depicts seraphic arms and trophies…

Mammon comes after, the least erected among the Men- Angels from ancient Arcadia, also fallen into bestial generation…

He was the first one who taught the inhabitants of the earth to ransack the center of the world. Thus, they did it, rifling the bowels of their mother Earth for treasures better hid forever…

The covetous band of Mammon soon opened into the mountain a spacious wound and extracted from its womb ribs of Gold.

Now, what will we say in regard to Mulciber? Indeed, his name was no t unheard, nor did he ever lack fanatical adorers in ancient Greece. This is known by the divine  and human…

The classical fable refers how Mulciber fell from Olympus, thrown by angry Jupiter over the crystalline, divine battlements. Nothing ought availed him then to have built in heaven high towers…

A man with genius from the purpure race in the continent Mu, fallen into the abysses of sexual passion…

Finally, in order to conclude with this small list of Deities, fulminated by the thunderbolt of Cosmic Justice, it is necessary to state that in no way are missing in the

Pandemonium (the high Capital of Satan and his Peers) Andrameleck, about whom we have already talked abundantly in our former Gnostic books, and Asmodeus, his brother…

Two resplendent Thrones from the starry heaven of Urania, also fallen into animal generation…

Exemplar men, Gods with human bodies in the land of Mu, abjectly wallowing in the bed of Procusto…

The Luciferic-Christic host who incarnated in the archaic Lemuria (induced by that nemesis or Superior Karma that controls the ineffable ones and that is known as the Law of Katancia) committed the mistake of falling into animal generation.

Fatal was for the human species the sexual downfall of the divine Titans who did not know how to use the mighty boon of Prometheus, thus rolling into the abyss.

Our Saviors, the Agnishvatta, the superior Titans of the Luciferic fire, can never be cheated. They, the brilliant children of the dawn, know very well how to distinguish between what is a downfall is and what is a descent.

Some sincerely mistaken ones now compel themselves to justify the angelic downfall.

Metaphorically, Lucifer is the conductor-torch which helps the human being to find his route through the cliffs and the sand banks of life…

Lucifer is the Logos in its more elevated aspect and the ‘adversary’ in its inferior aspect, both reflecting themselves in and within each one of us.

Lactacio, when speaking about the nature of Christ, makes of the Logos, the Verb, the “first begotten brother of Satan and the first of all creatures.”

Amidst the great tempest of the Luciferic fire, squadrons of Angels and Demons (Prototypes and Antitypes) mutually combat each other.

If the good Sir Amfortas, King of the Grail, would have known how to properly use the Luciferic mighty boon in the supreme moment of sexual temptation, then, it is ostensible that he would have passed through a radical transformation.

Samael Aun Weor

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