Arcanum 10

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In this lecture we are going to study the Arcanum 10 of the Tarot. It is necessary to analyze the cosmogonic wheel of Ezekiel. In this wheel, we find the battle of antitheses. Hermanubis rises through the right and Typhon descends through the left of the fatal wheel. This is the wheel of the centuries, the wheel of reincarnations and of Karma. Upon the wheel appears the mystery of the Sphinx grasping the flaming sword between its lion’s paws. This is the wheel of antithesis. The Serpent of Brass that healed the Israelites in the wilderness and the Terrible Tempting Serpent of Eden are mutually combating each other.

Wheel of Ezequiel

The entire secret of the Tree of Knowledge is enclosed within this wheel; the four rivers of paradise flow from this unique fountain, one of them runs through the thick jungle of the Sun watering the Philosophical Earth of Gold and Light and the other circulates tenebrously and turbulently into the Kingdom of the Abyss. Light and darkness, White Magic and Black Magic are mutually combating each other. Eros and Anteros, Cain and Abel live within us in an intense battle, until by discovering the mystery of the sphinx, we grasp the flaming sword, and then we liberate ourselves from the wheel of the centuries.

Lunar Conscience

The lunar Conscience sleeps profoundly, it is the product of our unfaithful memory. The human being only has consciousness of that which he remembers; no one can have consciousness of things he can not remember. The Sinful Adam is memory. He is the same reincarnating Ego, he is the lunar consciousness.

Clairvoyants affirm that it is formed by the atoms of the secret enemy. It is a tenebrous remnant of our lunar past (the Larva of the Threshold).

Our Gnostic disciples must comprehend that this kind of lunar consciousness means something to be conscious of; and someone to be conscious of it. The lunar conscience is subjected to all kinds of limitations, qualifications, restrictions, reactions; it is a product of Matter, the outcome of the inheritance of our race, family, habits, customs, prejudices, desires, fears, appetites, etc. The sinful Adam with his lunar consciousness reincarnates with the goal of “supposedly” gaining experience within the school of life. However, life’s experiences complicate and strengthen the sinful Adam. The once innocent humanity from Eden is now the terrible and perverse humanity of the Atomic and Hydrogen bombs.

The innocent child (with the experiences of life) is converted into a sly, distrustful, malicious, avaricious, [and] fearful person, that is the lunar consciousness. The devil is a devil and can never acquire perfection. The great Master H.P. Blavatsky stated: “Strengthen your soul against the stalking of the ‘I’, make her worthy to bear the name of “Diamond Soul.”

Solar Conscience

There exist changes in the consciousness and there exist changes of consciousness. Every development of the consciousness originates changes within it. These changes in the consciousness are superficial and useless. What we need is a change of consciousness. When  we dissolve the Lunar consciousness then the Solar consciousness is born within us.

It is necessary for the sinful Adam to die within us so that the Adam Christ can be born within us. When we liberate the solar electronic matter enveloped within the seminal atoms, we grasp the flaming sword.

Perseus descends into the Flaming Forge of Vulcan in order to decapitate the sinful Adam (the Medusa) with his flaming sword. John the Baptist is decapitated and Christ is crucified in order to save the world. The slaughter of the innocent children (the Initiates) is the repetition of the Initiation. Then the Solar consciousness is born within us; this consciousness contains in itself the knower, knowledge and the known things. Three in One and One in Three. The Solar consciousness is Omni-present and Omni- penetrating. The Solar consciousness liberates the Human Being from the fatal wheel of the centuries.

Sexual Cycles

Uranus is the octave of Venus. It governs the masculine and feminine phases of sex. It has a sexual cycle of eighty-four years. Uranus’s cycle is divided into periods of 42 years, positive-masculine and negative-feminine. Uranus’ poles are always facing toward the sun [as it turns on its axis, one of its poles is always trying to point towards the sun].

During 42 years the positive pole faces towards the sun and for another 42 years the negative pole. Now we can understand where that alternating stimuli for both sexes comes from; the marvelous biorhythm of 84 years. The wheel of the centuries rotates in periods of forty-two years each. The masculine sex predominates for one half and the feminine sex for the other half. The sexual cycle of Uranus corresponds with the average length of a human life; this signifies that the antithesis of the sexual cycle in which we were born, vibrates within us during our adulthood. Then we feel sexually stimulated. We comprehend why mature men and women are indeed mature enough to work in the Great Work, and the sexual feelings are more vigorous at this age.

Light and Consciousness

Light and consciousness are two phenomena of the same thing. The higher levels of Christic Consciousness we develop the more levels of light we attain. The planets are gradually absorbing the Christic consciousness of the Sun. Thus, when the planets of our solar system have integrally absorbed the Divine Solar Consciousness, then life, light and heat will no longer occupy only the astronomical place of the sun, but the entire solar system will then shine like the sun. This is the case of the gigantic sun of Antares, which is a million times more rarified than our sun. The light of the solar system of Antares is not only concentrated in its sun, because each one of its planets has become a sun. The planetary humanities enjoy the solar consciousness; the outcome of this joy is the splendors of the solar system of Antares.

The Ten Sephiroth

When speaking of the Ten Sephiroth, in reality, there are twelve. The Ain Soph is the eleventh, and the twelfth Sephirah is its tenebrous antithesis within the Abyss.

These are twelve spheres, or universal regions, which mutually penetrate and interpenetrate without mixing together. These twelve spheres gravitate within the central Atom of the sign of the Infinite. A solar humanity unfolds within these twelve spheres. We have already said that the sign of the Infinite is in the center of the earth, in the heart of the earth. The Ten Sephiroth of universal vibration emanate from the Ain Soph (the Micro-cosmic star) that guides our interior. The Ain Soph is the Real Being of our Being.

The Ten Sephiroth emanate from the Ain Soph as follows:

First, Kether, the Ancient of Days

Second, Chokmah, the region of Wisdom

Third, Binah, Intelligence

Fourth, Chesed, the world of the Intimus

Fifth, Geburah, the world of soul- consciousness, the region of rigor and Justice

Sixth, Tiphereth, the Causal World, the region of willpower, Equilibrium and beauty

Seventh, Netzach, the region of victory, the world of the mental man (anyone who achieves the liberation of themselves from the four Bodies of Sin, is a Buddha).

Eighth, Hod, the splendor, the region of the Astral World

Ninth, Yesod, the foundation, sex, the etheric world

Tenth, Malkuth, the kingdom in general, the physical world; Malkuth is a supreme filter; from this region we depart to the Ain Soph or to the abyss, such is the law.

The Sephiroth are atomic; these ten Sephiroth can be reduced to three tables:

  • First: The Quantum Table of the radiant energy that comes from the Sun.
  • Second: The Atomic Weight Table of the Elements of Nature.
  • Third: The Molecular Weight Table of the Compounds.

This is Jacob’s ladder, which goes from earth to heaven.

All of the worlds of cosmic consciousness are reduced to these three Tablets. All of the ten know Sephiroth come from Sephirah, the Divine Mother; She dwells in the Heart Temple.

The ‘Direct Key’ for the Direct Knowledge

It is necessary that our Gnostic disciples learn how to get out their physical body in order to travel with their internal vehicles with complete consciousness in order to penetrate within the different Sephirothic regions.

It is necessary to directly know the twelve spheres of universal vibration, where all of the beings of the universe develop and live. The disciple must concentrate on the Chakra of the heart, which is where the Cosmic Divine Mother abides. The disciple must beseech the Sephirah, the Mother of the Sephiroth; begging her to take him out from his physical body and take him to the different departments of the kingdom in order to study the Sephiroth of Kabbalah directly. The disciple must pray and meditate abundantly on the Divine Mother while mentally vocalizing the following Kabbalistic Mantras:

“Lifaros – Lifaros – Licanto – Ligoria”

Vocalize these mantras by syllabifying (15) them. If you carefully observe the intelligent phonetic structure of these mantras, you will see the three vowels I.A.O. of the Great Mysteries.

I.A.O. is hidden and combined in these sacred Mantras of Kabbalah. The disciple must become drowsy while mentally vocalizing these four Kabbalistic mantras. It is necessary to practice a retrospective exercise when awakening from our normal sleep; this is in order to remember what we have seen and heard during the dream.


Flee from those who sell Initiations.  Remember, good devotee, that the Initiation is your own life. If you want the initiation, write it upon a golden rod (16) (whosoever understands this let him understand it for there is wisdom within). The path of Liberation is represented by the life, passion, death, resurrection and ascension of our Adorable Savior. Remember the Ego does not receive initiations. Thus, you must not boast of being an initiate; do not say, “I have these initiations” or “I have these Powers” because this is arrogance and vanity. Only the Intimus receives initiations. You, wretched man, are nothing but the sinning shadow of the one who has never sinned. Diligently (17) die each time more [and more] in yourself, so that the “Son of Man” can be born within you.

Samael Aun Weor


15 Syllabifying: i.e., pronouncing them one syllable at time.
16 “vara”, literally a pole, stick, rod, staff, yardstick, and even ‘a golden rod’
17Literally “Procure to die” meaning to ‘take care to’, ‘carefully manage’ or to be ‘diligent in’

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