The study of the Arcanum eleven of the Tarot corresponds to this lecture. The Hieroglyphic of this Arcanum is a beautiful woman crowned with the sacred sign of infinity and who very gently (with Olympic serenity) closes the jaws of a furious Lion with her own hands.
Divine Kings’ thrones were adorned with Lions made out of massive amounts of Gold. The Gold signifies the Sacred fire of the Kundalini. This reminds us of Horus, Oro [Spanish for Gold]. We need to transmute the lead of the Personality into the gold of the Spirit and this work is only possible within the Alchemist’s Laboratory.
When the fledgling alchemist is crowned, he transforms himself into a God of Fire; it is then that he opens with his own hands the terrible jaws of the furious Lion. The potable Gold of Alchemy is the Sacred Fire of the Holy Spirit. The Linking of the Cross-man within the spirit-triangle would be impossible without potable gold.
This number is formed by two unities that Heinrich Khunrath translated in these two words: ‘Coagula’ and ‘Solve’. We need to accumulate the Sacred Fire, and then learn how to project it.
The key is in the connection of the Membrum Virile with the Genitalia Murielis, Quietude of the Membrum Virile and the Genitalia Murielis, and the use of a very gentle movement occasionally. Transmuting the animal instincts into willpower. Sexual passion into love. Lustful thoughts into comprehension and vocalizing the secret mantrams.
Eleven is decomposed Kabalistically as follows: 1 plus 1 equal 2 [1 + 1 = 2]. (1 is masculine; 2 is feminine). THE PAIRS OF OPPOSITES OF HOLY ALCHEMY
Positive – Active
- Osiris
- Baal – Bel
- Shiva
- Husband
- Father
- Sun
- Fire
- Heat
- Volatile
- Sulfur
Negative – Passive
- Isis
- Astarte – Ishtar
- Parvati
- Wife
- Mother
- Moon
- Water
- Cold
- Fixed
- Mercury
Heaven is masculine, Yang and its element is fire. The Earth is feminine, Yin and its element is water. In the TAOIST doctrine, we find White Tantrism. The Yin-Yang, the Dragon and the Tiger are the axis of Taoism. According to Taoist interpretation, the Yin-Yang is the outcome of T’AI CHI, the materia prima of the universe and creation emerges from the sexual union of this pair of opposites.
MAITHUNA (Sexual Magic) exists within the White Tantrism of India and Tibet. THE WHITE TANTRISM OF BUDDHISM, CHINESE TAOISM AND THE LEGITIMATE TIBETAN YOGAS all practice the Arcanum A.Z.F. Only the infrasexual pseudo-Yogis and pseudo-Yoginis which are so abundant in America and Asia hate the arcanum A.Z.F.
Chinese Alchemy is the foundation of the authentic schools of Yoga. The Yellow Lodges are schools of regeneration. Infrasexual people mortally hate the schools of Regeneration.
To regenerate oneself means to generate oneself anew, in other words, to recreate oneself. This matter about being born anew is an absolutely Sexual problem.
Neptune governs Schools of regeneration. This planet has a cycle of 165 years. Such a cycle controls the periods of public and secret activities of these schools. The esotericism of the schools of regeneration is the Arcanum A.Z.F.
The masters of these schools teach their disciples the science that allows them to dissolve their “myself”. It is necessary that the “No self” be born within us. “SOMETHING OLD MUST DIE WITHIN MAN AND SOMETHING NEW MUST BE BORN WITHIN”.
Regeneration signifies the creation of a new Cosmos within us. This type of creation is only possible by working with the Lion of Fire. The chakras of the sexual glands are controlled by Uranus, yet the schools of Regeneration are Neptunian.
Great Astrologers affirm that Neptune influences the Pineal Gland. The potency of the Pineal Gland depends on the sexual potency. Throughout the course of History, Great Schools of Regeneration have existed. It is enough for us to remember the Alchemical School of the Rosicrucians that became secret in the year 1620. Likewise, it comes into our memory the schools of Aryavarta Ashrama of Tibet. The Sect of the Manicheans of Persian origin. The famous Sufis with their Sacred dances, the Templars, etc., etc.
All of these were schools of Regeneration; the “Coitus Reservatus” is practiced in all of them. The schools of Regeneration constitute the Chain of Gold of the White Lodge.
The Kundalini may be aimed or projected to any Chakra or to any distant place, within the cervical vertebrae, the Kundalini use to take the shape of a Quetzal (the bird of Minerva). In the supreme moment of the Sacred Copulation, we can send this Fiery Bird to each one of the Seven Chakras in order to totally awaken them.
The two Quetzals, from the Man and the Woman, are nourished with Water from the Well (the Ens Seminis). Man and woman can command the Quetzal and the Fiery Bird will obey.
The powerful Mantram “JAO RI” is the secret clue that grants us the power of commanding the Quetzal. This Miraculous Bird can transform our face or make us invisible if we are in very grave danger, it can also awaken within us any Chakra of the astral body or heal any distant ill person, etc.
There exist two types of imagination: mechanical Imagination (FANTASIES) and Conscious Imagination (CLAIRVOYANCE). Gnostic students must learn to use their Conscious Imagination.
PRACTICE:1–Sitting in a comfortable Chair or lying in the supine position, the Disciple should quiet their mind and their emotions.
2–Now imagine the marvelous Quetzal floating above your head.
3–Mentally vocalize the Mantram of power PROWEOA. Attracting to their imagination the Divine Image of the Quetzal with this Mantram, this splendid bird with a beautiful crest and a long tail.
The Disciple must become familiar with this bird and learn how to handle it, with it you can awaken your internal powers. The Mantram PROWEOA utilized often by the schools of the great chain of gold allows us to bring into our conscious imagination any image from the Superior worlds. Then we can clairvoyantly see.
The alchemist must utilize this Mantram during the trance of sexual magic in order to see the Quetzal.
Samael Aun Weor