We must now study the twelfth Arcanum of Tarot. Chinese tradition mentions the Ten STEMS (SHIKAN) and the twelve Branches. These are the Ten Sephiroth and the twelve faculties of the human Being. It is necessary to know that the Seven Chakras and the Five Senses are the Twelve Faculties.

The Universe emerged from the Chinese Hoel-Tun. This is the primordial chaos. THE TEN STEMS AND THE TWELVE BRANCHES emerged from the Chaos. In Alchemy this is the Ens Seminis, the lapis philosophorum or the philosophical stone. All of the MISTERIUM MAGNUM is found enclosed within this Summa Materia.
The Alchemist must extract the Potable Gold from this Universal Menstrum in order to achieve the Linking of the Cross with the Triangle. Before achieving this Linking of the Cross, we do not have a real existence. The Four Bodies of Sin (Physical, Etheric, Astral, and Mental) are controlled by the “I”. This is not the Divine Being of a human.
Indeed, the “I” is the total sum of successive “I’s”, for instance: John the drunkard, John the lover [Don Juan], John the intellectual, religious John, John the merchant, young John, mature John, elder John, etc.… all are a succession of “I’s”, a succession of phantoms that are inevitably condemned to death.
The “I” does not constitute all of what the human being is. John fought in the tavern, John is now a religious man, John became a bandit; to that end, every person is a dance of Johns, so who is the true John? Therefore, if we do not escape from the multiplicity of all of those false “I’s”, we cannot be sure that we have a Real existence.
Present humans have not incarnated their IMMORTAL SOUL (their Divine Being), from this point of view we can be assured that the human being does not yet have a Real existence. The annihilation of all of those false and mistakenly called ‘centers of consciousness’ is only possible by denying oneself.
We become astonished when we see how so many students of occultism dress themselves with tunics (as if they were Great Masters) and give beautiful sounding names to themselves, when indeed they do not even have a REAL existence. It is necessary to annihilate the “I” in order to attain REAL existence.
Do you want to drink? Then do not drink.
Do you what to smoke? Then do not smoke.
Did they strike your right cheek? Then present your left.
The Supreme Negation of oneself is found in the coitus. Not to spill the Ens Seminis in the supreme moment is an absolute sacrifice of the “I”; the result of such a negation of oneself is the awakening of the Kundalini. The fire burns the evil slag, and, in the end, it dissolves the “I” absolutely. The Fire is the Potable Gold.
The twelfth Arcanum of the Tarot represents the Great Work. On this card, we see a man that hangs from one foot. The hands of this man are tied in such a way that his body forms a triangle with the point and his legs form a cross above the triangle.
The entire work has as its objective to acquire the Soul, that is to say, to accomplish the Linking of the Cross with the Triangle. THIS IS THE GREAT WORK.
The twelfth card of Tarot is Sexual Alchemy. The Cross-Human must link the Spirit-Triangle by means of the sexual fire.
According to the Chinese, the God Fu-Ji (the Adam-Christ) is born at midnight, on the fourth day of the tenth moon after precisely Twelve years. The Virgin Hoa-Se , while walking along the shore of the river (the seminal liquor), conceived the Christ in her womb while placing her foot on the footprint of the Great Man.
You must study the Magnitudes of 4-10-12 under the light of the lessons 4, 10 and 12 of this present course.
There exist two kinds of Tantrism in the Orient. In the Positive Tantrism, the spilling of the Ens Seminis is not taught. In the Negative Tantrism the spilling of the Ens Seminis is practiced.
There is also a Grey Tantrism in which the question of Orgasm doesn’t have any importance. This is very dangerous because it can easily mislead the students towards Negative Tantra (Black Tantrism). The Positive Sexual Yoga is practiced without spilling the seminal liquor.
There exists a Tantric Sadhana for the connection of the Membrum Virille and the Genitalia Murielis . This connection is performed after an interchange of caresses between man and woman. The couple remains quiet, with their Mind blank so that the “I” does not intervene, this is how they reach Ecstasy during the Tantric Sadhana.
The entire work is realized by the Tantric Yogis under the guidance of a Guru. The only serious thing that exists in India is White Tantrism. It forbids the spilling of the Ens Seminis .
Arcanum twelve, the Apostlate, is profoundly studied in the twelfth key of Basil Valentine. It is most important to comprehend it.

As the Lion transforms the Serpent into his own flesh when he devours it, likewise the Philosopher’s Stone or powder of projection (Red Lion or Living Fire) has the power to transform or transmute all imperfect metals into their own igneous substance.
The vile metals are the false values that constitute the “I”. The fire transmutes them and then the “I” is dissolved. Thus, this is the way that we acquire SOUL, BEING, THAT IS, TO BE DIFFERENT.
Without the fermentation of Gold (fire) no one can rectify the philosophical stone or develop the tinctural virtue. The Tincture of the Fire has the power to penetrate all of the internal bodies in order to radically transform them.
Similar unites itself to similar in order to transform it.
The fire transforms the lead of the personality into the Gold of the Spirit. The synthesis of the Great Work is represented by three serpents symbolizing mercury, sulfur and salt. The Phoenix Bird rises from within its own ashes.
The Alchemists must work for 12 hours in order to attain the fermentation of the gold. Behold here Arcanum tweleve of the Kabalah. Whosoever possesses the Fermented Gold may have the bliss of Really Being.
The human being is a dormant machine. If you want to awaken from the profound dream in which you live, then DO NOT identify yourself with pleasures, desires, emotions, dramas, and any of the scenes of your life, etc., etc.
Call yourself into vigilance in each step, remember good disciple that people are dreaming. Observe people and their dreams, analyze all of those dreams in which humanity lives, but do not identify yourself with those dreams in order for you to awaken.
People believe they are awake because they are not laying down, but they have their consciousness profoundly asleep and dream. Everything that you see among the people is simply dreams. Remember that not identifying oneself with one’s dreams does not mean to abandon your duties as a Father, a Mother or a Son/Daughter, etc. However, do not get identified. This is how you will awaken from the profound dream in which you live.
Samael Aun Weor
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