Arcanum 13

Let us now study the thirteenth Arcanum of the Tarot. This is the Arcanum of Death. Really, Death is the return to the Womb. Life and Death are two phenomena of the same thing.

Death is the remainder of whole numbers. When the mathematical operation is completed, only the values of the consciousness remain. These values, when seen Clairvoyantly, look like a legion of phantoms that continue living.

The reincarnation of the values is the mechanism of Nature. Really, the Soul does not reincarnate, because the human being does not yet have their Soul incarnated. Only the values reincarnate themselves.


The human being only has an Embryo of Soul. This embryo may be developed and strengthened by means of Sexual Magic. Sometimes this Embryo believes that it is the whole and forgets about its origin. When this happens, we totally fail.


The human being should reach immortality, but does not have it yet. Only those who have incarnated their soul are immortal.


It is stated that humans have one mind. We state that each human has many minds; each phantom from the Pluralized “I” has its own mind and even has SELF-independence. The human being is a dormant machine operated by the Legion of the “I”. We need to engender the CHRIST MIND.


Whosoever generates the CHRIST ASTRAL IS ABLE TO IMMORTALIZE THEMSELVES within that body. The Christ Astral is only born through Sexual Magic. Those people who generated the Christ-Astral in past reincarnations retain the memory of their past lives, and know how to enter and exit from the physical body at will. These people are IMMORTAL.


The common and run-of-the-mill people do not have a True Identity, because through them only the phantoms of the Pluralized “I” are expressed. Thus, after death the human being is a Legion.


He who incarnates the Soul, acquires true identity. HE ALREADY IS. Man is a Being not yet Achieved.


Man confuses the Force of Desire with Willpower. We need to generate the Christ-Will.


The Adept and their Spouse must work together in the Laboratorium Oratorium. In the Nuptial Chamber, the King and the Queen realize their Alchemical combinations.

Out of the Royal Chamber, the ravens of Putrefaction devour the Sun and the Moon. (The blackening and putrefying of the Internal Chrysalides [Cocoons] or Bodies of Sin). The Bodies of Sin rot in a tomb of glass. The tomb of Glass is the Alchemist’s Cup.

True lovers don’t spill.

The Souls shuttle to fly (symbol of the butterfly that comes out from within the chrysalis, a symbol of the Christified vehicles that come out from within their Chrysalides [or Cocoons]). A Hermaphrodite body (Sun and Moon) comes to life with the celestial influence of the dew (The Ens Seminis). The Hermaphrodite Body encompasses the internal Christic vehicles that were engendered by means of Sexual Magic. All of these Christic Vehicles penetrate and interpenetrate without confusion.

When a person possesses these vehicles, they incarnate their Soul. No man is a true man as long as he does not have these Christic Bodies.


The ‘Materia Prima’ of the Great Work is within the Retort. This Venerable Matter is very volatile and it is not stable; its special characteristic is its instability and variability. By igniting the Sexual Fire under the Retort of Alchemy, the Venerable Matter becomes hot and melts itself.

When arriving at this stage of the work, the venerable matter has converted itself into a very gorgeous child glowing with beauty: This is the ‘Soma Puchicon’, the Body of Gold; with this precious vehicle, we may be able to consciously visit all the departments of the Kingdom.

Then, by giving new properties to this Alchemical alloy, the CHRIST ASTRAL appears within the Astral phantom [or Lunar Astral Body]. This is a very precious child who grants us immortality.

After this Second Body has been formed, the problem of integrally comprehending all the powers and acquired knowledge arises. This is only possible when the Christic Intelligence is given to this alchemical alloy. Thus, the precious vehicle of the CHRIST MIND happily rises from within the Retort of the Laboratory. It emerges from within the Mental Phantom.

After this work has been completed, something is still missing. The CHRIST WILL is what is missing. Thus by intensely reheating the Retort of the Laboratory, a divine child comes to life. This is the Christ-Will. The Divine Body of the Soul.

Those who have succeeded in creating all of these Christic Vehicles, within the Alchemical Retort, may be able to Totally and Integrally incarnate their Soul. Only those who achieve the INCARNATION OF THE SOUL deserve the precious title of Men. Only these kind of humans can elevate themselves to the Kingdom of the Being, the Super-Man. Only this kind of true Man may be able to receive the Elixir of Long Life.

No sketch or outline of a human being maybe able to incarnate the Soul. No soulless creature is able to receive the Elixir of Long Life. It is necessary to create the Christic vehicles in order to incarnate the Soul. Only those who incarnate their Soul have the right to receive the Wonderful Elixir that elevates us to the kingdom of the Super-Man.


After each one of the Great Initiations of Major Mysteries, the Etheric, Astral, Mental and Causal Phantoms are similar to the skin or scales that have been discarded by serpents, or as Chrysalides that have been discarded by Butterflies after they have flown away. Precisely after the Great Initiations there is a work for Humans, Angels and Gods: to Disintegrate the Shells and to Dissolve the Pluralized “I”. (Ahamsara) the Karmic remnants of the Gods, are precisely those phantoms of the “I”.


Every man who Incarnates the Soul is able to ask for the Elixir of Long Life. This is a gas of immaculate whiteness. Such a gas is deposited in the vital depth of the human organism.


On the third day after the death of his physical body, the INITIATE goes to Their Holy Sepulcher in their Astral body, accompanied by the Divine Hierarchies. The Initiate then invokes their physical body and, with the help of the Divine Hierarchies, then the physical body gets up and penetrates into Hyperspace. This is how the initiate achieves the escape from the Sepulture.

In the Supra-sensible worlds of Hyperspace, the Holy Women treat the body of the Initiate with perfumes and aromatic ointments. Then, by obeying Supreme orders, the physical body penetrates within the Soul of the Master through the Sidereal Head. This is how the Master once again possesses his physical body. This is the Gift of Cupid.

After the Resurrection, the Master does not die again, and is eternal. The Yogi-Christ from India, the Immortal BABAJI, and his Immortal Sister MATAJI, both live with the same physical body since millions of years ago. These Immortal Beings are the watchers of the Guardian Wall that protects Humanity.


Immortal Beings can appear and disappear instantaneously. They can make themselves visible in the physical world. Cagliostro, St. Germain, Quetzalcoatl and many other immortals have performed Great Works in the world.


First, we must become complete men, later on, after Resurrection we in fact elevate ourselves to the Kingdom of the Super-Man. The present man is nothing more than a human phantom.

Samael Aun Weor

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