Now let us study the magical Equilibrium of the second Arcanum of Tarot.
The physical body is organized with the elements. The INTIMUS emanated from the Inner Star that has always smiled upon us; and He is positively polarized. And the Physical Body is the negative shadow of the Intimus.
Spirit and Matter live in eternal battle. When the Spirit defeats the matter, the Spirit then becomes a Master. Maya (illusion) could not exist without the duality. Force and matter are two modalities of the same thing: Energy. Matter is determinating energy and a determinator of new undulations. Evolution is a process of complication of the energy whose outcome is the Macrocosmos and the Microcosmos. The universe is Maya (illusion). The universe exists because of Karma, and it is a mass of floating shadows.
When the Spirit (the Intimus) liberates Himself from Maya, He returns to the Ain Soph of the Kabbalah. In final synthesis each Being is just a super divine Atom from the Abstract Absolute Space. That atom is the Ain Soph.

The ineffable gods from the Ain Soph are beyond our comprehension. The human mind is for the gods of the Ain Soph as the activities of the mineral kingdom are for us. Within the Ain Soph only the unity of life reigns; this is supreme happiness. The universe is duality, Maya Pain. We need to liberate ourselves from the Duality and to return into the unity of life. It is urgent to go beyond the painful manifestations of Maya. There exists a science with which we can tear the veil of Maya and return to the Ain Soph. That science is ALCHEMY.
Doctor Arnold Krumm Heller, stated:
“A chemist forgot, by chance, about an emerald ring that was next to a little test tube containing radium and after few weeks he discovered that the emerald had absolutely changed into another unknown stone for him. Thereafter he purposely left other stones like rubies, zephyrs, etc., in contact with the radium: his surprise was so great when he discovered that after a little time such stones had changed their color absolutely; the blue ones had turned into red and the red ones into green.”
Doctor Krumm Heller continued saying,
“Gentlemen, do you know what the former statement that I just mentioned means (since I do not consider that it is scientifically established)? It means that Shakespeare was right when he said that ‘many things exist between heaven and earth that our scholastic consciousness does not even suspect,’ and the science of alchemy is reborn when corroborating the transmutations of metals.”
The man and the woman must equilibrate their forces; they must become Alchemists, so that they can return to the Ain Soph. Circe offers the tempting Cup and Ulysses rejects her with his sword.
In the sacred sign of the Infinite are represented the Planetary Genie’s Brain, Heart, and Sex. This struggle is terrible, brain against sex, and sex against brain, and what is even more terrible is “heart against heart”. You know this.
On the Altars of the Temples of the Great White Lodge the Masters used to place three glasses of Loria, three glasses of Alchemy. Each one of these three sacred glasses of the Temple contains a precious balm: the Red Balm is the Fire; the Blue Balm is the Water, and the White Balm is the Universal Spirit of Life.
Idá and Pingalá are the channels through which the atoms of Fire and Water ascend; the Spirit grasps the cane of seven knots (that cane is the spinal medulla). When a man and a woman learn how to avoid the sexual spasm and the ejaculation of the “Ens Seminis”, then the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers awakens. If you want to return to the Father who dwells in secret, you must first return to the bosom of your Divine Mother Kundalini. You need to raise the Serpent of Life through your medullar channel. This is Alchemy.
Alchemy: You have forgotten your Divine Mother Kundalini. You need to worship the Divine and Blessed Mother Goddess of the World. You have been ungrateful to your Cosmic Mother; She is the Virgin of all religious cults; She is Isis, Mary, Cibeles, Adonia, Insoberta, etc. The Stone of Grace is surrounded by nine delectable mountains. That Stone is Sex. If you all want to return to the bosom of your Divine Mother, you need to work with the Philosophical Stone – Sex –.
The Mayans stated that in the first heaven God, the Word, had held his stone, had held his serpent, and had held his substance. Only with the Arcanum A.Z.F. can the Word become flesh in order to grasp again his stone, his serpent and his substance. Then we will return into the Ain Soph; we will return into the Unity of Life. You are the children of the Widow, your Divine Mother is now a Widow, but when She rises through the medullar channel, She marries the Eternal Beloved. Your Divine Mother is the second Arcanum, the Popess of the Tarot. She is crowned with a Tiara. The head of the Divine Mother is surrounded by a veil. You must be courageous and lift the Veil of Isis. Our Gnostic motto is Thelema (Willpower).
The Mother carries her son (the Word) in her arms; and she is seated between the two columns that symbolize the man and the woman. Worship the Virgin of the Sea, brethren of mine. The Divine Mother appears in the second Arcanum holding the priestly esoteric sign with her hand.
Study within the Sacred Book of your Divine Mother.
“Ask and it shall be given to you.” “Knock and it shall be opened unto you.”
(Matthew 7:7)
Your Divine Mother can grant the occult powers you long for. Pray to your Divine Mother; practice your esoteric exercises; you can ask your adorable Mother for Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Clairaudience, the faculties for Astral Projection, etc. You can be sure that your Divine Mother will listen to your pleadings. You must meditate profoundly everyday upon your Divine Mother, praying, supplicating. “You need to be devoured by the Serpent.” One (1) is the man, two (2) is the woman; the man is one column, and the woman is the other column of the temple. The two columns must not be too close nor too distant; there must be enough space so that the light can pass between them.
It is necessary to transmute the Lead of the Personality into the Pure Gold of the Spirit: this is Alchemy. The Moon must be transformed into the Sun. The Moon is the Soul; the Sun is the Inner Christ. We need to be Christified. No Human Being can return to the Father without having been devoured by the Serpent. No one can be devoured by the Serpent without having worked in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan (Sex). The Key of Christification is the Arcanum A.Z.F.
The Mantra for the Arcanum A.Z.F. is I.A.O. – I (Ignis) Fire; A (Aqua) Water; O (Origo), Principle, Spirit.

Mars descends into the Flaming Forge of Vulcan in order to retemper his sword and to conquer the heart of Venus; Hercules descends in order to clean the stables of Augias2 with the sacred Fire and Perseus descends in order to cut off Medusa’s head. Remember beloved disciples that our Divine Mother is Nuit [Pronounced “Noot”] and her word is (56) fifty- six. This number is Kabbalistically added as follows:
5 + 6 = 11, then 1 + 1 = 2. One is the Father; two is She, Nuit, the Divine Mother Kundalini.
- 1.Lay down on your bed, facing up and with your body relaxed.
- 2.Achieve the state of slumber by meditating upon the Sacred Serpent that dwells in the Coccygeal Chakra.
- 3.Thereafter, pray with all of your heart, meditating on the following Sacred Ritualistic Prayer:
“Be thou, oh Hadit, my secret, the Gnostic mystery of my Being, the central point of my connection, my heart itself, and bloom on my fertile lips, made Verb!
Up above, in the infinite Heavens, in the profound Height of the Unknown, the incessant glow of Light is the naked beauty of Nuit. She reclines, she bends in delectable Ecstasy, to receive the kiss of secret fervor of Hadit. The winged sphere and the blue of the Sky are yours.”
2 [pronounced “Owe-Gee-Us”]
These mantras have the power of transmuting our Sexual Energy into Light and fire within the Alchemical Laboratory of the human body. This prayer with its mantras can be utilized in Sexual Magic. This prayer with its mantras is an omnipotent clue in order to meditate upon our Divine Mother.
Master Huiracocha [Doctor Krumm Heller] stated the following in his Rosicrucian Novel:
“When a man joins with a woman in the secret act, he becomes a God since he converts himself into a Creator at that very moment. Some seers state that in those precise moments of love, the two beings are seen enveloped by a brilliant burst of light; they are enveloped by the most subtle and potent forces that are in nature. If a man and a woman would know how to withdraw without the spasm and retain such a vibration, then they can operate with it as Magicians in order to purify themselves and obtain everything. However, if they do not know how to retain such Light, it will abandon them in order to confine itself in the universal currents yet leaving behind it the open doors from where evil can enter into them. Then love is converted into hatred, illusion is followed by deception.”
With the mantric prayer that we have taught in this lesson, we retain that brilliant cosmic light that envelops the human couple in that supreme moment of love with the condition of avoiding, by all means, the ejaculation of the Ens Seminis. The mantras of this invocation have the power of transmuting the creative energies into Light and Fire.
The bachelors and bachelorettes can also transmute and sublimate their sexual energies and carry them to the heart with this prayer and these mantras. You must know that in the Temple of the Heart, the creative energies are mixed with the forces of Christ and thereafter they elevate to the superior worlds. The Inner Christ lives in the Heart Temple. The Cross of Initiation is received in the Heart Temple.
This mantric prayer is also a formula of priestly power that the Magician utilizes in his practices of internal Meditation in order to arrive at the feet of his Divine Mother.
If the meditation is perfect, your Adorable Mother will hear your call and she will come to you; then you can converse with her about ineffable, Paradisiacal things. She is Devi Kundalini; She is the Popess of the Tarot. The Divine Mother always listens to her devotees. In the sacred land of the Vedas, the Illuminated Ramakrishna was one of her most greatest devotees.
Do you want to reach the heights of Nirvikalpa-Samadhi? Do you need to develop Anubaya (perception of your Inner God in meditation)? Do you want the Jinn Science? Remember that you have an Adorable Mother.
“Ask and it shall be given to you. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.”
(Matthew 7: 7)
Samael Aun Weor
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