Arcanum 8

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Let us study, in this lecture, the Eighth Key of Basil Valentine. (Illustration of Viridarium Chymicum.)

The Eight Key is a clear and perfect Alchemical allegory of the processes of death and resurrection, that inevitably occur in the esoteric preparation of the Philosophical Stone.

The entire inner preparation of the stone and the metallic transmutation are represented in this allegory. The entire human material employed in this work dies, it becomes rotten, corrupted and becomes blackened within the Philosophical Egg, then it becomes marvelously white.

The entire summary of the Great Work is found within the Philosophical Egg. The masculine and feminine sexual principles are contained within the egg. Thus, like the Fledgling that emerges from the Egg, or like the Universe of Brahma that emerges from the Golden Egg, the Master emerges the same way from the Philosophical Egg.

In the Eighth Key an illustration of the Viridarium Chymicum, death is represented by a corpse, putrefaction is represented by crows, the crop is represented by a humble farmer, the growth by a wheat stalk, and the resurrection by a deceased person who rises from the grave [sepulcher] and by an angel that plays the trumpet of the Final Judgment.

We, the Gnostics know that the corpse, the death in the 8th Key of Basil Valentine represents the two witnesses of the Apocalypse [Revelations, 11:3-6] that are now dead. By means of alchemical putrefaction represented by the crows, by means of Alchemy, the two witnesses resurrect.

Our motto is THELEMA. The entire power is found enveloped within the Seed that is symbolized in the wheat stalk. The  sacred angel that we carry within, plays his trumpet and the two witnesses rise from the grave.

Two archers, one who hits the bull’s eye  and the other who misses, symbolize the two Alchemical interpretations that can occur, the right and the wrong. The White Sexual Magic and the Black Sexual Magic. The Golden Alchemy and the Erotic Satanism.

The ejaculation of the Ens Seminis does not exist in the Golden Alchemy, whereas in Erotic Satanism there exists the ejaculation of the Ens Seminis. In India, the Black Yogis (Asura Samphata) ejaculate the Ens Seminis (Shuhsra) in order to criminally mix it with the feminine “Raja” within the vagina, thereafter; by handling the “Vajroli” in a negative way, they reabsorb this fluid already mixed with feminine Raja. The Black Yogis (Bonzos and Dugpas) believe that they are wisely achieving the union of the solar and lunar atoms in order to awaken the Kundalini. The outcome of such Black Tantrism is the negative awakening of the Serpent. Therefore instead of ascending, the Serpent descends downwards into the atomic infernos of the Human Being and becomes the Tail of Satan.

This is how these Black Yogis end up separating themselves from their Inner God forever; they are Demons. So, that is the Black Magic. Through this way the two witnesses of the Apocalypse never resurrect because this way leads into the Abyss and the Second Death. Therefore, whosoever ejaculates his seminal liquor withdraws himself from his Inner God.

The Yogis who practice the Urdhavareta Yoga (Positive Sexual Magic) do not ejaculate their Ens Seminis. In this case, the combination of Shuhsa (solar atoms) and Raja (lunar atoms) is performed within the Philosophical Egg, in other words, within our own Sexual Laboratory of the Alchemist.

Thus, this is how the two witnesses resurrect.

“These are the two olive trees, and the two Candlesticks standing before the God of the Earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire comes out of their mouths, and devours their enemies: and if any man would want to hurt them, it is necessary that he must be thus killed. These have power to close heaven [to those who practice sexual magic with seminal ejaculation], that it does not rain in the days of their Prophecy: and they have power over [the human] Waters to convert them into blood, and to smite the [philosophical] earth [the human organism of fornicators] with all kinds of plagues, as often as they will [according with the Law].

– Revelation 11: 4-6.

Disposition of the Two Witnesses

The two witnesses are a semi-etheric, semi- physical pair of sympathetic cords that are entwined along the spinal medulla, forming the Caduceus of Mercury, the sacred Eight, the sign of the Infinite. In the male, the two witnesses depart from the right and left testicles and in the female they depart from the ovaries. These two witnesses are located to the right and left sides of the dorsal spine. The two witnesses alternatively ascend from left to right until forming a marvelous knot in that space located between the two eyebrows, thereafter they continue through the nasal cavities. The two witnesses connect the sexual organs with the nasal cavities. The ganglionic cord that comes from the left side is cold, lunar and the ganglionic cord that proceeds from the right side is hot, solar. These two nervous cords are graciously knotted in the coccyx.

When the solar and lunar atoms of the seminal system make contact in the Triveni, next to the coccyx, the Kundalini awakens [the Serpent of Brass Nachash].

The sexual act among initiates, male and female, has only one objective, that of establishing a contact of opposite poles in order to awaken their Kundalini. With the sexual contact, the mercury of secret philosophy multiplies (the seminal liquor increases). When the Ens Seminis is not ejaculated it is transmuted into seminal vapors.

These vapors, at the same time, convert themselves into energies and are bipolarized into positive and negative. The positive are solar forces, the negative are lunar forces. These solar and lunar energies rise through the pair of sympathetic cords that are known as the two witnesses, Idá and Pingalá.

The medullary channel has an internal orifice that normally is found closed in common people. However the seminal vapors open up this orifice so that the Sacred Serpent [of Brass Nachash] can enter there within that medullary channel.

It is necessary to warn the Gnostic-Rosicrucian Brethren that they must learn how to polarize the sacred fire of the Kundalini. Some devotees eat meat everyday and drink alcohol; with the pretext of working in the Great Work they pleasurably enjoy lust, they bestially enjoy carnal passion even when they do not waste their Ens Seminis. Therefore, the outcome of this is that these devotees totally polarize the fire within the chakras of their lower abdomen and lose the happiness of enjoying the Ecstasy of the Lotus of One Thousand Petals. Such a Lotus flower is found situated in the pineal gland, which is the crown of saints that shines over the head of the Great Initiates. The Lotus of One Thousand Petals converts us into Masters of Samadhi (Ecstasy).

The work in the Laboratorium–Oratorium is a true mystical ceremony that must not be profaned by animal desire or by sinful thoughts. Sex is the Sanctum Regnum of the Temple. Before entering the Sanctum Sanctorum, purify your Mind from any kind of impure thought.

Esoteric Ordeals/Trials

The Initiatic ordeals [or trials] are enveloped in the Arcanum Eight. Each Initiation, each degree, has its ordeals. These Initiatic ordeals become tougher each time, in accordance with the Initiatic degree. The number eight is the degree of Job. This sign, this number, signifies trials and pains. These Initiatic ordeals are performed in the superior worlds and in the physical world.

Eighth Card of the Tarot

A woman with a sword in her hand, facing the scale [or balance] of Cosmic Justice appears in the Arcanum Eight of the Tarot. Indeed, only she [the Priestess] can deliver the sword to the Magician. Thus, an Initiate (the Priest) without a woman cannot receive the sword.

There exists the Eve-Venus, the instinctual woman. The Venus-Eve, the noble home woman. There also exist Venus-Urania, the woman initiated into the Great Mysteries and finally, we confirm the existence of the Urania- Venus, the female Adept, the woman that is self-realized in depth.

The Flaming Fire

The flaming fire opens the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse (seven magnetic centers of the spinal medulla).

We conquer the Powers of the Earth with the first center (situated at the level of the sexual organs).

With the second center (situated at the level of the prostate/uterus) we conquer the waters.

With the third center (situated at the level of the navel) we conquer the universal fire.

With the fourth center (situated at the level of the heart) we conquer the air. The heart is the sanctuary of Sephirah, the Mother of the Sephiroth, the Divine Cosmic Mother.

With the fifth center (situated at the level of the larynx) we receive the sacred ear and dominate the Akasa with which we can preserve the physical body alive (even during the great cosmic nights).

With the sixth center (situated between the two eyebrows) we conquer the Magnetic Center of the Father. Then we become clairvoyant.

With the seventh center (situated in the pineal gland) we receive the polyvoyance, the intuitive sight, the ecstasy.

The Equilibrium of the Scale

The woman of the eighth Arcanum of the Tarot has in one hand the scale, and in the other, the sword. It is necessary to equilibrate the forces; it is necessary and urgent to absolutely sanctify ourselves and to practice the Arcanum A.Z.F. The forces of a man and a woman equilibrate themselves with love and wisdom.

The double cross of the pentacles of Pythagoras and the wheel of Ezekiel, are Pantacles that represent the Eighth Arcanum.

Venus equilibrates the works of Mars. Mercury equilibrates and performs the works of the Sun and of the Moon, above in the Macrocosmos and  below in the Microcosmos Man.

The works of the Sun and of the Moon, the man and the woman are equilibrated by the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy (the Ens Seminis). A Yogi (or a Yogini) cannot self-realize themselves without the  Arcanum A.Z.F., therefore those who want to exclude the Arcanum A.Z.F. from their whole Yoga are violating the Law of the Eighth Arcanum. They are the failures.

Old Saturn balances Thundering Jupiter, the Father of all Gods. This is the Law of Equilibrium.

Samael Aun Weor

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