As the human being rushed down the path of involution and degeneration, as he became more and more materialistic, his senses also deteriorated and degenerated.

We remember a school in ancient Babylon that was dedicated to studying everything related to smell, they had a motto that said:
“To seek the truth in the nuances of the odors obtained between the moment of the action of frozen cold and the moment of the action of hot decomposition”.
That school was persecuted and destroyed by a very terrible chief. Said chief had very shady business and very soon the affiliates of this school indirectly denounced him.
The extraordinarily developed sense of smell allowed the students of that school to discover many things that did not suit the heads of government.
There was another very interesting school in Babylon, the school of painters, this school had as a motto:
“Discover and elucidate the truth only through the tonalities between black and white”.
At that time the members of this school could use normally and without difficulty, about fifteen hundred shades of grey.
From the Babylonian period to these sad days in which we by miracle live, the human senses have been degenerating horribly due to the materialism that Marx justifies in his own way with the cheap sophistry of his dialectic.
The ego continues after death and is perpetuated in our descendants.
The ego is complicated by materialistic experiences and strengthens at the expense of human faculties.
As the ego has been strengthened through the centuries, human faculties have been degenerating more and more.
The sacred dances were true informative books that deliberately transmitted certain transcendental cosmic knowledge.
The dancing dervishes did not ignore the seven mutually balanced temptations of living organisms.

The ancient dancers knew the seven independent parts of the body and knew very well what the seven different lines of movement are.
The sacred dancers knew very well that each of the seven lines of movement has seven points of dynamic concentration.
The dancers of Babylon and Greece and Egypt did not ignore that all this is crystallized in the dancing atom and in the gigantic planet that dances around its center of cosmic gravitation.
If we could invent a perfect machine that would mimic with full accuracy all the movements of the seven planets of our solar system around the sun, we would discover with astonishment the secret of the Dancing Dervishes.
Actually the dancing dervishes imitate perfectly all the movements of the planets around the sun.
The sacred dances of the times of Egypt, Babylon, Greece, etc., they went even further and transmitted tremendous cosmic truths, anthropogenic truths, psychobiological truths, mathematical truths, etc., etc., etc.
When the first symptoms of atheism, skepticism and materialism began to appear in Babylon, the degeneration of the five senses accelerated horribly.
It is perfectly demonstrated that we are what we think, and that if we think as materialists we degenerate and fossilize ourselves.
Marx committed an unforgivable crime, he robbed humanity of spiritual values.
Marxism has unleashed religious persecution; Marxism has precipitated humanity towards total degeneration.
Marxist, materialist ideas have infiltrated everywhere, in the school and at home, in the temple and in the office, etc.
The artists of the new wave have become true apologists for the materialist dialectic. All breath of spirituality has disappeared in the ultramodern art.
Now the modern artists know nothing about the law of the seven, they know nothing about cosmic dramas, they know nothing about the sacred dances of the ancient mysteries.
The tenebrous ones have stolen the theater and the stage, they have profaned it miserably, they have prostituted it totally.
Saturday, the day of the theater, the day of the mysteries, was very popular in ancient times.
Then wonderful cosmic dramas were presented, the drama served to transmit valuable knowledge to the initiates.
Through the drama, various forms of experience of the Being and manifestations of the Being were transmitted to the initiates.
Among the dramas, the oldest is of the Cosmic Christ, the initiates knew very well that each one of us must become the Christ of that drama, if we really aspire to the realm of the Superman.
Cosmic dramas are based on the Law of Seven. Certain intelligent departures from this law were always used to transmit transcendental knowledge to the neophytes.
samael aun weor
The masters of long ago times did not ignore the science of music either. They knew how to combine the sounds so intelligently as to cause different impulses in each of the three human brains.
It is well known in music, that certain notes can produce joy in the thinking center, others can produce sorrow in the sensitive center and finally others can produce religiosity in the motor center.
Really the ancient hierophants never ignored the fact that full knowledge can only be acquired with the three brains, a single brain can not give complete information (see chapter 48).
The sacred dance and the cosmic drama wisely combined with music, served to transmit to the neophytes tremendous archaic knowledge of various types, Cosmogenetic, Psycho-biological, Physico-Chemical, Metaphysical, etc., etc., etc.
It is worth mentioning Sculpture also, it was great in other times. The allegorical beings carved in the hard rock, reveal that the old masters never ignored the law of seven.

Remember the sphinx of Egypt. She tells us about the four elements of nature and the four basic conditions of the super man.
After the Second World War, existentialist philosophy and existentialist art were born.
When we have seen the existentialist actors on stage, we have come to the conclusion that they are truly maniacal and perverse sick people.
If Marxism continues to spread, the human being will end up totally losing his five senses (which are in the process of degeneration).
It is already proven by observation and experience that the absence of spiritual values produces degeneration.
Present-day painting, music, sculpture, drama, etc., they are nothing but the products of degeneration.

No longer do the initiates of other times appear on stage, the sacred dancers, the true artists of the great mysteries. Now only sick automatons appear, singers of the new wave, rebels without a cause, etc.
The ultramodern theaters are the antithesis of the sacred theaters of the great mysteries of Egypt, Greece, India, etc.
The theatrical art of these times is tenebrous, it is the antithesis of light, and modern artists are tenebrous.
Sub-realistic and Marxist painting, ultramodern sculpture, Afro-Cuban music and modern dancers, are the result of human degeneration.
The boys and girls of the new wave receive through their three degenerate brains, enough data to become scammers, thieves, murderers, bandits, homosexuals, prostitutes, etc., etc., etc.
Governments do nothing to sanction bad art, everything marches towards a Final Catastrophe.
Samael Aun Weor
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