1.The Human Will takes on the most varied aspects.
2.Now you must understand Oh! BUDDHA, the varied aspect of the Will.
3.The highest spheres of the social world are full of fornication and filth.
4.Have you seen Oh! BUDDHA, this game of Checkers in the world of the aristocracy?
5.Inside each room there is a pair of fornicators, and at the door a playful lady stops the couple from getting out.
6.You will understand now, my brother, that when playing with the will we become the jailers of the other people’s will.
7.You will understand now, my brother, that the society games of the aristocracy serve to enslave the souls inside the filthy jails of fornication and adultery.
8.You can see now, my brother, how the playing of society games can enslave the souls.
9.Now you can understand Oh! BUDDHA, the terrifying strength of the will.
10.The Will is an explosive power, with which we cannot play.
11.Playing, a lady makes another lady to fall, and then becomes her jailer.
12.Ladies commit adultery playing society parlour games.
13.The social games of the high social spheres are pure and true black magic.
14.By means of the society games, the souls seduce the souls, taking away their freedom.
15.The will is a very dangerous power, with which one cannot play games.
16.You have already seen Oh! BUDDHA, what is provocation.
17.You have defeated subtle temptations…
18.You have understood, my brother, what is the good use of the Will.
19.You have already understood that you must respect other people’s wills, and the free will of the rest…
20.You have already learned not to force other people’s wills.
21.Enormous crowds follow you, Oh! BUDDHA, but you must respect the Human Wills.
22.You must be the servant of the suffering humanity, but not the enslaver of other people’s wills.
23.You must respect the free will of the rest, to convert the human will into Christic Will.
Samael Aun Weor
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