Association and Production

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Speaking about production, Karl Marx said:

“Men not only act on nature but also on one another. They produce only by co-operating in a certain way and mutually exchanging their activities. In order to produce, they enter into definite connections and relations with one another and only within these social connections and relations does their action on nature, does production, take place”.

It is logical that men act on men when they associate to produce, that is just normal.

It is very natural that we contract certain social ties when we associate to work, any human being knows that.

It is true that through human links, we all relate to nature and we devote ourselves to the task of production.

What is not true, is that we have to accept Marxist theories and become atheists and materialists to be able to associate.

When the social bonds of the workers are based on true friendship and the sincerity of the heart, the work becomes fertile and creative.

No tie based on materialistic theories could give the worker true friendship and sincerity of the heart.

The substance of sincerity is something very psychic because until now it has not been possible to invent a ‘sincerometer’.

Any group of workers who are really friends and sincere, can associate for joyful, fruitful and creative work.

It is stupid to want to convert man into a machine of production and consumption and nothing else; no more abuse of the working poor; certainly workers need to work to live, but that’s not all.

We must live freely, it is necessary to eat to live, but it is not necessary to live just to eat.

The worker does not only need material work, he also has needs that materialistic theories cannot satisfy; intimate needs, spiritual needs, needs for human improvement.

Do not abuse that! Let the freedom of the workers be really respected! Do not try to lock them deeper inside the vicious circle of material work!

The worker needs to think about something else, something other than routine material work, the worker needs religion and healthy distractions to rest from the daily work.

The type of social ties is related to production, and the more spiritual these links are, the more joy there will be in the hearts and the more fertile the production.

In politics, so as not to be mistaken, the Latin American Christian Socialist Party must fully understand the laws of the development of production, the laws of the economic development of society, and the true intimate causes of social ties.

The development of production is processed according to laws that must be studied. The economic development of society is caused by these laws.

The society progresses economically when work is fertile and creative.

The laws of the development of production are completely psychological and technical at the same time.

When there is full understanding between employers and workers, when there is real contentment among the workers, when there is an advanced technique, good machinery, good tools, etc., the production is marvellous.

True understanding is based on common sense, which is the most common of the senses.

Pay good salaries to the workers, attend to their just requests, respect their religious freedom, give them true social guarantees, and all Marxism-Leninism will be thrown in the trash.

History knows five fundamental types of relations of production:

  1. – The primitive socialism like that of the Aztecs, Incas, etc., in Latin America.
  2. – slavery.
  3. – feudalism in Medieval Europe.
  4. – capitalism.
  5. – Marxist-Leninist Socialism of the USSR.

All these systems are a thing of the past; now we are entering a new age and the Latin American Christian Socialism, will be imposed first in Latin America and then in Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

The relations of production of Christian Socialism are based on deep understanding.

Samael Aun Weor

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