
In the Borgia Codex, there is a representation of Atlanteotl carrying the celestial vault on his shoulders, just like the Greek Atlas, which we are more familiar with.

Atlanteotl – The Codex Borgia

Simply put, we can say that the legendary Greek Atlas is a faithful copy of the heroic Maya or Aztec Atlanteotl. if a refined intellect delicately removed the ending “otl” from the seductive name cited above, the result would be the word Atlante.

From this explanation, we will only add that this is not a matter of hollow empirical etymologies randomly chosen. It is neither a mere coincidence, as learned ignoramuses usually suppose.

These are extraordinary and genuine linguistic accords that can only be explained thanks to the Atlantean roots common to all American and Mediterranean-Semite peoples. Both of these have their origins in the enchanted land of Olisis or Atlantis, which is now sunk below the dark sea, the tenebrous domain of horrifying legends, frightful shipwrecks and travels from which no one returns….

You, vast sea, that in Gibraltar Beyond Hercules’  columns, The infinite tides

You tempestuously spread Your mysteries,

To the navigators Forbidden are!

Tragic legend fills your space With the collective power

Of all generations Who have known you And the poet listens In the voices

Of your great tides

The rumours of your tragedies And the cracking sounds

Of your interred worlds!

Atlantis! That vast and now disappeared continent was a poet’s envision. The creation of the initiate Plato’s divine mind indeed existed.

The intuition of the poet is the genius’ vision. Whoever denies it cannot see with its immense power….

The sages are great only when they are poets, when overcoming details, they feel the harmony that beats in the depths of existence, and which can take us to superior spheres….

This is how the author of the Metamorphoses of The Plants could write his Faust; Philogenia’s author could spread his creed; Humboldt create his Cosmos; divine Plato his Timeas and Critias; and Poe his Eureka. All of these are poets of the Universal Life, which is merely the breath of the Occult….

“Do you see that sea that spreads from pole to pole?”, asks his master to Christopher Columbus. “At one time it was the garden of the Hesperides. The Atlantic still throws its relics, frightfully roaring like a monster in the killing field. ”

Here, the Titans fight; there, crowded cities flourish. Now, sea beasts populate the marble temples, and the valleys where the sheep grazed, are dressed in algae.

H.P.B. in the anthropological stanzas numbers 10, 11, 12, literally says:

Thus two by two, on the seven zones, the third (race) gave birth to the fourth (race of men). The gods became no-gods. Sura (perfect) became a-Sura (sinners).

The first (race) on every zone was moon-coloured (yellow-white); the second, yellow, like gold; the third, red; the fourth, brown, which became black with sin. The first seven (human) shoots were all of one complexion in the beginning. The next (seven, the sub- races) began mixing their colours.

Then the third and fourth (races) became tall with pride. ‘We are the kings, we are the gods.’

They took wives fair to look at. Wives from the ‘mindless,’ the narrow-headed. They bred monsters, wicked demons, male and female. Also Khado (Dakini) with little minds.

They built temples for the human body. They worshipped male and female. Then the third eye acted no longer. (The eye of intuition and double sight.)

They (the Lemurians) built huge cities…. they cut their own images, in their size and likeness, and worshipped them.

…Lunar fires had destroyed the land of their fathers (the Lemurians). Water threatened the fourth (race) (Atlantis).

The first great waters came. They swallowed the seven great islands. All holy saved; the unholy destroyed….

Few (men) remained. Some yellow, some brown and black, and some red remained. The moon coloured (The Thuatha) were gone forever….

The fifth race (the people who currently populate the earth, including the Mayas, Incas, Quiches, Toltecs, Nahuas, Aztecs, of pre Columbian America) produced from the Holy Stock (the chosen people saved from the waters) remained, and it was ruled by the first divine kings.

The “Serpents” (Dragons of Wisdom or Rishis) who re-descended, made peace with the fifth (race), and taught and instructed it….

will now transcribe the translation of a Maya manuscript, part of the famous Le Plongeon collection and the Troano manuscripts, which can be seen at the British Museum.

In the year 6 Kan, 11 Muluc, in the month of Zrc, tremendous earthquakes went on ceaselessly until 13 Chuen. The clay hills country, the land of Mu was sacrificed.

After two aftershocks, it disappeared at night, being shaken by the underground fires, which made the ground sink and reappear several times in different places. At last the surface gave up, and ten countries broke up and disappeared. Sixty-four million people drowned, 8000 years before this book was written.

In the old archives of the ancient Lhasa temple,  a  Chaldean  record,  written  some  2000  years B.C. says:

When the star Bal fell where now there is only sea and sky (the Atlantic Ocean), the seven cities with their golden doors and transparent temples trembled and were shaken like the leaves of a tree are shaken by a storm.

And a wave of fire and smoke came from the palaces; the cries of agony from the crowd filled the air.

They sought refuge in their temples and citadels, and the sage Mu, the priest of Ra-Mu, appeared and told them: “Did I not predict this to you?”

And men and women all dressed in precious stones and shiny garments cried: “Mu, save us”, and Mu replied: “You will die with your slaves and your wealth, and from your ashes, new nations will be born.”

“If they (referring to our current Aryan race) forget that they must be superior, not for what they get, but for what they give, they will suffer the same fate.”

Flames and smoke silenced Mu’s words, and the earth broke in pieces, and within a few months, sunk into the depths with its inhabitants.

What will our critics say now, before these two stories, one from Oriental Tibet and the other from Mesoamerica, both individually relating the same catastrophe?

Besides such extraordinary similarities, if we truly want more evidence, let us appeal to philology.

Evidently, the Peruvian Viracocha is the very same Viraj, the divine male, kabir or Logos of the Hindus, or Inca, which, when written backwards, can be read “Cain” (Priest-King).

The countless connections that the doctrine and history of the first Incas have with the Oriental initiation should not surprise us.

The great Italian historian, César Cantü wisely links the first Incas with some Mongol tribes or ancient shamans. This means that the unexpected appearance of the Northern Manu or Manco Capac and his noble companion Coya or laco, was by means of a miraculous event, wisely noted by H.P.B. It is the theurgical phenomenon of those pure beings or shamans who lend their physical bodies to genii of the suprasensible worlds, with the purpose of helping humanity. We must not confuse this marvel with spiritualism or mediumism.

The ineffable Chinese Tao is the same Latin Deus, the French Dieu, the Greek Theos, the Spanish Dios, and also the Aztec Nahuatl or Nahuatl Teoti.

The Latin pater is ostensibly the same English Father, the German Vater, the Swedish Fader, the Spanish Padre, and finally, the Amerind pa or ha.

The sweet Latin mater is undoubtedly, the same  Russian  Math,  the  French  Mere,  the  English Mother, the noble Spanish Madre and the Mayan or Quechua Na or Maya.

These are extraordinary linguistic similarities, which indicate more than simple coincidence or mere ostentation.

By reaching these heights of etymology, soul of history, and one of the most powerful tools of Gnosis, it is useful to remember that famous phrase of the ritualistic Mayan language:

“Hili  Lama  Zabac  Tani.”  The four evangelists interpreted it in four different esoteric ways.

The great kabir Jesus pronounced such a phrase in an extraordinary way on top of the majestic Calvary.


Its meaning in Mayan language is: “I now merge in the pre dawn of your presence.”

It has been demonstrated that the great hierophant Jesus learned the Naga and Mayan in Oriental Tibet.

In the sacred Lhasa monastery in Tibet, there  is a book  that  textually  says:  “Jesus  became the most proficient master ever on earth.”

A wise writer has said:

It has been historically established that the science-religion  Christ learned in Egypt, India and Tibet was Maya.

A profound Maya occultism existed and Christ undoubtedly knew it; he elected his (Mayan) symbols as a base for his ideas of fertilising love. It cannot be supposed a coincidence that he chose the Mayan cross, the Trinity, the twelve apostles, and many other symbols to be the foundation of the great religious and scientific significance of his preachings.

Ostensibly, the Atlantean Mayas brought their religion to Mesoamerica. They colonized Tibet, Babylonia, Greece, India, and so on. The great kabir Jesus’ ritualistic language was Mayan.

This can only be acceptably explained by means of the common Atlantean roots of the American and Mediterranean- Semite peoples.

The Anahuac tribes, as well as other Amerind tribes, came from Atlantis, and never from the North as learned ignoramuses usually suppose.

Those rustic people emphasize the idea that Amerind tribes came from the Asian continent, through the famous Bering Strait. They are absolutely mistaken because neither in Alaska nor in the cited strait is there the smallest remnants of human activity.

Samael Aun Weor

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