The Ors Solar System in which we live is essentially a great molecule, which develops and unfolds within that vibrant organism, that spiral we call the Milky Way.
The various scientific conceptions about atoms are only provisional.
The splitting of the atom in no way signifies absolute knowledge about the structure of the atom or about the complete inner mechanism of molecules, sub-atomic particles, and electrons.
The Saturnine conception of atomic structure is very empirical; all scientific or supra-scientific opinion becomes too relative and unstable.
We who are Gnostics emphatically affirm that, in addition to protons, electrons, neutrons, etc., there exist many other particles not yet known to conventional science.
Within the atomic nucleus, there is a formidable structure still totally unknown to conventional science. Scientists have indeed split the atom and liberated nuclear energy, but actually, they do not know anything about the intra-corpuscular structure of the electron.
In the light of the new culture initiated in the world by the Gnostic Movement, we may consider the electron as a primordial crystallization of that which the Hindus call Akasha, the raw material of the Great Work, the unique substance from which come, through linked crystallizations, all multiple substances or the various elements of nature.
Every atom and every electron has its origin in the living womb of the pure Akasha, the primordial substance, the Mulaprakiti of the Hindus, the Chaos, the universal seminal waters of Genesis, the eternal feminine symbolized by all feminine deities of ancient religions (The Great Mother, Isis, Isoberta, Rhea, Cybele, Vesta, Mary, Tonantzin, etc.)
This primordial substance, the Akasha, this raw material of the Great Work, is without doubt the Divine Mother, Isis, the adorable virgin of all ancient religions, always full of grace.
The Father, the First Logos, deposited in Her all the essence of His wisdom; the Son, the Second Logos, deposited in Her all the essence of His love; the Holy Spirit, the Third Logos, deposited in Her all the essence of His igneous power.
Actually, there exists only one basic substance in the universe, which, when crystallized, is called matter. When not crystallized, when in its fundamental state, it is called the Universal Spirit of Life.
She begins Her process of condensation or crystallization when the Third Logos, by means of the sexual marriage of the Word, fecundates Her with the flaming fire. She remains in Her insipid, unsubstantial, and inodorous state during the cosmic night, during the great Pralaya, when the universe, which has existed, ceases to exist.
After the fire has fertilized Her, the Cosmic Christ the Second Logos, penetrates Her belly, the great belly, and is born of Her and in Her in order to be crucified in the worlds. This is why she is always represented with a child in Her arms, as Isis with the child Horns in Her arms or as Mary with Her Golden Child in Her arms.
In the fertile belly of the Great Mother, under the impulse of the Third Logos, many force fields are created in which the waves of what we call pre-matter condense into corpuscles.
Modem scientists have no precise knowledge about the mystery of the atomic nucleus, which they think is composed of protons and neutrons; they know nothing about the nuclear forces.
All planetary material is scientifically formed by marvelous atoms. Undoubtedly, these are the smallest particles of the elements. Every atom is a true universe in miniature; every atom is a trio of matter, energy, and consciousness.
The atom consists of a nucleus, or radiant sun, which has a positive electrical charge, and around which infinitesimal planetary electrons, negatively charged and dancing happily, revolve. The atomic nucleus and the electron are similar in all substances. The elements differ only in the number of electrons governed by the nucleus and by the corresponding variation of its charge.
The atom is a complete miniature solar system. What the sun is to the solar system and what the fertilized egg is to the human body is exactly what the atomic nucleus is with respect to the whole atomic universe.
It is said that the diameter of the atomic nucleus is approximately a tenth of a thousandth of the whole atom. And just as the diameter of, so an electron of the atom may be one tenth of the diameter of its nucleus, and in their own scale, they are revolving in an immensity of space as gigantic and profound as that comprised by the planet Earth and all the planets of the Ors Solar System.
Nature has many elements, which are now cataloged from one to ninety-six according to the number of electrons. Hydrogen with one electron has the atomic number one; helium has two electrons and has the atomic number two, etc.
Indeed, only the elements developed in the belly of the Great Mother become different crystallizations of the primordial substance; this has two exceptions.
In nature, there are seven fundamental categories of density among the various elements. Each element is attracted sexually by one that possesses the complementary number of electrons; for example, sodium, with one surplus electron, is attracted sexually to chlorine, which lacks one, and together they form salt.
Here we have sex … the male and female of the elements of nature uniting sexually. The positive metal is irresistibly drawn to combine sexually with the negative non-metal in exact proportion to its opposite. This is an extraordinary Platonic parallel to the search by twin souls for their complementary half, after being separated at the dawn of creation.
The active element in the Christ-Sun is an infinite quantity of hydrogen, whose atom possesses only one electron revolving around its nucleus. The hydrogen atom is on the border between matter in a molecular state and matter in an electronic state. The next increasingly subtle state of hydrogen corresponds to free electrons, light, magnetic waves, and the spiritual state.
In order to create an atom of helium and two rays of the sun, it is necessary to consume four hydrogen atoms.
The sexual energy of the Third Logos flows pervasively from the center of every atom, galaxy, and solar system, uniting opposite poles to produce new creations.
Hydrogen atoms and carbon atoms complement each other to initiate the development of light. The masculine hydrogen atoms with only one electron bombard the feminine carbon atoms with six electrons, creating nitrogen atoms with seven electrons.
The nitrogen atoms and new hydrogen atoms unite sexually and are transformed into light oxygen atoms. When there is abundance of light oxygen atoms, a free electron escapes and with it, a certain quantity of radiant energy.
Afterwards, the resulting heavy nitrogen atom is bombarded sexually once again by hydrogen. This time, however, the results differ. The hydrogen atom captures a nitrogen electron to form a helium atom with two electrons. The nitrogen atom of seven electrons is reduced to a carbon atom with six electrons. This is the situation with which we began because the end is the same as the beginning, plus the experience of the cycle. This is the law.
In this way, the sexual cycle of carbon ends. The solar light is sexually created in the Ninth Sphere (sex). The great solar light is the chemical and mathematical result of the various sexual-atomic processes of carbon.
The hydrogen atoms constitute a bridge between the Universal Spirit of Life and matter of various densities. The combination of hydrogen atoms with atoms of various substances already existing on earth gives rise to all known forms of life.
The splitting of the atom and nuclear explosions free submerged abysmal matter as nwell as new and terribly malicious atomic elements: neptunium (93), plutonium (94), americium (95), and curium (96). These terribly malicious infernal substances escape from the abyss when there are atomic explosions and they attract certain frightful and monstrous psychological characteristics to the earth’s surface and to the minds of people.
The splitting of the atom is a blasphemy, a scientific madness that not only brings physical damage to this afflicted world, but also psychic and mental monstrosities, horrible abominations of an infernal type. If human beings would study solar energy and learn to use it intelligently, liquid fuel would be eliminated and the conquest of space would be possible, given the right conduct of humanity.
A place reached by a ray of light is a place that can be reached by man. Solar energy is millions of times more powerful than atomic energy. The great molecule, the Ors Solar System, functions marvelously, thanks to the great power of solar energy.
Samael Aun Weor