Mexico Tenochtitlan
Tenochtitlan can be explained in a clear and simple way, free of any elaboration: “Site of the...
Tenochtitlan can be explained in a clear and simple way, free of any elaboration: “Site of the...
Andrew, the hermit and humble fisherman, served the Christus John, when he became a disciple of the great...
The true meaning of the Dragon (Lucifer), the serpent, the goat and all the symbols of the...
In the Borgia Codex, there is a representation of Atlanteotl carrying the celestial vault on his shoulders,...
Aztlan, or Avallon, the mysterious magnetic mount, is the rare dwelling of the Children of the Dusk,...
Student- It is said that you are the Avatar of the New Age of Aquarius, we’d like...
We want to emphasize at the beginning of this chapter, the following postulate: Physics will remain stationary...
The true Lucifer of the archaic doctrine is contrary to what the theologians Des Mousseaux and Marquis...
What is essential within us is to attain the crystallization of the soul. Yet, what is that which...