In dealing with transcendental metaphysical experiments, it would not be irrelevant to assert solemnly...
In dealing with transcendental metaphysical experiments, it would not be irrelevant to assert solemnly...
Magical, esoteric procreation without seminal ejaculation, the ideoplastic impregnation of a fetus, must be...
Waldemar says: “The so-called ‘shock in pregnancy’ in women is so well known to...
Without question, every twenty-eight days the ovaries release an egg that is drawn into...
Speaking clearly and in plain language, we can and must state that three human...
The Bhagavad-Gita, the holy book of Lord Krishna, says the following: “The Being is...
In sublime and ineffable ecstasy Goethe proclaimed his Divine Mother Kundalini to be the...
An awakened monk called Tien Jan went to visit the Venerable Master Hui Chang....
Reality (Li in Chinese) can be seen in a sudden way, but matter (Shih...