
He who possesses the Bodhicitta within himself will be able to submerge to the bottom of the oceans without receiving any harm, and visit the Temples of the Serpent.

In the East there is a plant called “SALUTANA”, which heals any wound, no matter how serious it may be; such are the wounds of the Soul: only Bodhicitta can heal such wounds.

In the East there is a plant called “GOOD MEMORY”; Whoever takes it can remember all the events of his current life and his previous lives; This is also the Bodhicitta: In a similar way, whoever possesses it will be able to remember all his previous lives, and if he visits the Ineffable Heavens, upon returning to the Physical World, upon re-entering his body, he will not forget any detail. .

In the East there is a plant through which it is possible to counteract the magical, evil spells of the dark ones. Similarly, whoever possesses Bodhicitta will not be able to receive any harm from the dark ones…

In the East there is a plant through which it is possible to become invisible; Whoever possesses the Bodhicitta will be able to make himself invisible in case of need, in the face of his worst enemies…

Just as a fisherman there can throw himself into the bottom of the seas among the sharks, and defend himself without receiving any harm, so is the Bodhicitta: Whoever possesses it, similarly, will be able to enter the bottom of the oceans, among the most powerful beasts. fierce without receiving any damage…

Samael Aun Weor

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