The electronic World is the Solar World of Light, the world of the Spirit. Those who have...
The electronic World is the Solar World of Light, the world of the Spirit. Those who have...
The Legend of Zoroaster says “all those whose good works outweigh their sins, go to Heaven; those...
The return of the human Essence begins with conception. The trio that starts our life : conception,...
The four circles and the Avitchi Our solar system is a complete body with four complete circles....
The Tibetan Book of the Dead says : You have been unconscious for the last three and...
Contemporary positivist philosophy is based on the existence of matter (materialism) and energy. There have been many...
The ghosts of the dead live in the fifth dimension; this is ETERNITY. Length, width, and depth...
In the human organism there is a thermo-electrical magnetic body. This is the vital body. This body...
Two things go to the grave. The first is the physical body, and the second is the...