Nothing can be achieved without Holiness. Crime also hides amongst the incense of prayer.All spiritual schools are...
Nothing can be achieved without Holiness. Crime also hides amongst the incense of prayer.All spiritual schools are...
I have known men who used to perform miracles and wonders; most of these men were illiterate....
We must be simple in order to be wise. We must put an end to any kind...
When the Father unites himself with the Mother, the Son is born. The very beloved Father; the...
Gnostics should always have a garden at home. We must always cultivate our garden. Flowers remind us of the ineffable joy of the Halls of NIRVANA. Samael Aun Weor
Music comes from the Higher Worlds. Music has the power to awake the consciousness in the Higher Worlds. Music is GOD’s verb. It is...
The woman is the Creator’s most beautiful thought, made flesh. The woman is the door of EDEN....
When the magician immerses himself in Meditation, he is looking for information. Meditation is a Scientific system to receive inner information....
We Gnostics are only interested in the awakening of the consciousness. We advocate then aristocracy of the Spirit and the awakening of the consciousness. There is only a Great SOUL. That...