Author’s Preface
Adorable and Immortal Beings, Greetings and Blessings. There are two types of Kabbalists: Intellectual and Intuitive. The Intellectual Kabbalists are Black...
Adorable and Immortal Beings, Greetings and Blessings. There are two types of Kabbalists: Intellectual and Intuitive. The Intellectual Kabbalists are Black...
Let us now study Arcanum 22 of the Kabalah. This arcanum is the CROWN OF LIFE, Revelations...
Let us now study Arcanum 21 of the Tarot. The Hieroglyphic of this Arcanum is THE LUNATIC....
Let us now concentrate profoundly on the study of Arcanum 20 of the Tarot. The Hieroglyphic of...
Let us now study ARCANUM NINETEEN OF THE TAROT. The Hieroglyphic is a radiant Sun and two...
Now, let us study the eighteenth ARCANUM of Kabalah. This is the Arcanum of twilight. It becomes...
This is the seventeenth Arcanum of the Tarot. The hieroglyphic of this Arcanum is the radiant Star...
Now let’s study the sixteenth Arcanum of the Tarot. This is the Arcanum of the FULMINATED TOWER....
Let us go now to study Arcanum Fifteen of the Tarot. We are going to study the...