Pistis Sophia – Chapter 46
The repentance of Sophia is not yet accepted she is mocked by the Aeons Jesus continued again...
The repentance of Sophia is not yet accepted she is mocked by the Aeons Jesus continued again...
It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that he...
Philip is commended and continueth writing. It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Philip speak...
Mary interpreteth the words of Jesus concerning the three witnesses When then Jesus had said this, he...
When then Jesus had spoken these words unto his disciples, he said unto them “Who hath ears...
Jesus commendeth John It came to pass then, when John had finished speaking these words to Jesus...
John asketh and receiveth permission to speak It came to pass while Jesus spoke these words unto...
It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Martha speak these words, that he said unto...
And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, saying: “This...