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Swami X said the following in one of his lessons:

“Unmarried people can unite spiritually within themselves the natural creative force of the soul by learning the correct method of meditation and its application to the physical life. Such people do not have to pass through the material experience of matrimony. They can learn to marry their feminine impulse with the masculine of their internal soul.”

If our beloved Gnostic disciples reflect on these words of Swami X, they will reach the conclusion that they are manifestly absurd. This idea of marrying the feminine physical impulse with the masculine of the internal Soul is one hundred percent false. This type of utopian marriage is impossible because man has not yet incarnated the Soul. With whom then, is he going to marry his physical feminine impulse? The intellectual animal still does not have a Soul. Whoever desires to incarnate his Soul, whoever wants to be a man with Soul must have the bodies astral, mental and causal. The human being as he is still does not have these internal vehicles. The astral ghost, the mental ghost, and the causal ghost are only ghosts. The majority of occultists believe that these internal ghosts are the true vehicles, and they are very mistaken. We need to be born in the superior worlds and the question of being born is a sexual problem.

No human being is born of theory. Not even a simple microbe can be born of theories. No one is born through the nostrils, nor through the mouth. Every living being is born of sex. “As above so below”. If man is born of sex here in the physical world, it is logical that above, in the internal worlds, the process is analogous. Law is law and the law is fulfilled.

The Christ Astral is born as the body of flesh and blood is born. That is sexual. Only with Sexual Magic between husband arid wives can one give birth to that marvelous body. We can say the same of the Mental and the Causal. We need to engender those internal bodies and that is only possible with sexual contact because, as above so below arid, as below so above. No celibate can marry his feminine physical impulse with the masculine one of his internal Soul because no celibate can incarnate his Soul. To incarnate the Soul we must engender the internal bodies, and only through the sexual union of man and woman can they be engendered. No single man or any single woman can engender or conceive. The two poles are necessary to create. That is life.

It is necessary to engender the internal vehicles. It is necessary to be born in the superior worlds. Celibacy is an absolutely false path. We need the Perfect Matrimony.

After birth each vehicle needs its special nourishment. Only with its special nourishment does it develop and strengthen itself totally. The nourishment of these vehicles is based on the Hydrogen. In the physical organism different types of hydrogen are produced with which the different internal bodies of man are nourished.


Physical Body. This is governed by 48 Laws. Its basic nourishment is Hydrogen 48. Astral Body. This vehicle is subject to 24 Laws. Its basic nourishment is Hydrogen 24. Mental Body. This vehicle is subject to 12 Laws. Its basic nourishment is Hydrogen 12. Causal Body. This vehicle is governed by 6 laws. Its basic nourishment is Hydrogen 6.

Every substance is transformed into a specific type of hydrogen. Thus, just as the substances and life forms are infinite, so also the hydrogen is infinite. The internal bodies have their special Hydrogen and they are nourished with these.

Swami X was only a monk. We have been told that soon this good monk will reincarnate, in order to marry and achieve profound self- realization. He is a fine disciple of the White Lodge. In the superior Worlds he thought himself to be realized. In the temple he was greatly surprised when we had to make known to him his mistake. Really, this good monk had not yet engendered his Christic bodies; he needs to engender them. This is a sexual problem. These marvelous internal bodies can only be engendered with Sexual Magic.

We advise our critics that we are not speaking against Swami X. His exercises are marvelous and very useful, but we wish to make it clear that nobody can achieve profound self–realization with the “bellows” system.

There are very many schools. All of them are necessary. All of them serve to help the human being, but it is good to warn that no theory can engender the internal bodies. We have never seen anyone born from any theory. The first human being born of theory is unknown to us.

There are many very respectable and venerable schools. These institutions have their courses of instruction and their degrees. Some of these also have rituals of initiation, but in the superior worlds the degrees and initiations from these schools are of no use. The Masters of the White Lodge are not interested in the degrees and the hierarchies of the physical world. They are only interested in Kundalini. They examine and measure the spinal column. If the candidate has not raised the Serpent, he is for them an ordinary person like any other, although he may occupy some high position in the physical world, or be a venerable person or some supreme hierarch in his school or lodge. If the Kundalini has arisen three vertebrae, he is considered by the Masters to be an Initiate of the third degree; and if only one vertebra, an Initiate of the first degree.

Thus, the Masters are only interested in Kundalini.

Really those who abandon everything to work in their cavern with their Eagle and their Serpent are very few. This is something for heroes, and the present humanity does not abandon its lodges and schools to remain alone with its Eagle and its Serpent. The students of all the organizations are not even loyal to their schools. They live, flitting from lodge to lodge, from school to school and thus they say they wish to achieve profound realization.

The practices of Yogananda, Vivekananda, Ramacharaka etc., etc., are admirable.

We feel infinite pain when we watch these capricious brethren. Many of them practice marvelous exercises. Certainly there are many good practices in all schools. The practices of Yogananda, Vivekananda, Ramacharaka etc., etc., are admirable. Students practice them with very good intentions. There are very sincere students. We value greatly all these students and all these schools. However, we feel great and irremediable pain for they who, with such yearning seek their final liberation. We know that they must engender their internal bodies. We know that they must practice Sexual Magic. We know that only thus, with Sexual Magic will they awaken the Sacred Fire and engender their internal vehicles to incarnate their Soul. We know this through our own experience. Nevertheless, what can we do to convince them? We, the Brothers suffer greatly, and without remedy. In the past Earth-Moon, millions of human beings evolved, and of all those millions only a few hundred elevated themselves to the Angelic State. The great majority of human beings were lost. The great majority were submerged in the abyss. Many are called and few are chosen. If we observe nature we can see that not all seeds germinate. Millions of seeds are lost, and millions of creatures perish daily. A sad truth it is, but it is the truth.

Every celibate is a sure candidate for the abyss and the second death. Only those who have elevated themselves to the state of the Super man can give themselves the luxury of enjoying the delights of love without sexual contact. We penetrate then, the amphitheater of cosmic science. Nobody can attain the incarnation of the Superman in himself without Sexual Magic and the Perfect Matrimony.

Samael Aun Weor

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