We have concluded this book and I have the satisfaction of having demonstrated to the world, that the dialectical materialism of Karl Marx does not resist an in-depth analysis; it’s pure cheap sophistry, garbage, filth, mud.
Latin America must demonstrate to the fanatics of Marxism-Leninism that a better world can be made without revolutions of blood and liquor or coups d’etat, nor Castroism, nor communist dictatorships.
In this book we have pointed the way to social transformation. We are left with the satisfaction of having given humanity a new social doctrine.
We believe that still DEMOCRACY DOES NOT EXIST. We believe that we can create DEMOCRACY.
We believe that DEMOCRACY can make a better world.
We believe that well-understood Christian Socialism is legitimate democracy. We believe in the Social Christ.
We believe that the economic situation of the people can be improved, without the need to assassinate priests, violate nuns, kidnap children and torture the people.
We believe that a better world can be made without the need to suppress individual initiative.
We believe that new generations can be educated in a free way, without having to give their children to the state, without the need for dialectical materialism, without stupid atheism, without slavery.
We believe that we can improve the economic situation of the people, without losing our sacred freedom.
We believe that we can live better by conserving the sacred rights of man. Religious freedom, political freedom, scientific freedom, freedom of expression, artistic freedom, philosophical freedom, freedom of life, freedom to work, free initiative, free way of thinking, free way of living, free way of feeling, loving and existing.
We believe that we can live better without the need to persecute anyone, without the need to hate anyone, without the need to shoot anyone.
We believe that only based on CREATIVE COMPREHENSION can we begin social reform in the world.
We believe that the cradle of the new age is in Latin America.
We believe that from negotiations and creative intelligence and an elevated sense of cooperation, we can transform the world.
We believe that only by dissolving the ego, will we end the wars.
We firmly believe that Marxism-Leninism is conservative and reactionary.
We believe that the positivist philosophy is anti-revolutionary and what is worse, horribly reactionary.
We believe that the Marxist dialectic is outdated for the new age. We believe that only the religious man is truly revolutionary.
We believe that a confederation of the religions could end the economic problem of the peoples.
We believe that in Latin America communism can never take root, because Latin America is totally religious.
We believe that Latin America needs a new political doctrine that is superior to capitalism, which does not have the defects of capitalism; a new political doctrine that is superior to communism, which does not have the defects of communism.
We believe that the Social Christ, Christian Socialism, is the new doctrine of Latin America. With this doctrine the Latin American countries will reform themselves and then reform the world.
We believe that Latin America is in these moments of global crisis, totally disoriented, watching the bulls from the fence.
We believe that Latin America needs its own doctrine and this is the Social Christ.
We believe that Latin America does not take communion with the capitalist or communist powers.
We believe that Latin Americans have their own psychological idiosyncrasy, different from that of the great powers that fight for world dominance.
We believe that the Latin American can only be guided by his own doctrine, the Social Christ. We believe in the Christian Republic of Work.
We firmly believe that between all of us we can build the Christian Republic of Work.
After many sacrifices we have concluded this book and we only have the satisfaction of the effort accomplished in favour of the suffering humanity.
Inverential Peace
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