
We have finished this work. Here you have, beloved reader, a book worth gold. This is the Book of the Great Mysteries. Never in the history of the centuries has any Master dared to publicly give away the terrible secrets contained in this book. Here you have, beloved brothers, a book with which you can transform yourself into a terribly Divine God.

Study this book, dear reader. Practice with the Great Arcanum. Do not waste time theorizing. The opium of theories is more bitter than death.

Remember, beloved disciple, that we, the Elder Brothers of the Great White Lodge, want to help you. Work intensely on the Great Work.

You can awaken the serpentine fire with the keys given in this book. With the sacred fire, you can make the chakras rotate. You can learn to enter the internal worlds at will with the treasures that we give you in this book.

Here you have, beloved reader, the Elixir of Long Life. The frighteningly divine science that horrifies the profane.

In this book we have given you the thirteen secrets of the Resurrection. With this mysterious science you will have the power to conquer death.

Here you have the key to mystery 13. Now, beloved reader, now it all depends on you. You can rise from the dead, and stay alive for millions of years.

If you want to succeed, have willpower, do not let yourself be led off the royal path. Remember that there are currently dark personages with sparkling intellectualisms, who fight against the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement. Remain alert and vigilant like a watchman in times of war.

Our greatest desire, brother of my soul, is to serve you, to help you, to lead you by the hand along the narrow, tight and difficult path that leads to the light.

Study this book. Meditate, pray and work with the GREAT ARCANUM. Our motto is THELEMA.


Your own being.

Samael Aun Weor

Chapter 5 – Conclusion


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