Esteemed audience, distinguished gentlemen, honorable ladies, let us talk a little about the continuous movement
Every now and again the intellectual rascals concern themselves with continuous movement and it is clear that the public opinion is intensely stirred up.
There have always been attempts to invent some mechanism that functions perpetually, but this is not possible due to the inevitable wear and tear of materials.
It is clear that if the pieces of any machine are worn out, continuous movement disappears.
Some persons, trying to discover the law of continuous movement, have ended up in an asylum.
One cannot help but laugh when contemplating so many likable artifacts, which have not yielded any results.
What ingenious mechanisms have not yet been invented by intellectual rascals? However, the problem continues without a solution.
Frankly, we have already discovered the law of continuous movement in the marvelous cylinder of the Archangel Hariton; it is said that its principal part is made of amber with platinum axes while the interior panels of the walls are made of “amphrocite,” “copper,” and “ivory” and of a very strong “cement” resistant to cold, heat and water and also to radiations of the concentrations of the cosmos.
In our way of seeing and understanding things, it is obvious that as long as external levers such as toothed wheels have to be renewed from time to time, although they are made of stronger metal, prolonged use will wear them away.
We are talking unquestionably about the wheel of Samsara, which rotates eternally.
All of us, without any exceptions, have rotated many times with this great wheel and if the continuous movement is not interrupted, it is due exclusively to the infinite quantity of dispensable elements.

Let us think for a moment on the axis of this great wheel, that which is said to be of platinum; it could also be affirmed in an emphatic manner that it is made of silver.
Anyone knows that silver or platinum are of a lunar nature; it is obvious that the axis of the fatal wheel could not be of another material.
In regards to amber, it is clear that it is found diluted in everything created; we should not forget that the latter completely unified the three universal forces.
It is extraordinary that the three primary forces of creation, although each is working independently and apart from the other, remain unified thanks to that magnificent substance called “amber.”
Each of us has not only passed through the windmill many times but also through each of the teeth of the windmill.
With this saying, I want to emphasize the news that we incessantly rotated through successive eternities on the wheel of the Archangel Hariton, that is, on the extraordinary wheel of Samsara.
The dispensable material is the egos that descend on the tragic wheel; they disintegrate in the Avernus.
On the right, Anubis always ascends evolving, and on the left involuting Typhon descends.
We have repeated in all these talks, to satiation, that each of you is assigned 108 existences. It is clear that once the cycle of successive lives is ended, if we have not achieved the inner self-realization of our Being, we rotate on the wheel of the Archangel Hariton, descending within the submerged mineral kingdom.
With this, we want to talk very clearly and say: One evolves up to a perfectly defined point through nature and then one involutes.
We ascend evolving on the right side of the wheel and descend involuting on the left side of the same wheel.
The evolving ascent begins, properly said, from the mineral kingdom.
Any esoterist investigator with awake consciousness can verify the crude reality of evolving creatures of the superior mineral kingdom (to differentiate them from the submerged inferior one).
Many times, moving outside of my physical body with the Eidolon, I have opened rocks or stone fragments, to study these multiple creatures that inhabit the superior mineral kingdom.
I can tell you without fear of exaggerating, that such innocent creatures are beyond good and evil.
On a certain occasion when I opened a rock fragment, I could see many ladies and gentlemen elegantly dressed, that were at the most, 5 to 10 centimeters tall. There is no doubt that these small mineral elementals are pleased to disguise themselves with the garb of humanoids.
Traveling in an automobile, on the different roads of Mexico, I have seen with mystical surprise, certain superior elementals of the rocks, who have warned me about dangers or have advised me to be careful on the road…
This second type of mineral elements are unquestionably more advanced than the first type and take on a very similar shape to that of an intellectual humanoid, although they use apparel that is the color of the rocks that they inhabit.
The third type of mineral elemental which is more advanced are those that are known with the names of gnomes or pygmies; these types of creatures appear as true dwarfs with long white beards and white hair.
There is no doubt that the last type knows, in depth, the alchemy of the metals and cooperate in this work of nature.
Obviously, we are talking about more advanced creatures and many texts of occultism talk about them clearly.
It is enough to remember for a moment the elementals of Franz Hartmann, who mentions these creatures.
There is no doubt that the advanced mineral elementals enter the vegetable kingdom.
Each plant is the physical body of a vegetable elemental.
Each tree, each herb, as insignificant as it might be, possesses its particular elemental.
I do not want to say with this that the elementals of the plants, trees, and flowers, etc., are stuck at all hours within their immobile body. This would be absurd and also unjust.
The vegetable elementals have full liberty to enter and leave their bodies at will; one is surprised when one meets them in the fourth coordinate, in the fourth vertical.
Normally the elemental creatures of the vegetable kingdom are found classified in the form of families
One is the family of the oranges, another is the mint family, another is the pine family.
Each family has its own temple in Eden, in the fourth dimension.
Many times dressed with the Eidolon, I have gone into those paradisiacal temples.
To cite something of the latter, I now want to refer to the sanctuary of the orange family. I found within the sanctuary of said vegetable family, many innocent children; the latter are found busy listening to the teachings that their Guru-Deva is imparting to them.
That instructor, dressed in garb similar to that of a bride, looked like an exquisitely spiritual, feminine beauty.
I have made similar visits to other vegetable temples, found in the promised land, in that land where the rivers of pure water emanate milk and honey.
The advanced elementals of the vegetable kingdom enter the diverse departments of the animal kingdom later on.
These creatures distributed in multiple for species, also have their guides and their temples located in the earthly paradise; that is, in the fourth coordinate as it is called by occultists: the etheric world.
On a certain occasion, being in meditation, I could clearly verify the intelligent meaning of the language of the birds.
I clearly remember a certain bird that, resting on the body of the tree, argued with another bird; the first one was very quiet when it was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of the second bird; the latter rested threateningly on the body of the tree, m many d on the first one.
I was alert, listening in meditation, to what was happening; I clearly remember the improper terms of the threatening bird: “You hurt my leg some days ago and I have to punish that error of yours.”
The threatened creature was apologizing, saying: “it is not my fault, leave me alone…” Unfortunately, the aggressor bird did not want to listen to reason and, pecking with force at his victim, incessantly reminded him of his hurt leg.
On another occasion, when I was also in profound interior meditation, I could hear the barking of two neighbor dogs; the first one was relating to the second one everything that was happening in his house, saying, “My master treats me very badly, they constantly hit me and the food is terrible; everybody, in general, insults me and I live a very unhappy life.” The second one answered with his barks, saying, “Everything is much better for me, they feed me well, and treat me well.”
People on the street came and went, hearing only the barks of the two dogs, but they did not understand the language of the flnims1s however, for me, such a language has always been very clear.

On a certain occasion, a neighbor dog warned me that a big failure awaited me if I carried out a certain trip towards the north of Mexico; the animal that I refer to, yelled, saying, “A failure, a failure, a failure.” and I did not want to pay attention.
Around that time, on arriving at a certain town, very close to the desert of Sonora, I told the driver of the vehicle in which we were traveling that it was indispensable to find a hotel since I was not in any way going to continue the trip that night.
However, that gentleman with asleep consciousness did not want to obey; then I warned him in the following manner: “You will be responsible for what will happen, you are warned; listen well, you are warned.”
Hours later, the car turned over in the desert and there were injured people, but no one died. Then I reminded the gentleman of the error that he had committed when he did not obey. There is no doubt that such a roan his transgression and asked for forgiveness, but everything was too late; the deed was done.
Unfortunately, this is how people with asleep consciousness are; this is how they wander around the world from the day they are born until they die.
What I am saying might seem a little strange to you since you do not notice in any way the difference, listening to the song of a bird; you would never understand his language and much less that of a dog.
You can only hear the sounds of nature, barks, whistles, songs, etc. and nothing else.
Something similar can happen to these animal creatures; when they listen to the human language, they only perceive a higher and lower volume in the voice, more or less sharp sounds, more or less low sounds, squeaks, creaks, growls, snoring, However, we understand each other, we have our earthly languages, etc.
The more advanced elemental creatures enter the kingdom of intellectual humanoids; there is no doubt that these three-brained or tri-centered bipeds are much more dangerous…
Everyone who enters the kingdom of the rational homunculi is assigned 108 existences, as we have already stated to satiety, but he who fails, he who does not achieve inner self-realization within the cycle of existences that are assigned to him, ceases to return or reincorporate in organisms of humanoids and precipitates himself, involuting within the entrails of the earth, in the infradimensions of nature.
Through our investigations of an esoteric type, we have been able to verify with complete clarity what the involutive processes are.
It is clear that it is up to us to undo what has been done and to descend the stairs upon which we had previously ascended.
After recapitulating past humanoid experiences in the Avernus, we should repeat animallike and vegetable-like states before the total fossilization and second death.
I remember a very interesting case. On a certain occasion, I warned a lady of the abyss with the following: “On the involutive path that you are on, you will have to disintegrate in the ninth sphere, become cosmic dust, this is the second death.” That lady answered me, “I do not ignore it, we know this and it is precisely what we want.”
The demon that accompanied her attacked me furiously with his infernal, psychic powers and I had to defend myself with the flaming sword.
Jahve has made of this entire wheel of SAMSARA, a mystique, a religion and his followers are faithful to him.
When one converses with Jahve, one can verify that this fallen angel possesses a sparkling intellectuality with which he can totally seduce anyone.
All the conversations with Jahve are begun by talking against the Cosmic Christ; this said demon is terribly perverse and mortally hates the Solar Logos.
Those who want inner self-realization with the purpose of avoiding the descent to the infernal worlds should enter the path of the revolution of consciousness; this means separating oneself from the wheel of Samsara and completely setting aside the laws of evolution and of involution.
Now we will clearly explain why the Cosmic Christ, on his way upon Earth, talked to us about the narrow door and the narrow and difficult path that leads to light.
The ego is never immortal, it has its beginning and its end; either we voluntarily annihilate it or nature takes care of disintegrating it in the Avernus.
We should choose; we face the dilemma of being or of non-being of philosophy and those who do not want to listen now will have to suffer the consequences later. The voluntary processes of the dissolution of the “I”, here and now, are very interesting.
At the beginning we should eliminate the weaknesses of the humanoid; then continue by dissolving or disintegrating all those animal or bestial a that we carry within and much later on, it is indispensable to work with the double-edged ax of the ancient mysteries to crush and reduce to dust the vegetable-like memories of all the lust and morbidities of the past.
Lastly, we have to work with the tools of the laborer, to crush the fossil or mineral-like states of the different yesterdays that sleep in the profound depth of the subconscious. With this, I want to say that what nature has to do to us in the abyss, we can do ourselves here and now, if we truly want to avoid infernal bitterness.
Question: Dear Master, when we intimately self realize ourselves and we separate ourselves from the wheel of Samsara, does this mean that we cease being within the continuous movement?
Answer: I hear the question from the audience and I hasten to answer with great pleasure. Distinguished gentleman, it is urgent that you comprehend what the continuous movement of the wheel of Samsara is in everyone and each of its aspects.
Undoubtedly, the continuous movement does not only exist in the cylinder of the Angel Hariton, but it also exists in any cosmic cylinder.
Remember clearly that there exist cosmic days and nights; everything fluxes and refluxes comes and goes, rises and falls, grows and decreases.
In everything there is rhythm and the absolute abstract space is electric vibration and therefore, continuous movement
Frankly, I do not admit absolute immobility; what happens is that there exist multiple and infinite forms of continuous movement.
Question: Dear Master, you talk to us of three types of elementals and I want to ask if these exist in the wheel of Samsara, both in involution as well as evolution? Or are they exclusively of evolution?
Answer: Distinguished frater, observe in detail all the phenomena of nature and you will have the answer. Many believe that the apes, monkeys, orangutans, gorillas, etc. are of an evolving type; some even suppose that man came from a monkey, but such a concept collapses noisily when we observe the customs of these animal species. Place an ape in a laboratory and observe what happens.
Unquestionably the diverse ape families are involutions that descend from the intellectual humanoid.
The humanoid does not come from the ape; the truth is that the reverse is true; the apes are involuting, degenerating humanoids.

Let us now observe the family of pigs; in the times of Moses, the Israelites that ate the meat of this animal were decapitated.
It is clear that this type of elemental is found in a clearly involutive process.
Analogous states of involution can be discovered in plants and minerals.
Copper, for example, within the interior of the planetary organism in which we live, is the center of the specific gravity of all involutive and evolving forces.
If we apply the positive force of the universe to copper, we can then contemplate multiple marvelous evolving processes with the spatial sense.
If we apply the universal negative force to said metal, we will be able to perceive with integral clairvoyance, infinite evolving processes very similar to the ones of the multitudes that inhabits the entrails of the Earth.
If we apply the neutral force of copper the evolving process, as well as the involutive processes, remain in a static state.
The laws of evolution and of involution constitute the mechanical axis of all nature, the silver axis of the wheel of SAMSARA.
The laws of evolution and of involution work in a coordinated and harmonious in everything created.
Obviously the elementals of the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms evolve and involute in their own natural levels; we could never conceive the absurd idea that the elementals of nature, because of such and such a living species, can make the wheel turn in the reverse direction to return to the abyss through the door from which they came out.
I want all of you, ladies and gentlemen, to comprehend that in Tartarus one enters through a door and comes out through another door.
This means that among other things, that evolving Anubis will always climb on the right and that on the left, involuting Typhoon will perpetually descend.
The chakra of Samsara does not turn in the reverse direction. Is that understood?
Question: Venerable Master, there exists a belief among those who understand these laws, relating to certain species of animals and we would like an explanation only about the concrete case of crows, rats and other species that are more or less repugnant?
Answer: With great pleasure, I will answer this question from the audience; without a doubt, there are repugnant creatures of nature that attest to a marked involution.
The ancient Egyptians for example, hated rats and it is obvious that the latter are found in a state of frank involution; another case is the state of crows and the latter although they feed on death, because of the fact that they unfold in the Ray of Saturn, they possess certain marvelous powers that indicate evolution.
I have been able to evince what the faculties of the crow are. On a certain occasion, finding myself in a small town in Venezuela., in a certain house where a small boy was found seriously ill, I saw with surprise a group of very tranquil crows that had landed on the roof of such a house.
Those simple people then clarified the matter to me with the following: “This child will die.”
When I asked the reason for such a sentence, for an answer, they pointed at the black crows; I then understood.
The case did not have a remedy and the child really died. What most astonished me were the faculties of those elementals; they knew that the creature would die and landing on the roof of such a mansion, they awaited the supreme moment for the party…undoubtedly, the macabre supper never took place because the child was given a Christian burial; however, the birds arrived and the law was fulfilled.
Question: Dear Master, because of the aspects that you have very amply explained to us, this means that all those animal creatures such as cats, dogs, pigs, etc. have one day passed through human form and are found on the path towards disintegration. Is it possible that these same creatures are found on the path towards human form?
Answer: Distinguished brother, allow me to inform you that many elementals of nature passed through the infernal worlds. In other words, I clarify: after the second death every soul becomes an elemental of nature and begins its evolving process, as I have already said many times from the hard rook continuing through vegetable and animal states until it reaches the state of intellectual humanoid.
In the interim, the elementals of the distinct kingdoms evolve and involute, but they could not return to Avernus since they do not possess ego; only humanoids can enter Avernus because they have the ego in their interior, with this explanation the question remains clarified and the answer was given.
Question: Master, what relationship is there between the essence and the elementals?
Answer: It is good that the worthy audience that listens dearly understand that there certainly exists no difference between the essence and elementals.
It is clear that the essence is the same as the elemental and the elemental is the same as the essence.
When the ego is disintegrated in the infernal worlds we become elementals of nature
However, when the ego disintegrates here and now, through conscious work and voluntary sufferings, instead of becoming elementals we become Masters, that is what is important.
Question: Master, from what you have explained with respect to the elementals that they are beyond good and evil, and that therefore they are innocent, I am curious to know what happens if this innocence is lost?
Answer: Distinguished gentleman, and honorable audience that listen, I beg you to comprehend my words.
There are two types of innocence, that of the victorious and that of the failed ones.
The soul that escapes the Avernus after the second death to become an elemental of nature obviously is a failure even though it has reconquered its innocence.
The soul that disintegrates the ego in a voluntary and conscious manner here and now, reconquers its innocence in a victorious manner and becomes a Buddha.
There are two types of innocence, that of the victorious and that of the ones of the Archangel Hariton, who have never been human and who desire to reach the human state. There exist elementals that before being elementals lived as humanoids and involuted in the infernal words.
These are the two extremes, the two aspects of elementals: First, the elementals that begin, second, the elementals that repeat the elemental processes.
Question: Dear Master, I would like to know since we have the opportunity of your wisdom if you could explain if an elemental when it enters for the first time a human womb since it comes without ego if it is easier for it to at self-realization?
Answer: Honorable audience that listens to me tonight, it is urgent to know that the essence, the soul that comes from the three inferior kingdoms to the human womb, does not yet have the necessary and indispensable experience that is required to achieve the inner self-realization of the Being.
Normally, every essence that enters for the first time in a human organism commits many errors, forms ego, acquires karma and suffers the unspeakable afterward.
Only later can this soul, if it so desires, achieve self-realization.
However, I now repeat what I have already said in past talks not all souls achieve mastery; for this to happen a certain inner yearning is indispensable; and this is only possible when the Monad, that is, the immortal spark of the Spirit, proposes to truly work on its human soul.
It is clear that not all the Monads, Spirits or virginal sparks have an interest in mastery and since we have already said this in past lectures, it is not necessary to continue in clarifications on this aspect.
Question: Venerable Master, in any case, I consider that on voluntarily eliminating ego, we are really in a process of evolution because we have always understood that evolution means ascent, so I maintain that those who affirm that permanent evolution exists until one reaches total perfection are not mistaken. Do you have any objection to this concept?
Answer: I like the question that comes from the audience; obviously the question in itself has a completely reactionary basis. However, I hasten to answer it.
Do you perhaps think that the ego can evolve? Do you suppose that dissolving it is evolution? Any educated clairvoyant would be able to verify the involutive processes of the “I”, of the “me”, of the self.
It is surprising to verify how the ego precipitates itself on the involutive path, descending in the animal, vegetable and mineral levels when we tread the path of the revolution of consciousness.
Or is it that you think my friends, that with the dissolution of the ego, the essence will reinitiate its new evolving ascent adhering to the wheel of Samsara?
Or is that you think that the Being, the Spirit should live perpetually bottled up in the evolving processes of nature and of the cosmos?
We have never denied the laws of evolution and of involution; we only clarify them.
The evolving and involutive processes correspond exactly to the great wheel of SAMSARA. Such processes could not repeat themselves infinitely in the world of Spirit, because this would immediately mean, perpetual slavery.
Remember friends, that Jesus the Great Kabir never wanted to bottle himself up in the dogma of evolution.
That great Hierophant only talked to us of the path of the revolution of consciousness, of the strait, narrow and difficult path that leads us to light and that very few are the ones who find it.
When are you going to understand this? In what era? When are you going to resolve to enter the narrow door and the straight path? Or is it perhaps that you want to correct the plan of Jesus the Christ?
Those who dissolve the ego will achieve radical transformation and this is a total revolution.
Question: Master, it seems to be a concept of total injustice and contrary to the love with which the Great Architect of the Universe is identified, to admit that after having achieved the human state and developed the intellect to the elevated point where we find ourselves in, where the advances and the feats of modern scientists are marveled at, that we have to return to the state of horses, dogs, and pigs. How can this concept ever appear even to the mind of the rational and intelligent man? Frankly, I believe that this insults the eminent dignity of man in the image and likeness of God.
Answer: I see in the audience a gentleman who tries to correct the author of the doctrine of the transmigration of souls: the great Avatar Krishna, who lived 1,000 years before Christ.
The great Hindu Avatar never said that the chakra of Samsara turns in the reverse direction, that the wheel of the Archangel Hariton processes itself in the reverse, stopping its progress to turn counterclockwise.
Ladies and gentlemen, the wheel of the Arcane 10 of the Tarot always follow its course, it never turns back.
Any automobile can reverse, but the wheel of Samsara can never move in reverse.
The repetition of cycles according to the law of recurrence is different, and this we have verified in the days and nights of Brahma, with its ever incessant repetition, in the seasons of each year that repeat themselves, in the diverse cosmological eras that never stop repeating themselves, etc.
None of this is regression my friends; all of this moves in accordance with the wheel; all of this forms part of the continuous movement
However, it is necessary to understand that the law of recurrence is repeated in spirals sometimes higher, sometimes lower; the spiral is the curve of life.
If we have exhausted the diverse processes of the h obviously we should go up or down.
Some ascend and others fail into submerged involution.
Those who have dissolved ego ascend; those who have not, descend.
The victorious transform themselves into Buddhas, into Masters; the ones that fail, after the second death announced by our Lord the Christ, by John in the Apocalypse, are transformed into elementals of nature.
There do not exist regressions, but a continuity of cycles, or periods of cosmic manifestation.
We have already said in past talks that all these cycles or periods are counted and in this, there is no regression.
The wheel moves forward, it never turns back. It begins with cycle number one and ends with the three-thousandth cycle. The counting of cycles or periods of manifestation never marches in a reverse manner therefore, mathematics clearly demonstrates that the doctrine of transmigration of the souls is exact.
It would be serious ladies and gentlemen that the ego does not have a limit and that it continue eternally developing and unfolding. Think what this would mean; the evil of the world would never have a limit, it would extend victoriously throughout the infinite spaces and it would dominate all the seven cosmos.
In this case, there would be an injustice. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, fortunately, the great Architect of the Universe, cited by the gentleman that asked the question, has put a stop to evil.
Samael Aun Weor
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